Window stickers on your home or vehicle


Mar 24, 2009
Boston Area
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What is your opinion about a pro 2A sticker on your vehicle or front door to your home? Deterrent or magnet? I have a host of "protected by (fill in the blank)" and NRA stickers from gun purchases and memberships over the years and I always wrestled with putting them up.
According to some here, it would blow your “cover” and you would be the first shot in an armed robbery.
Many moons ago when I lived in Lynn, I went out one morning to find that every car on my street had been broken into. Except one. My truck. I couldn't figure it out until I noticed the S&W sticker on the back.
What is your opinion about a pro 2A sticker on your vehicle or front door to your home? Deterrent or magnet? I have a host of "protected by (fill in the blank)" and NRA stickers from gun purchases and memberships over the years and I always wrestled with putting them up.

Stickers are labels. Labels tell you something about the contents. Do you want to tell the general public about the potential contents of your home / car / person?

Personal choice...but before you slap a label on something out of pride, for your own sense of security or to "look cool" - think about who is going to see it and what 1,000,000 things that could mean to them...and to you.

Personal choice...
I would never put it on my vehicle but I did consider putting a small one on my front door of my home. I never have though so I guess I agree with the majority that it could potentially cause more harm than good.
I have two NRA stickers on my car. On my old van, which I used to park on the streets of Boston, I always left tons of crap in it overnight including electronics and stuff, in plain sight, and it never got broken into. That one had 3 NRA stickers and an S&W sticker.

Every car I own will have the NRA sticker emblazoned on each side.
I used to have stickers on my vehicle, but I realized that it may not be such a good idea. I've considered getting some type of magnet that looks like a sticker saying something like "moonbats for the spotted owl" or something to throw on my car during hunting season. I mention this to my friends, and have been told "that's stupid, anyone messes with my car I'll beat the snot out of them".

They don't understand that when someone decides to slash a hunter's tires, the hunter will be far in the woods. I'll take my odds of my stealth mobile over the highly decorated "I love to hunt" vehicle any day. Cowardly, sure - but I'll be the one driving home while you're getting 4 new tires.

Not to mention, when the NRA placarded car ISN'T in the driveway, that house is a potential candy store for a burglar.
I have a big NES AR15 on the rear window of my truck.
Along with a Sig, Glock, AR15 and other stickers.

No one tailgates.
Does it give away concealment? Not really unless someone thinks I'm concealing 4-5 handguns and an AR15 on me.
I wear my Club badge around my neck. One time I took it off and hung it around my Rear view mirrior after leaveing the range. Its says in large letters the name of the club on the badge and holder.

My friend A LEO gave me grief about it a few days later stating as an officer. Last thing he wants to see is stickers and decals that the person he just pulled over likely has a gun in the car.
I don't advertise anything on my car or home.
It has always been my practice to do the same. If a cop pulls a vehicle over and sees such a sticker, he/she would naturally ask the driver if there are any weapons in the vehicle. I have read reports of Canadian customs authorities performing extensive, and time consuming, searches of vehicles entering their country with NRA and other pro-gun stickers while vehicles without these stickers are allowed to enter without hassle.
I have stickers on the back window of my truck, the most predominant being my big FORD "Suckin Gas/ Haulin Ass", and Jack Daniels 07...

But you will also find these:
US Flag
Mass Laborers
Blue Line
Personal choice - I do not advertise.

Now if I am going to a show/shoot/club I will wear my RKBA hat or Pro-Gun shirts.
NRA sticker and an American Flag sticker on my bumper. I'm proud of both & don't give a damn who knows it.


My car has two stickers on it. One a small "NRA Life Member" decal. The other advocates the auditing of the Federal Reserve.

There is a second NRA Life Member sticker on a garage door window.

I also wear pro-2nd Amendment shirts often. I try to avoid wearing them to places like the range or a gun store. No sense speaking out when you are only speaking to those who already agree with you.

The time to speak up is when you think you are among some who disagree with you and some who may but are too afraid to speak up. Speak up in those places and maybe you'll find the silent masses, that you think would agree with you, are there ready to add their voice to yours.

I've found that I get the best comments when I am in places where I do not expect to meet people that agree with me. Great examples of comments:

1. The guy at the farmer's market, who I suspected might be a hippy, liked a shirt that stated "Americans clinging to Guns and Bible since 1776;" and
2. The guy who owns a burger stand who my wife thought looked like liberal, started to ask me questions about getting his permit and my range when I was wearing a shirt that said "If guns kill People, then pencils mispell words." My wife was trying to get me to change before I went to pick up lunch, and I was very glad I did not. I also wore this shirt in a University town in Spain and got a bunch of nasty looks.
My car had been sticker free until last fall, the election compelled me to put a NRA sticker and a McCain/Palin sticker on.
How bout an American Flag Sticker? Nothing else, keep it plain, don't advertise
Generally see those on foreign cars, though: the irony!

I even take most of the manufacturers badges off the car. On my WRX I mixed the letters and made it a "PriusX" for a while, just to puzzle people.

No NRA or GOAL stickers, no S&W or SIG stickers, not even the Subaru Rally Piggies.

In 2000 or 2001 I met the woman who had the MA license plate RKBA.
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NRA and "MA Terrorist Hunting Permit" sticker on mine (for the benefit of the hand wringing liberals).

I also have two "bolt logo" stickers on the side windows (as if anyone not in the know could ever figure it out).

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