Window stickers on your home or vehicle

I have IDPA, NRA Life Member, and Ducks Unlimited stickers on the rear window of my truck. I really DGAF what anyone thinks about it. It has never been broken into in the nine years I have owned it.

I don't have any stickers on my home windows or doors.
I would never put a sticker on the bumper of my truck. I'd use the back window instead:


A Gadsden flag and NES oval have joined the NRA, GOAL, AMA, RKBA, and HD stickers in the picture...

How big is the spider living in the back? [rofl][smile]
I have stickers on my bumper, tailgate, back windows, and side windows. NRA, anti Obama, US Marines, Socialism Sucks the Blood of Freedom, Fuel the flames of freedom, a red sox ball in the window thing, Boris and Natasia, various harley things and a few others. I have an assortment of right wing stuff to decorate with. There is quite a bit of truck there and it looks so empty with just one or two stickers. I might be a little outspoken.

I also have a stuffed Elmer Fudd with a shotgun on my dash. Everyone needs a role model!
So you took the rainbow sticker off? [smile][wink]

Ever since you stopped coming around, sweetie.

How are you advertising what you have in your car???

Well, at least when I said I don't advertise anything, I didn't mean I'm afraid of somebody stealing something from me. I'm simply a private person who doesn't feel the need to advertise my interests to others.
I wear my Club badge around my neck. One time I took it off and hung it around my Rear view mirrior after leaveing the range. Its says in large letters the name of the club on the badge and holder.

My friend A LEO gave me grief about it a few days later stating as an officer. Last thing he wants to see is stickers and decals that the person he just pulled over likely has a gun in the car.

no offense, but that LEO needs to not be such a pussy. By his logic, a car with no stickers is obviously driven by someone who doesnt have a gun [rolleyes][rolleyes]
My front door has an American flag, I fly it every day; one has been flown at my house & my 'rents house since my brother enlisted in the Air Force in June 1966.
I have a NRA Life sticker on my auto side window, an American flag & a BPD baseball hat on the rear dash.
Well, at least when I said I don't advertise anything, I didn't mean I'm afraid of somebody stealing something from me. I'm simply a private person who doesn't feel the need to advertise my interests to others.

fair enough. I don't have a strong opinion on the topic one way or the other for OTHER people. Myself? It's important to me to set myself apart from the usual ASSUMPTIONS of others. Seriously. In my community, I would guess it's 85% Obama voters. The ASSUMPTION is you're a liberal and are for gun control, socialized medicine, etc. By simply having a "Don't Tread on Me" sticker on your car can and does start all kinds of conversations that I'm more than willing to have.

YMMV and I understand people wanting to fly below the radar, so to speak.
I have stickers for the NRA and GOAL on my car, as well as the Gadsden Flag, American Flag, and a Marine Corps sticker. I don't see it as much as advertising what I have, but statement of what I believe and who I support. If a moon bat still has the faded Kerry/Edwards stickers going around on his or her Prius, I'll gladly put up some NRA and Gadsden flag stickers of my own
No stickers, for me, on the house or vehicles.

I absolutely believe them to be magnets for attracting trouble to you, especially in MA.

I don't use political stickers or signs either.

I have no desire to encourage my car to be keyed, or my house to be broken into when I'm away.

Stealth is my friend. I share my interest in guns only with those I trust, and feel no need to risk vehicles or home with advertisements.
I have an American flag sticker on the front door.
(I know, it's very subliminal)
I'm not broadcasting anything in this f'ed up sh!thole state.
At 45yo, and 145lbs, suprise is my best friend.

No stickers, for me, on the house or vehicles.

I absolutely believe them to be magnets for attracting trouble to you, especially in MA.

I don't use political stickers or signs either.

I have no desire to encourage my car to be keyed, or my house to be broken into when I'm away.

Stealth is my friend. I share my interest in guns only with those I trust, and feel no need to risk vehicles or home with advertisements.

Exactly! (did you upset someone too?)
Having put 150,000 miles on The GOAL Foundation Caravan, I have received only 2 birds but hundreds of "thumbs up". This vehicle has suffered no vandelism of any kind. I have been pulled over once for speeding. After having some fun with me, the LEO said "Hello Jon, I'm a GOAL member, slow down a bit and have a nice day".
I know a NH resident who has a license plate that reads as "Gun Lover" and a bunch of gun company stickers on his bumper. Whenever he gets pulled over in MA (which apparently is often) the first thing asked/yelled is "DO YOU HAVE ANY GUNS!!!???!!!????".

I decided to have nothing on my bumper.
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I have one:
"Save Darfur, send rifles"
That's all the advertisement I care to do. Though it's funny, I was at a relative's graduation in June at Middlebury College and one of the local fruits/nuts/flakes granola types got really upset by it. Which of course, told me it's a great sticker.
Sticker-free, due both to aesthetics and the whole not drawing attention to oneself motivation. Heck, I drive a black Civic that's only got the Honda badge and no words on the rear end. I don't think it gets much more under the radar.

The one nod to self-advertising is pictured below. I wear it regularly and the women in my family have one each and make a point of wearing it when abroad. [smile]

The only thing i have on my car-its a Bruins plates...
I'm a fan-big fan

dangerous. what if the dude that's about to shoot up the parking lot is a Habs fan and sees that?? You'd be the first target. I'd get rid of it and fly safely below the radar!![wink]
Not a sticker guy. Closest I came to advertising affiliation with anything was asking the dealer who registered my car to get me a Sox/Jimmy Fund plate - course he F'ed it up and just got a regular one.[rolleyes]
Sticker-free, due both to aesthetics and the whole not drawing attention to oneself motivation. Heck, I drive a black Civic that's only got the Honda badge and no words on the rear end. I don't think it gets much more under the radar.

The one nod to self-advertising is pictured below. I wear it regularly and the women in my family have one each and make a point of wearing it when abroad. [smile]]
I take it this is jewelry?
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