What did you do to your firearm today.

Thanks for the offer!

- I first sight I thought the M60 was older than it actually is, being a 1995. the stock is great with the original Marlin stickers still on the forehand, but whomever had it let it sit in like a wood room or mud room or something. I cleaned a heck of a lot of fine lint or sawdust-like grime out of the guts (and its not the factory cuttings either) and got the bolt working smoothly. I may need to replace the extractor as it has noticeable rust-scale on the outside, but it just may be OK after I try it out next week. Trigger is OK, but has some flaking of the gold colored coating. Bolt racker has mid-level scaling but no big deal. At least the bore is super clean with no noticeable scars at all.

The barrel is heavy pitted all around the rollmarks so bad they are unreadable; not too deep, but a shame it was left to deteriorate like that. Going forward to the front sight is moderately pitted. Underneath side OK, as is the tube.

My wife has never gotten into the inside of a rifle (she's a revolver girl) so I'm having her do the detail clean as her time and patience permits....


You will be surprised how well the forgotten beaters clean up.

Few projects I been working on.
Used daisy 853 from CMP
Did the trigger mod and refinished the stock. 20160313_172037.jpg before
20160404_211723.jpg after. didn't really try to get the battle scares out just didn't like the yellow finish

The model 60 been playing with dye vs stain.
The crappy cell phone pics don't help much or the flash. Need to get some pics out side in nice light
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I've been busy...
Bought 6 extra mags for the Glock 34
Bought 2 new mags for the Trojan 9mm, as well as a short guide rod and plug to get rid of the one piece guide rod.
Bought 14 oz of Lubriplate sfl-0 grease
Got a shockbottle 100 round gauge in 9 mm
Ordered a GPS Tactical range backpack to move into.
Prepared for my showdown with Daredevil.


Not today but over the weekend I took my .308 Mossberg MVP to the range with the NEW Surefire Procomp brake. The thing is amazing. Felt like I was shooting a .223, it was so soft.
Not today but over the weekend I took my .308 Mossberg MVP to the range with the NEW Surefire Procomp brake. The thing is amazing. Felt like I was shooting a .223, it was so soft.
I want to like the mvps, but I'm just so worried about the mixed things I've heard.

On paper it's my perfect. 308.

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
I want to like the mvps, but I'm just so worried about the mixed things I've heard.

On paper it's my perfect. 308.

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

What are the things youve heard? Remember the .308s are different than the .223s

I LOVE mine! I had some issues when I first got it with the bolt cycling, but Mossberg was GREAT and got it ironed out, very fast.
I dont think it was really much louder than the A2 birdcage to be honest. As for the blast back, there wasnt much. I could shoot that thing all day it felt. The blast to the sides was more noticable but it wasnt really that bad IMO from watching others try my rifle. This is also just my range toy .308, hoping to stretch it a couple hundred yards soon.
I glass bedded the action on my model 60....not sure if it will really help but it doesn't flop around anymore.
I might pillar bed it also... there is a gap between the bottom of the receiver and the bottom of the stock.
There's not much for the M60 to bed into. It rest on a thin shelf inside the stock....
Now to see what can be done with the trigger. Message_1460600552739.jpg Message_1460605117454.jpg
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Noticed the mainspring housing pin on my DW PM9 was ready to fall out. I took it apart and realized I forgot to install the retaininer pin last time...
Finally took it out to the range! Had to pay for the lane, though. I'm still waiting for my MF&G membership to come in, but it was a good time anyway. Couple of hundred rounds, and rented a little .38spl to play with, too.
Zeroed in a few of my rifles and shotguns yesterday and quickly realized my new shotgun needs a Limbsaver! Picked one up a Cabela's today and I think it's going to be a very good addition.
Swapped the scope rings on my .308 from the crappy cheap BSA ones that keept loosening up to a set of Leupold ones. Rezeroed the scope with a Sightmark laserbore. Should be close once I hit the range again.
Did a little handgun shooting at BR&P in the morning then met a LE friend at MF&G to sight in 2 of my rifles and his issue AR with the newly issued Aimpoint H-1 (which is giving him problems, not staying on zero). I ended up Emailing him the Aimpoint QC/repair manager's contact info when I got home.

The scope I put on my AR is crap and will probably find its way to the "free for the taking" table at BR&P next time I'm there. It is a Tasco "World Class" scope and is anything but world class!! I just swapped a used Bushnell Sportview onto the mount for my AR. So I ended up shooting my AR with irons at 50 yds and I'm happy with the results.

The side mount for my SAR-1 is "interesting", as it has some play to the gun (nothing to adjust). Finally put some of the cardboard from a Wolf ammo box stuffed in there to take up the play and got decent results. [laugh]
Glass bedded the marlin model 60 stock I refinished....not a lot or area to bed on that thing...
Basically bedded the front recoil lug and the heel of the receiver.
Should help with the slop in the stock. Next I might try free floating the tube magazine. Fill the channel with silicon and remove the tube hanger from the barrel. This way the barrel truly free floats.
Have been paying attention to my handguns lately. New OEM grips for the Colt 10mm:


Came with the VZ's on and the original to the right. The VZ's look cool but feel like you are holding a cheese grater.
Slowly upgrading my 1990's 10/22 with Kidd components.

2.5# Single Stage trigger
Bolt (will install it tonight, just came in)
Charging handle w/springs
Trigger Housing Pins

To order
Kidd Vee block
Kidd Ultra light weight barrel
New stock (manufacturer undecided)

Hope to shoot it in the next few days
I headed out to the target range this morning and had a really good time. During a brief pause in the shooting a young hen turkey came boldly strolling through at the 10 yard mark. Everyone stopped what they were doing in amazement. One of the guys blurted out that the turkey shoot was scheduled for Sunday not today and everyone broke out in laughter. The hen just ignored us and kept on walking...
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