Window stickers on your home or vehicle

Do want AR sticker!

I am still not convinced one way or the other. If a bad guy without a gun sees your sticker will he leave ...... and come back later with a gun? On the other hand, if they know you intend to fight back, will they start the fight in the first place.

I do like garandman's idea of making it look like someone's already been there. Why not break a window as well. More convincing!
A friend of mine from NYC taught me a trick. When he parked in a dicey area, he would open the glove box, throw the contents on the front seat, and leave them there. Made it look like someone had already hit it. I had convertibles for several years and never got touched by doing this.

Good idea!
This is my favorite thread topic of all time! I think it goes like this:

1) NRA sticker or not?
2) Tell cop you're carrying or not?
3) 9mm vs. Bear

Hmm... though writing that, the 9mm vs. Bear seems to make me smile more, I think I'm wrong putting it at 3, I think it's 1.

Nevermind! [wink]
I never have been a fan of any stickers on my vehicles. I have a small "subdued" U.S. Flag sticker on each rear side window on my truck, and a small "HONDA" in black letters (big Honda dirt bike and ATV fan) on the limo-tinted back subtle you can only see it when you're a couple of feet away.

A few months ago I was passed by a truck that had a small Gadsden Flag sticker on the rear window. My spirit was immediately uplifted by this little reminder that there ARE people like us here in this state, and not just here on this website I frequent. I felt a sort of distant camaraderie with that person for a few seconds, and it felt nice. So I have since put a small one on the rear window of my own truck and SUV hoping to inspire the same feeling in someone else who notices it, maybe while sitting in miserable traffic some afternoon.
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I never have been a fan of any stickers on my vehicles. I have a small "subdued" U.S. Flag sticker on each rear side window on my truck, and a small "HONDA" in black letters (big Honda dirt bike and ATV fan) on the limo-tinted back subtle you can only see it when you're a couple of feet away.

A few months ago I was passed by a truck that had a small Gadsden Flag sticker on the rear window. My spirit was immediately uplifted by this little reminder that there ARE people like us here in this state, and not just here on this website I frequent. I felt a sort of distant camaraderie with that person for a few seconds, and it felt nice. So I have since put a small one on the rear window of my own truck and SUV hoping to inspire the same feeling in someone else who notices it, maybe while sitting in miserable traffic some afternoon.

I saw a woman with a Gadsden Flag sticker on her car this morning. [grin]
Most of my cars have been "Sleepers", a hunk of crap with more motor than should be allowed by the laws of physics. I find the less anyone expects the better my chances.

Stickers are cool for those that want to fly'em but me? "I'm a treetop flyer"J.B>

I don't worry about being a target for my enemies when I display my NES M4 on my rear window..........All the enemies worth worrying about already know what I have. The common variety of Liberal, Libertine, Socialist and Leech we have down this way are so spineless and walk the way of the Lemming, they're no real threat to anyone and can easily be shooed away.
Along w/ my NES M4 decal, I have an American Flag, 1st National, NRA sticker and my club decal. If my windows weren't tinted, I'd have my Gadsden flag on there, too. None of my stuff is left in the back and every cop in town knows me.......No problems.

One of those AR bolt face stickers would look good too.
I had a nra sticker on one of my cars. Until my brother got pulled over and harassed by a state trooper about having weapons in the car.
I took a chance and went against my lifelong instincts.

I placed a Scott Brown placard on my lawn.

The NEXT MORNING the sign was gone but the metal frame remained. The SOB didn't even have the courtesy to remove the frame...I had to take it to the landfill.

That absolutely reinforces my commitment to no signs or placards on property or vehicles as long as I live in MA.

I just don't need the hassle or potential vandalism.
I have all sorts of crap on my truck's rear window, including a big striped bass and an NRA sticker. Nothing on my house or car.
Sometimes I would get concerned about some road rage lunatic "recognizing" my truck but I got over it.
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