Window stickers on your home or vehicle

NRA and "MA Terrorist Hunting Permit" sticker on mine (for the benefit of the hand wringing liberals).

I also have two "bolt logo" stickers on the side windows (as if anyone not in the know could ever figure it out).


I have that hat.
I would never put a sticker on the bumper of my truck. I'd use the back window instead:


A Gadsden flag and NES oval have joined the NRA, GOAL, AMA, RKBA, and HD stickers in the picture...
Nope. No stickers anywhere ever. It's the equivalent of passing intelligence to the enemy in wartime.

Could not disagree more.

I'd rather the wolves see me as a dog than one hiding as a sheep. If the wolves see me as a sheep, so do the other sheep that might become dogs.
It has always been my practice to do the same. If a cop pulls a vehicle over and sees such a sticker, he/she would naturally ask the driver if there are any weapons in the vehicle. I have read reports of Canadian customs authorities performing extensive, and time consuming, searches of vehicles entering their country with NRA and other pro-gun stickers while vehicles without these stickers are allowed to enter without hassle.

I've been pulled over a few times, by Boston PD, CBP... none of them ever blinked an eye.
How are you advertising what you have in your car??? I suppose if I regularly left thousands of dollars of guns in my unoccupied vehicle, I wouldn't have any stickers. But since I don't, I do.

I have NRA, Don't Tread on Me, Sig Sauer Academy, NES, and Molon Labe (from NES sticker set).

ETA: also, were I a criminal looking to steal/rob/jack and saw a car with an Obama sticker on it and another with a NRA sticker on it? I know which one I'd risk robbing and which one I'd avoid like the plague.
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my land lord put up NRA stickers on the front doors before I got there, I accented it with a GOAL sticker, and have a front sight sticker on my car. doesn't bother me.
NRA sticker and an American Flag sticker on my bumper. I'm proud of both & don't give a damn who knows it.

Amen brother, amen. Actually I have my NRA Life Member sticker and the unit patch of a friend of mine who died in Afghanistan, on my back window.

One summer I was visiting my son at his camp and some NYC lib parent got all foaming at the mouth over my NRA sticker. I laughed, he frothed some more.
I have "912", Gadsen Flag, American Flag, NRA, GOAL and S&W decals. I live in a real, honest to goodness obama-lovin, 2A-Hatin, D-bag town and I love flaunting my "extremist" views on the back of my loud-ass, big tired, hemi ram. I love looking in my rear view mirror at Dunkin Dognuts and seeing some progressive libtard in some foreign junk shakin his head at my stickers. I understand some peoples fear about advertising. I can absolutely see their point about wanting to be stealth. I don't think im cool having them on there, I just enjoy pissing liberals off. I had some really nasty anti obama decals during the "election", and never had a problem with vandals. I never leave firearms in my vehicle unattended and have a top quality safe that is bolted to the floor with angle iron. If they can get into it..they deserve the guns!! (not really). Take Care. Not that the people on this board need reminding..but.. Remember to thank a Veteran!!

Be American, Buy American
I have "912", Gadsen Flag, American Flag, NRA, GOAL and S&W decals. I live in a real, honest to goodness obama-lovin, 2A-Hatin, D-bag town and I love flaunting my "extremist" views on the back of my loud-ass, big tired, hemi ram. //
No, no, it's because you are driving a truck made in Mexico!
I have "912", Gadsen Flag, American Flag, NRA, GOAL and S&W decals. I live in a real, honest to goodness obama-lovin, 2A-Hatin, D-bag town and I love flaunting my "extremist" views on the back of my loud-ass, big tired, hemi ram. //
No, no, it's because you are driving a truck made by a German-owned company - in Mexico![smile]
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I have GOAL and NRA stickers on the back window of my truck.

My hopes are that maybe someone "on the fence" might be moved to ask a question, do a little research, go look up "GOAL" on the web, or something similar as a result of seeing the stickers, and maybe get into the mindset of protecting our freedom the old fashioned way.

If it only saves one child... from a life of political correctness and feeling the need for a wetnurse through adulthood, then it's worth it. [wink]
I do not have any decals on my car, like others have said I choose not to "advertise".

But I love it when I see those with PRO2A decals on their vehicles.
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The way I figure if someone sees and RKBA sticker on my truck they are like minded. If they see the NES sticker they'll think I'm some retro gamer. Or an actual NES member could spot it as well.
I have a subtle black and white oval sticker that says "Obama SUCKS" on my vehicle, right below a NRA sticker. My vehicle is a beater and I don't keep valuables in it very often.
I have an American flag sticker on the front door.
(I know, it's very subliminal)
I'm not broadcasting anything in this f'ed up sh!thole state.
At 45yo, and 145lbs, suprise is my best friend.
I have two stickers on the back window of my truck. One is the Eagle, Globe and Anchor.
The other says " France Sucks" just like the "Yankees Suck" sticker that you commonly see. I had it made special.

"I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I am all out of bubble gum"----- Roddy Piper
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