Thanks for the offer!
- I first sight I thought the M60 was older than it actually is, being a 1995. the stock is great with the original Marlin stickers still on the forehand, but whomever had it let it sit in like a wood room or mud room or something. I cleaned a heck of a lot of fine lint or sawdust-like grime out of the guts (and its not the factory cuttings either) and got the bolt working smoothly. I may need to replace the extractor as it has noticeable rust-scale on the outside, but it just may be OK after I try it out next week. Trigger is OK, but has some flaking of the gold colored coating. Bolt racker has mid-level scaling but no big deal. At least the bore is super clean with no noticeable scars at all.
The barrel is heavy pitted all around the rollmarks so bad they are unreadable; not too deep, but a shame it was left to deteriorate like that. Going forward to the front sight is moderately pitted. Underneath side OK, as is the tube.
My wife has never gotten into the inside of a rifle (she's a revolver girl) so I'm having her do the detail clean as her time and patience permits....
You will be surprised how well the forgotten beaters clean up.
Few projects I been working on.
Used daisy 853 from CMP
Did the trigger mod and refinished the stock.

The model 60 been playing with dye vs stain.

The crappy cell phone pics don't help much or the flash. Need to get some pics out side in nice light
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