A lot of replies so I'll try to condense them to avoid spam. But, thank you for those that responded to help me!
Is there no range available to you where you can shoot whatever you like outdoors?
When I first got my LTC in 2013 I was a member of a outdoor/indoor range combo but lapsed my membership and just started going to walk-in style indoor ranges like american firearms school. I've been trying to go to the range more often to become more proficient but yea, maybe it would be an upgrade to shoot outdoors again.
1. What kind of shotgun do you have? Is it a tactical shotgun? This will help in making suggestions.
Its a charles daly 301 pump-action 12 gauge. I haven't modded it so its just factory specs.
2. Sounds like 00 buck and slugs is all your allowed to use on that indoor range. So......buy 00 buck and slugs........ i mean.....I'm not sure what your asking with regard to ammo.
I didn't realize 8/9 shot comes in different versions. I see now they(AFS) literally meant 8/9 actual pellets in the shell but the one I got (Federal Top Gun 12 Gauge Ammo 2 3/4" 1 1/8oz #8 Shot Target) also said "#8" so I thought I was good.
3. My advice if you have just about anything other than a tactical type shotgun......get on a trap or skeet range and learn to use it for what it's actually designed for.....shooting moving targets cuz.....really? You were planning on shooting #8 birdshot at a paper target on an indoor range? That's just.....wow. I know your new to shotguns but what were you planning on learning by whacking paper at 50 feet with birdshot?
I definitely want to try skeet shooting, it looks fun! Pretty much, I was planning to just shoot the birdshot at the paper targets
I enjoy it anyway (shooting at paper targets), but you're right, its hard to miss when you're that close.
4. As far as your question on "cheep ammo" for the range.....what is your goal with this shotgun? If it's to just get your jollies off pulling the trigger with buckshot then yeah just shop around and buy cheep buckshot. If your goal is a home defense gun......start buying different buckshot brands.....and pattern it through your shotgun using different chokes and decide what's the best load and choke combo that gets 8 to 9 pellets in a 10 inch circle (upper torso) at the distance you expect to cover in your home defense situation. There's alot more to shotguns than loading and pulling the trigger when it comes to using it as an actual tool.
Yep, I just wanted cheap ammo and figured I could find it cheaper than what they are selling at the range. I get it, they wanna make some money off it by adding a little markup cost.
"There's alot more to shotguns than loading and pulling the trigger when it comes to using it as an actual tool."
100% agree
In addition to some suggestions you've received.....this chart may be appropriate for you as a new shotgun owner. If you already knew this.....ignore it lol
Thank you! I feel like I've seen at least similar types of charts but when it came time to actually buy the ammo I was a bit overwhelmed with how many different types of shotgun ammo there is.
Yeah I agree. Not sure why of they allowed 00 buck that they would limit it to 9 pellet......I mean.....if 9 pellets of 00 buck is safe why would a 12 or 15 pellet payload not be safe.
Not too sure, I just wanna follow their rules and not get kicked out. Funny enough, last time I was there I saw a sign behind the front desk with what I guess was a new range rule where you have to put the ammo back in the box after you are done loading/before you start firing. I wasn't sure why but I still followed it. Later that night I got recommended a video on youtube about that exact scenario where I guess it was the casing from a pistol ejected and landed on the primer of "exposed" ammo and it actually caused the bullet the casing landed on to go off next to the shooter. Now I know why they put that sign up
To the OP, are only 12 gauges allowed?
I think they allow other gauges. I would imagine other gauges just have more/less punch but I think american firearms school allows/allowed 50 BMG so I guess their backstops can handle a hit.