What gun have you wanted for a long time but just won't spend the money on?

I do want a long range rifle set up, whatever the caliber of the day is, .416, .338, 50.

The problem is, not only are they expensive, there simply isn't anywhere I can shoot that gun. I can't really come up with any scenario where I'd actually need one. SHTF you won't be taking mile shots. You also wouldn't want to tell everyone within 3 miles where you are.
I see that new stainless steel Colt Pythons are starting to come down in street price... but now that they are almost becoming affordable for an old guy like me, I don't seem to be lusting so much for one any longer. 🤔 Funny how the mind works. 🫤 Can't afford = Must have. [thumbsup] Coming down into the semi-affordable price range = Yawn. 😕

Okay, part of it is Maura and Andrea and the MA legislature. Risky time to be expanding the "hoard"... even if it is just a revolver. :mad:
I do want a long range rifle set up, whatever the caliber of the day is, .416, .338, 50.

The problem is, not only are they expensive, there simply isn't anywhere I can shoot that gun. I can't really come up with any scenario where I'd actually need one. SHTF you won't be taking mile shots. You also wouldn't want to tell everyone within 3 miles where you are.
New mission: antimateriel

I'm here to help.
FN SCAR. As much as I'd love to take one home its just difficult to justify at the $3000+ price tag. Especially when AR10s are doing so well and cost roughly half as much.
I would like the first handgun that I bought after getting my carry permit in 1973. S&W Model 29 with 8 3/8 barrel. Will not accept the re-issue with the Hillary Hole.
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