Adam Kokesh Calls for Peaceful Open Carry March July 4th from Virginia to D.C.

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For some reason I picture you waving a white flag during this rant

For some reason I am still alive because I think before I act.
I mean, I was just a corporal, and small groups tactics were pretty much as far as my military training goes. But even I can see that this has fail written all over it. Does that make me a coward? Maybe. But what if not?
That's your concern? 10,000 armed protestors matching to the White House and you are worried about Porta-Potties and parking? [laugh]

Nope, I am worried about the support of the population. I am worried about how it will make the rest of us gunowners look like, when some clowns mess up a town and leave it dirty and stinking. If you can't follow my reasoning, you got a bigger problem.
For some reason I am still alive because I think before I act.
I mean, I was just a corporal, and small groups tactics were pretty much as far as my military training goes. But even I can see that this has fail written all over it. Does that make me a coward? Maybe. But what if not?

No, frenchy, you're not a coward. This DC march is just outside your comfort zone. There will be multiple millions of Americans who will not be there. No biggie.
Nope, I am worried about the support of the population. I am worried about how it will make the rest of us gunowners look like, when some clowns mess up a town and leave it dirty and stinking. If you can't follow my reasoning, you got a bigger problem.

Alright, frenchy, you hit a hot button with me: LITTER. For the first Boston rally pennypincher put out a post that she would bring garbage bags to pick up litter after the rally. I volunteered to help. At the end of the rally there was no litter to pick up. In North Brookfield, same thing. In West Springfield no new litter but my wife and I policed the area and picked up old litter. We are not the OWS crowd. The Libertarians and pro 2A people don't litter or shit in the streets and we leave the areas we travel cleaner than we found them.

Google: Glenn Beck Washington Rally litter and see what you get.
So, you will leave a clean area to march into a funnel? OK, nobody will spit his old gum on the street, I got it. Now, what about that small army of cops and feds who can pick you up at the end of that bridge, or just wait until you're all on the bridge, and then just close both ends? Wanna get off the bridge? Hand over you gun and show your ID. Great strategic move guys.
I can't believe you guys come from the same country than Stormin' Norman, Patton and Eisenhower.
You're walking into a potential fight with a superior force, that is greater in numbers, is better equiped and better trained, nd the first thing you can think of is to pick the worst tactical position possible? It's not even military thinking, it's just comon sense.
So, you will leave a clean area to march into a funnel? OK, nobody will spit his old gum on the street, I got it. Now, what about that small army of cops and feds who can pick you up at the end of that bridge, or just wait until you're all on the bridge, and then just close both ends? Wanna get off the bridge? Hand over you gun and show your ID. Great strategic move guys.
I can't believe you guys come from the same country than Stormin' Norman, Patton and Eisenhower.
You're walking into a potential fight with a superior force, that is greater in numbers, is better equiped and better trained, nd the first thing you can think of is to pick the worst tactical position possible? It's not even military thinking, it's just comon sense.

Um, this isn't an "Operation" This is whats called "civil disobedience." Kokesh's goal is to be arrested so he can fight it out in the courts. If he and others are gunned down, he also potentially accomplishes something in that it may wake people up as to what the true nature of the .gov is. Also, the VA police have no law with which to arrest him with (unless they wanna be dicks and use the disorderly conduct BS), only the DC police have such a law. SO blocking his exit on the bridge from the direction he came is also illegal since again the VA police have no law by which to charge him.
Yeah, and because it would be illegal, the feds won't do it. Right.
It may not be an operation for the protesters, but it sure will be one for the DHS and the cops.
So, you will leave a clean area to march into a funnel? OK, nobody will spit his old gum on the street, I got it. Now, what about that small army of cops and feds who can pick you up at the end of that bridge, or just wait until you're all on the bridge, and then just close both ends? Wanna get off the bridge? Hand over you gun and show your ID. Great strategic move guys.
I can't believe you guys come from the same country than Stormin' Norman, Patton and Eisenhower.
You're walking into a potential fight with a superior force, that is greater in numbers, is better equiped and better trained, nd the first thing you can think of is to pick the worst tactical position possible? It's not even military thinking, it's just comon sense.

Well, the simple answer is that not everyone wants to go to heaven, and some people think there are things worth dying for.

Edit: I think gum on the road is not litter. It actually helps hold the blacktop together and prolongs the life of the road. I'm OK with spitting out gum on roads. But not on sidewalks.
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You may die on that bridge, and for what? Guys, you need to wake up. You won't make a point. The cops on the other hand will. Your point will simply get lost in the media's bad reporting. The cops will get the point across that they will shoot to disarm you, if necessary, and intimidate fudds and sheeple alike. You simply can not win anything with shit like that. You'd need a voice in congress or senate. Now, tell me real quick, who's gonna side with you guys, after the media is done with you? You will look like a bunch of racist rednecks who needed to be stopped.That's not what I think, that is what the news will call you (and that'd be the best case).
And if you're not afraid of dying, you're not the brightest. There's no such thing as a heroic Hollywood death, and you guys ain't Brad Pitt. It hurts, it's ugly, it's loud, it stinks. It will keep you awake at night if you make it out of there. And for what? Pick your battles, and fight them so you at least have a chance to win. The charge of the light brigade didn't go ever all that great, remember?
So, you will leave a clean area to march into a funnel? OK, nobody will spit his old gum on the street, I got it. Now, what about that small army of cops and feds who can pick you up at the end of that bridge, or just wait until you're all on the bridge, and then just close both ends? Wanna get off the bridge? Hand over you gun and show your ID. Great strategic move guys.
I can't believe you guys come from the same country than Stormin' Norman, Patton and Eisenhower.
You're walking into a potential fight with a superior force, that is greater in numbers, is better equiped and better trained, nd the first thing you can think of is to pick the worst tactical position possible? It's not even military thinking, it's just comon sense.

I think the intent of this exercise is lost on you. It's civil disobedience. They aren't invading DC.
You may die on that bridge, and for what? Guys, you need to wake up. You won't make a point. The cops on the other hand will. Your point will simply get lost in the media's bad reporting. The cops will get the point across that they will shoot to disarm you, if necessary, and intimidate fudds and sheeple alike. You simply can not win anything with shit like that. You'd need a voice in congress or senate. Now, tell me real quick, who's gonna side with you guys, after the media is done with you? You will look like a bunch of racist rednecks who needed to be stopped.That's not what I think, that is what the news will call you (and that'd be the best case).
And if you're not afraid of dying, you're not the brightest. There's no such thing as a heroic Hollywood death, and you guys ain't Brad Pitt. It hurts, it's ugly, it's loud, it stinks. It will keep you awake at night if you make it out of there. And for what? Pick your battles, and fight them so you at least have a chance to win. The charge of the light brigade didn't go ever all that great, remember?

Holy shit frenchy, the press, the sheeple, the Fudds. You get me thinking about all this and I'm liable to shoot myself before I even get there.
"this protest isnt good enough for me and/or I dont understand civil disobediance"
You may die on that bridge, and for what? Guys, you need to wake up. You won't make a point. The cops on the other hand will. Your point will simply get lost in the media's bad reporting. The cops will get the point across that they will shoot to disarm you, if necessary, and intimidate fudds and sheeple alike. You simply can not win anything with shit like that. You'd need a voice in congress or senate. Now, tell me real quick, who's gonna side with you guys, after the media is done with you? You will look like a bunch of racist rednecks who needed to be stopped.That's not what I think, that is what the news will call you (and that'd be the best case).
And if you're not afraid of dying, you're not the brightest. There's no such thing as a heroic Hollywood death, and you guys ain't Brad Pitt. It hurts, it's ugly, it's loud, it stinks. It will keep you awake at night if you make it out of there. And for what? Pick your battles, and fight them so you at least have a chance to win. The charge of the light brigade didn't go ever all that great, remember?

did you watch the link? or are you just posting on what others have said in the thread?
did you watch the link? or are you just posting on what others have said in the thread?

I can see me at this march going up to everybody and asking them if they watched the link and if they fully understand that this is NOT an armed assault on the White House.
did you watch the link? or are you just posting on what others have said in the thread?

he probably didnt. I suspect most people talking shit about this havent actualy watched the videos from Kokesh on this.
he probably didnt. I suspect most people talking shit about this havent actualy watched the videos from Kokesh on this.

I think the title of the thread:
[h=2]Adam Kokesh Calls Go Time, Calls for Armed March on DC[/h]
Threw a few people off.
I think the title of the thread:
[h=2]Adam Kokesh Calls Go Time, Calls for Armed March on DC[/h]
Threw a few people off.


It keeps in line with the policy that half of your threads have to have retarded subject lines that have little to no relation to the content in the OP.
No, I have not watched the link. To come up with this kind of crap tells me everything I need to know about his persona. He wants his 15 minutes, and he'd get people killed to get them. I get what civil disobedience is. Actually, I am a 1%er and I already forgot more about disobedience, civil and otherwise, than most of you guys will ever learn. But then, I'm just a white flag waiving french guy, what do I know?
No, I have not watched the link.

Please watch the video before you give any more opinions. Your basing opinions on things that are literaly made up by other posters who have also not watched the video.

So we now have retarded commentary based off of made up information. Thats how low this has sunk.
No, I have not watched the link. To come up with this kind of crap tells me everything I need to know about his persona. He wants his 15 minutes, and he'd get people killed to get them. I get what civil disobedience is. Actually, I am a 1%er and I already forgot more about disobedience, civil and otherwise, than most of you guys will ever learn. But then, I'm just a white flag waiving french guy, what do I know?

So you DID have a white flag!
Please watch the video before you give any more opinions. Your basing opinions on things that are literaly made up by other posters who have also not watched the video.

So we now have retarded commentary based off of made up information. Thats how low this has sunk.
I will not watch anything that has a "less than honorable" discharged guy as a protagonist. Nor will I ever even entertain the idea of following him anywhere. If that's your cup of tea, go for it. I don't tell you what to do (not that I could if I wanted to). You go and "march for freedom" with hundreds more jackasses, and make us all look bad. You'll certainly on your way to do the 2A crowd a huge favor.
Just in case you haven't followed that "primus tactical" guy who was on here for a while, well, he was the very kind of cop who's wet dream you clowns are making come true.
I could say that this conversation is over now, but I suspect that you'll keep talking anyway.
I will not watch anything that has a "less than honorable" discharged guy as a protagonist. Nor will I ever even entertain the idea of following him anywhere. If that's your cup of tea, go for it. I don't tell you what to do (not that I could if I wanted to). You go and "march for freedom" with hundreds more jackasses, and make us all look bad. You'll certainly on your way to do the 2A crowd a huge favor.
Just in case you haven't followed that "primus tactical" guy who was on here for a while, well, he was the very kind of cop who's wet dream you clowns are making come true.
I could say that this conversation is over now, but I suspect that you'll keep talking anyway.

once again talking with almost no background just spewing your opinons. if you're gonna slander him atleast look it up.

please leave and continue to believe in congress and senate doing the right thing.
I will not watch anything that has a "less than honorable" discharged guy as a protagonist. Nor will I ever even entertain the idea of following him anywhere. If that's your cup of tea, go for it. I don't tell you what to do (not that I could if I wanted to). You go and "march for freedom" with hundreds more jackasses, and make us all look bad. You'll certainly on your way to do the 2A crowd a huge favor.
Just in case you haven't followed that "primus tactical" guy who was on here for a while, well, he was the very kind of cop who's wet dream you clowns are making come true.
I could say that this conversation is over now, but I suspect that you'll keep talking anyway.

hey, at least you admit you have no idea what youre talking about.
He brought home a pistol from Iraq in 2004[SUP][4][/SUP] in violation of military rules, which prevented his return for a second Iraq tour.[SUP][6][/SUP] Kokesh "had risen to the rank of sergeant after three-and-a-half years in the Reserves" and "was demoted to corporal and soon thereafter discharged honorably with a re-enlistment code that basically said, 'you can't re-enlist.'"[SUP][6][/SUP] ...In May 2007, a hearing was convened to consider changing Kokesh's military discharge from "honorable" to "other than honorable" on two points: "Disrespect toward a Superior Commissioned Officer," and violating "Wearing of the uniform" regulation. The panel recommended Kokesh be given a "general discharge under honorable conditions," a discharge status below "honorable," and above "other than honorable".[SUP] [/SUP]Kokesh appealed the decision, and was denied
Again, you're just as good as the people you're associating yourself with.
He talked disrepectfully at an officer OMG
He wore and uniform to a protest....OMG
He took home a pistol from iraq.....OMG

Id rather associate with him than to ever meet you frenchie

- - - Updated - - -

You are not the only thinking that way. I am a trapper and animals and humans think the same way if they want to stay alive, neither likes being channeled. I was a Marine NCO and even in small unit ops you do your very best not to get channeled, That always brings you into some ones kill zone. I like the woods where I am free to move on my terms not thiers.

this has nothing to do with open combant againt the .gov
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