Black Powder Thread

Dec 19, 2007
Beverly, MA
Feedback: 6 / 0 / 0
Figure I'd start one of these, I love the black powder guns and heres a couple pictures of my girls. Yes I call them girls and they all have names lol.

These are J.P Gunstocks out of NV Lancaster County Rifles, Betsy in Flint an Polly and Percussion

These are my Flintlocks. With the exception of one percussion. Swamped Barrel .40 cal, J.P Percussion, J.P Flint, Tennessee Mountain Rifle with peer sight, Jacob Dickert Style Penn long rifle.

CVA Hawken,Miroku Zouve,Betsy, Polly, Miroku 1976 Brown Bess-only 200 ever made




1860 Pietta Army-Custom Flamed and bookmatched grips

So lets see some of the members BP Guns!

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Nice stuff! Are you a buckskinner?
A guy at work gave me a .50 percussion Traditions Springfield Hawken last fall. It's a blast to shoot.
beat me to it evan, i was just about to say that. Hunters Rendezvous has some amazing rifles and pistols and a reasonable prices for black powder,i get mine from

Thanks for all the compliments on the guns i've worked hard to acquire such pieces at my young age (22). Call me old fashioned but i'm a one shot type of guy. plus once you get into black powder its hard to get out of it.
beat me to it evan, i was just about to say that. Hunters Rendezvous has some amazing rifles and pistols and a reasonable prices for black powder,

I agree, Hunter's Rendezvous is a good place to check out. You have to put up with Sheldon's grumpy demeanor, but he's really not a bad guy if you get past that, and he knows his stuff. And the guy who helps him there, Bob I believe is his name, is extremely friendly.

nutzack1001 said:
i get mine from

Track of the Wolf only sells in 25 lb cases, right? How do you get around the need for a license to store more than 5 lbs of BP?
Track of the Wolf only sells in 25 lb cases, right? How do you get around the need for a license to store more than 5 lbs of BP?[/QUOTE]

I usually do that order of the 25lb cases mixed, when the people i shoot with need more and we put a bulk order together and split it up when it comes. I only found out about the powder storage license a couple years ago, so to be on the safe side for me i only store what i need here which is much less than 5 lbs and the rest at my fathers house who has a license also, a pound of BP goes along way! haha. Believe me 25lbs is way to much for one person to have. sorry if i confused anyone, should i have said " i order from track of the wolf if we do a group buy type thing at my club"

Always obey the laws, no sense on playing it stupid don't want anyone to get hurt if theres a fire or anything.
I usually do that order of the 25lb cases mixed, when the people i shoot with need more and we put a bulk order together and split it up when it comes.

Yeah, that's good way to do it. I was thinking of seeing if there was enough interest here on NES to do a group buy from track of the wolf when I next need powder (which will be once the musket group buy comes in [grin]).

nutzack1001 said:
Believe me 25lbs is way to much for one person to have.

Yeah, I don't even need the 3 lbs that will require me to get a permit, except that the silly CMR says I have to keep the powder in it's original packaging, and nobody that I've seen sells it in less than 1 lbs cans. So if I want three kinds of powder I'm in for 3 lbs of it.
Its a funny thing, I've had the same pound can of priming powder for almost 3 years now and its not even half empty, or half full whichever way you look at it. I mainly use FFG powder for the rifles, an FFFG for the pistols.

I'd been in for the group buy, running low of FFG, and its cheaper than most places around, $22 a pound is getting expensive even though it lasts.
Nice stuff you have there. I'm VERY jealous.
Here's some of mine:

1851 Colt Navy in .36 cal

1858 Remington in .44 cal

You didn't say they couldn't be BP in a cartridge:
1884 Springfield Trapdoor in .45/70

A couple of Springfield 1898 Krags in .30-40

and this Brown Bess Long Land which I expect any day. Right Jonj?

Today I had my hands on the most perfect 1858 Remington I've ever seen. It was like new. I didn't realize at first that it wasn't a repro.
The only one I have a picture of if my .54 Kahnke pistol. I also have a couple of TC Renegades .54 & .56 caliber caplocks. I know some of you have seen this picture before.

i got a 54 renegade and a 50 cal planes rifle both percussion, i want to get me a flinter but money is tight right now. i will post some pics when i get aroud to it.
I am the guy who updates and i saw some people coming there from here.

I wanted to link to some pictures of some guns we have for sale on our traditional hunting website:

The site above has descriptions and specs, and more pictures of the guns below.









also, i know nothing about guns, i just make websites.

we also have high res images on the website, like this one:
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I wanted to link to some pictures of some guns we have for sale on our traditional hunting website

Nice to see you here! I believe Derek would prefer you to get a dealer account if you want to promote firearms that you are selling. It's well worth the extremely modest cost, and I for one would be glad to see you guys involved here.
Those BP Cartridge guns look awesome! I had a H&R Buffalo Classic in 45/70 but i shot it and it took a nice chunk out of my shoulder, after that I traded it. Lets keep em' coming.
Thanks ill look into that kind of an acct, and i wont advertise the stuff any more =)

on the other hand, i am going to be doing a major update of the site in the next few months, hopefully adding a ton of content, so keep an eye out on it.
I ordered this from Track of the Wolf about a week ago and it came in yesterday. My pictures would not give justice to this fine firearm like theirs do.

John Armstrong ~ Maryland Longrifle,
.45 caliber 42" octagon-to-round barrel,
curly maple, engraved brass,
signed by J. Eddie Brown



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Wow, those are some very nice rifles, especially that last one. Very nice inlays. Almost to nice to shoot. Almost. [wink]

and this Brown Bess Long Land which I expect any day. Right Jonj?

I'm also on the list waiting for this Brown Bess. I can't wait until it shows up. Until that time, I bought a very nice Traditions Shenandoah Flintlock. I just recieve the RBs and patches needed to shoot it from Track of the Wolf and I picked up some black powder from a place close to me so I'm all set to hit the range this weekend with it. I'm VERY excited to give this a try. Hopefully everything work right. Not sure how I'll handle the flash from the pan, but hopefully I won't flinch to much the first couple of times. [smile]
I'm also on the list waiting for this Brown Bess. I can't wait until it shows up. Until that time, I bought a very nice Traditions Shenandoah Flintlock. I just recieve the RBs and patches needed to shoot it from Track of the Wolf and I picked up some black powder from a place close to me so I'm all set to hit the range this weekend with it. I'm VERY excited to give this a try. Hopefully everything work right. Not sure how I'll handle the flash from the pan, but hopefully I won't flinch to much the first couple of times. [smile]

You bought the two different black powders right? the FFFF for priming and either 3F or 2F for shooting? Make sure not to use regular powder for priming, you'll end up burning your gun.

The flash from the pan isn't that bad once you get used to it, too much powder will make a far bigger flash. The hardest part about flintlocks is the delay, but a well adjusted and timed flintlock will spark right away and almost be as quick as percussion. Good luck, take some pictures! Always look for a BP shooting friend so if you ever want to shoot any of mine or even shoot together PM me.

Just found out there was a black powder thread . . .






A number of years ago a couple buddies and I were at the range shooting different guns when (they weren’t members yet) one said, “Is it okay if I shoot my black powder (BP) gun?” I said sure, if we all can give it a go too.

Well this gun he dragged out was something that just got my heart a thumping. I hardly ever shoot BP but the look of this rascal and the heft of it was almost too much to take. To make it even more of a want was the accuracy of that shootin-iron, it shot as accurate as best of the other guns we used that day.

Money was kind of tight at the time but I always kept an eye open for a decent used one through the years. Well NES came through again, just the gun I had wished for but even better…it was S.S.! I know the open sight “Ruger Old Army” is worth more but I always want adjustable sights when I can get them. This rascal was brand new in the box with all the papers and at a more than decent price so I grabbed it.

It will be probably some time before I can try it out but just having it in my possession is more than enough for now. I guess if you wait long enough and are lucky enough things come to pass. That, of course, is my new baby above, thank you NES and Phil.

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