Adam Kokesh Calls for Peaceful Open Carry March July 4th from Virginia to D.C.

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Wow, my life is over! Stevecase doesn't want to meet me. OMG. How can I possibly live with that?

Tell that crap any honorably discharged Marine. Rules are rules. If you think you can pick and choose which ones to follow, the military will stop working. And if you disrespect a CO (while sober), then you haven't the first clue how armies work in the first place. Where I served, problems like this were solved with a few jabs to the face and a few boots to the groin, by some hungarian or polish sergeant, and that was that.
Wow, my life is over! Stevecase doesn't want to meet me. OMG. How can I possibly live with that?

Tell that crap any honorably discharged Marine. Rules are rules. If you think you can pick and choose which ones to follow, the military will stop working. And if you disrespect a CO (while sober), then you haven't the first clue how armies work in the first place. Where I served, problems like this were solved with a few jabs to the face and a few boots to the groin, by some hungarian or polish sergeant, and that was that.

"...Best git yo ass to the back of the bus, it's against dem rulez fo you to sits up he'ya..."

According to frenchman, Rosy Parker was wrong by sitting in the wrong seat, because boys and girls "dem rulez is rulez"

Guess we should've kicked her in the side of the head,
Again, you're just as good as the people you're associating yourself with.

Seriously? You've gone from an idiotic opposition to an event you didn't understand to "he's scum because he wore a uniform to a mock patrol?"

Sometimes you just have to admit your argument sucks and go snuggle with Ray Ray.
I not excatly sure why a poster who claims to of been in the French .mil gives a shit in any capacity about a persons record from the US .mil.

Those three events show a lack of discpline, That in the kind event he is setting up will get people killed. His thinking is self serving, just based on the things he was charged with.

As to your second part of your comment, you really need to do some studying on small unit ops and jungle warfare.

Guy come on we're not talking about jungle ops and shit. Never was an aren't going to debate that here. If you want to start a new thread about that topic. We'll address it there

Those thing make him unworthy of your respect ? They earn respect in my book
I do! You either have the personal pride and self discpline, to respect the well being of others or you don't. The United States Marine Corps functions on discpline, with out it, it becomes a rag tag mob. Mobs don't win battles, they lose them!

luckily for all of us hes not in the Corps anymore.

pretty sure Kokesh still has the ability to walk down a street and back, regardless of his super ultra evil past.
I do! You either have the personal pride and self discpline, to respect the well being of others or you don't. The United States Marine Corps functions on discpline, with out it, it becomes a rag tag mob. Mobs don't win battles, they lose them!

For all intent and purposes, he was out of the USMC. He protested the war, got an officer's panties in a bunch, and was jammed up for it. It was a petty bullshit misuse of the regulation.
Again, you're just as good as the people you're associating yourself with.

I wager around half the US enlisted men of WWII did number 1 and 3 at some point during the war. Hell, Wild Bill Guarnere disobeyed a direct order by then Lt. Winters during D-Day. That is a far worse offense than what Kokesh probably did. Hell, Winters himself as a Major disobeyed a direct order to send men out to grab another German prisoner late in the war, not to mention what he did right before D-Day with regard to Captain Sobel.

I guess you'd consider Major Winters a person who shouldn't be associated with based on his actions of disobeying orders. [thinking]
"...Best git yo ass to the back of the bus, it's against dem rulez fo you to sits up he'ya..."

According to frenchman, Rosy Parker was wrong by sitting in the wrong seat, because boys and girls "dem rulez is rulez"

Guess we should've kicked her in the side of the head,

You know what's really sad? When you try to sound like the uber patriot, and then don't know your own country's history.
The name of the lady was Rosa PARKS, not Parker.

And you make weak points, unless Ms. Parks had enlisted in the corps and was sitting in a military bus.
You know what's really sad? When you try to sound like the uber patriot, and then don't know your own country's history.
The name of the lady was Rosa PARKS, not Parker.

And you make weak points, unless Ms. Parks had enlisted in the corps and was sitting in a military bus.

Really the misplaced R.....really ?

You know what's really sad? When you try to sound like the uber patriot, and then don't know your own country's history.
The name of the lady was Rosa PARKS, not Parker.

And you make weak points, unless Ms. Parks had enlisted in the corps and was sitting in a military bus.

He was in the effing IRR.
Really the misplaced R.....really ?

Naaah, cmon. You don't misspell "er" for an "s". Not really. You look stupid right now, pal.

And her first name isn't Rosy, it's MAe. Mae Parker. Peter Parker's aunt.[rofl]
Nope, I am worried about the support of the population. I am worried about how it will make the rest of us gunowners look like, when some clowns mess up a town and leave it dirty and stinking. If you can't follow my reasoning, you got a bigger problem.

I'm really growing tired of hearing gun owners spewing this pansy ass statement. "aahhhh but what if they don't like me"

Excuse me....

hee heemm


They already think you're nuts. That you're unintelligent, that you want to kill babies. They are calling for your death, your interment at GITMO, that you should have your rights stripped and be shot with your own guns. They think that you are an absolute freak, and they spew this shit with foam frothing from their mouths like a rabid dog.

So tell me, why the christ should I care what these people think of me?
Wtf...this dude is trying to steal my thunder....I've been telling NESers to grab thier rifles and march on Washington for years.
I'm really growing tired of hearing gun owners spewing this pansy ass statement. "aahhhh but what if they don't like me"

Excuse me....

hee heemm


They already think you're nuts. That you're unintelligent, that you want to kill babies. They are calling for your death, your interment at GITMO, that you should have your rights stripped and be shot with your own guns. They think that you are an absolute freak, and they spew this shit with foam frothing from their mouths like a rabid dog.

So tell me, why the christ should I care what these people think of me?

You should'nt worry about other people you should talk to your fam because you may or may not be coming home just sayin
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