
NES Member
Jan 6, 2013
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2023-2024 WINTER WARRIOR POSTAL MATCH - Bragging Rights Only This Year but adding Sniper Division


Last season I mentioned I probably wouldn't be doing this again. Helping out a family member with health issues and more frequent international and domestic travel plus current obligations to family, work, the club, etc. leave little time to manage this. However, it's easy enough to kick this off as a means to promote winter marksmanship and old school iron sight shooting. Sorry no fabulous prizes but here goes...

Traditional Winter Warrior - Iron sight military rifles only for points on the SR-1 target. If anyone wants to run a pistol / other type of match, I highly encourage you to do so. Part of the fun of this is seeing how different rifles perform on the same targets under same or similar conditions.

Sniper Division - Smallest 5-shot Group Size. Military snipers or clones thereof.


  • Qualifying winter weather = snow cover on the ground and/or below freezing weather. Pile of snow somewhere on the range or range parking lot is good enough for me.
    • Winter Warrior Division
  • Iron sight military rifles only, in original military calibers. Anything from a Brown Bess to an AR or AK, but must be iron sights. Since stupid CMP now allows free-float AR's, they are OK for this match if you are a wuss. Kidding. OK, not really kidding [laugh] .
  • 10 shots per target. Any shot completely off paper? Take it as a mulligan- we won't know! [rofl]
  • Target will be the SR-1 'reduced' SR target shot at 100 yards. Alternately, real men and women may submit a SR target from 200 yards and/or official scorecard from a CMP match. I'll post a link to a printable SR-1 'center' that prints out on 8-1/2 x 11 paper. SR-1 target centers are cheap and printed centers are free. Let's please not clutter the match with random targets. Those who post random targets may be mercilessly trolled. [laugh]
  • Preferred shooting position is prone but I completely understand if you have any physical limitations that require you to shoot from the bench. You don't even have to mention that you shot from the bench. No lead sleds or gun vise clamping type of devices. Sand bags or other type of rest OK, but why not shoot like a boss? (prone with sling)
  • Top score will win bragging rights and title of NES Winter Warrior. Post pics if you want bragging rights for scores. Please post Pics of your rifle- we love that.
    • Winter Warrior Sniper Division
  • Any milsurp sniper rifle or clone thereof. AR's in any caliber, any optic are OK. 20 lb benchrest rifles are not, got it? Post pic of rifle with smallest 5-shot group on paper.
That's it for now. If you have any cool 'Winter Warrior' pics, please post 'em! If anyone has trouble posting pics please ask for help.

Here's a link to a printable SR-1:

NRA SR-1 Target | Bison Ballistics

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Not quite cold enough (47). But I shoot when I can. Depot XII (Mainz-Kassel) K98k build off a bcd 42 (Gustloffwerke) receiver. A rifle I built from parts of a RC barreled action in ‘16. 1992 Yugo M75 surplus


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Not quite cold enough (47). But I shoot when I can. Depot XII (Mainz-Kassel) K98k build off a bcd 42 (Gustlofwerke) receiver. A rifle I built from parts of a RC barreled action in ‘16. 1992 Yugo M75 surplus
Sehr gut!
Cold cold cold. Sunny windy 35F. 1891 Danzig Gew88/05. Matching save Czech replacement bolt. 20/10 rounds 1992 M75 Yugo. 91-1x. Had to hug the barrel to feel my fingers.


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Fixed the sights; just my usual stringing. Don’t know where the throat shot came from; same ‘92 surplus. Forgot my scope. Had to keep going down range every 5-10 shots.


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33F, sunny, windy. Near froze my left nut off. Tried to sight in the new Carcano but realized it was becoming a waste of ammo without a bigger target. 12 rounds, 50 yards, 1 hit. Will revisit this later. Otherwise everything functioned perfectly.

1918 Roma Carcano rifle converted to a carbine at Terni in 1927.

PS…someone else needs to do some shooting 🐰


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I was able to get to the range for a bit yesterday, even though it was getting late in the day. I decided to have a go with 2 rifles I don't take out too often....my M1904/39 Portuguese Vergueiro and my French Lebel. View from the office...


The rifles in question....


Vergueiro Target #1: 92-1x
First shot went high clipping the 8 ring, then 2nd shot low in the 8 ring. The rest landed pretty well...
Vergueiro 1.jpg

Vergueiro Target #2: 95-2x
Would've been even better if I didn't yank 2 shots wide...

Vergueiro 2.jpg

Lebel Target #1: 93-1x
Not bad for the old warhorse...
Lebel 1.jpg

Lebel Target #2: 93-0x

I decided to test a different load for this target...it grouped well but too bad it hit a little low. I bet it would've scored really well if it was moved up 2-3 inches. Might have to try this one again....

Lebel 2.jpg


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I was able to get to the range for a bit yesterday, even though it was getting late in the day. I decided to have a go with 2 rifles I don't take out too often....my M1904/39 Portuguese Vergueiro and my French Lebel. View from the office...

View attachment 839794

The rifles in question....

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Vergueiro Target #1: 92-1x
First shot went high clipping the 8 ring, then 2nd shot low in the 8 ring. The rest landed pretty well...
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Vergueiro Target #2: 95-2x
Would've been even better if I didn't yank 2 shots wide...

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Lebel Target #1: 93-1x
Not bad for the old warhorse...
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Lebel Target #2: 93-0x

I decided to test a different load for this target...it grouped well but too bad it hit a little low. I bet it would've scored really well if it was moved up 2-3 inches. Might have to try this one again....

View attachment 839805

Is that Hamilton? (Hi, neighbor!)
Attempting to get out today or tomorrow.
1903a4 clone/repro
1970s HXP
100 yards SR1 center
No prep no sighters no spotting.
Hope scope has held its last zero which should keep me in the black.
Deciding to go prone or bench it?
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Thinking about taking out the USMC 1941 clone tomorrow. Pretty sure I have some leftover ammo too.
Im burning through my HXP for the for seeable future.
Im not wasting anymore powder bullets for CMP if I can help it.
I need to eventually restock on powder , H4895 preferably but I have yet to restock since before covid.
Plenty of surplus powder for the 223 and plinking fodder
Varget is running thin now also.
Im burning through my HXP for the for seeable future.
Im not wasting anymore powder bullets for CMP if I can help it.
I need to eventually restock on powder , H4895 preferably but I have yet to restock since before covid.
Plenty of surplus powder for the 223 and plinking fodder
Varget is running thin now also.
Given I was stocking for "Varget for everything" I'm in good shape for about 3 or 4 years since moving .308 to 2520. Bought a bunch of that stuff cheap. Also using 2520 in 6mm ARC but those rounds don't drink up a lot of powder.

I'll have to check on how much HXP I have left. Maybe 300 rounds of it?
Given I was stocking for "Varget for everything" I'm in good shape for about 3 or 4 years since moving .308 to 2520. Bought a bunch of that stuff cheap. Also using 2520 in 6mm ARC but those rounds don't drink up a lot of powder.

I'll have to check on how much HXP I have left. Maybe 300 rounds of it?
I have enough powder to get me through a good while. Just prefer H4895 . I have all sorts of opptions for everything else , including poosayh loads for everything with
Clays, trailboss,reddot and others
Finally made it out. First target is a very clapped out savage enfield no4 T scopless. Sporting reproduction mount and weaver K3. Second target is my 1903a4 with m84 scope. It was shooting a little right at first.
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I was able to get out yesterday for a bit. I decided to take 2 WWII warhorses out with me....a 1944 Maltby No. 4 Mk.1 and an unrefurbished 1937 Izhevsk M91/30. For anyone interested I was shooting 150gr Hornady Interlocks over IMR3031 (certainly not a 'match' load) in the Lee Enfield and 180 Speer Hot-Cors over IMR4064 in the Mosin.



No. 4 Mk.1 Target #1 - 96-2x

LE 1.jpg

No. 4 Mk.1 Target #2 - 96-2x
The one in the 8 ring was totally on me....I knew it when I pulled the trigger....pissed me off 🤬
LE 2.jpg

M91/30 Target #1 - 95-2x
The one in the 8 ring was me....
MN 1.jpg

M91/30 Target #2 - 94-2x
Was getting some good mirage off the barrel at this point which I think led to pulling some shots right
MN 2.jpg
Might load up some 6.5 swede for the 1913 mauser? No idea where that thing shoots or even if I can see the front sight anymore

If anything it'll shooting high at 100yds. If I'm remembering correctly, the lowest sight setting is 300m...but it's been while since I've taken my Swede out.
Bummed I JUST found this thread. I will be taking a trip to the range this weekend with a couple vintage snipers even though it may be too warm to qualify…
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