Took out my Swiss rifles recently, mostly because I wanted to get some range time in with my K31 (dated 1947). I think I've only taken it out once or twice. I also brought my K11 (dated 1927) along for kicks as well. All targets were shot with the same load....PPU brass with a 168gr Hornady Amax over 43.5gr IMR4064
K31 #1 - 96-1x
Decent group with one flier at the top of the 9 ring
View attachment 456504
K31 #2 - 92-1x
This one opened up a bit. It's clear I need to zero my's hitting a touch to the right
View attachment 456505
K31 #3 - 96-2x
Tried holding a bit left and was able to center the group up a bit. Had some horizontal stringing but that was on me trying to find the right hold
View attachment 456506
K11 #1 - 95-2x
Had some rounds left over so I gave the K11 a shot. Started off great with the 4 10's and 2x's but I threw 4 fliers into the 8 and 9 ring because I couldn't feel my trigger finger anymore

. Probably should've brought some gloves, lol
View attachment 456516