Emergency Preamble to be signed Weds?

Would you rather that he behaves in a manner promoting the left's preconceived notion of a unhinged gun fanatic?

Nope, but I think there's plenty of room to operate between where he's been and what you describe. Whatever though. He and GOAL are doing what they think is best, and I appreciate that, I just feel like our reality warrants a more aggressive approach.
Stressed Out Reaction GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Nope, but I think there's plenty of room to operate between where he's been and what you describe. Whatever though. He and GOAL are doing what they think is best, and I appreciate that, I just feel like our reality warrants a more aggressive approach.
The problem is that for the regular guy on the street this is way above their knowledge base so he has to choose very simple arguments and that limits his options on going hell-fire and brimstone.
Fudds will not beleave anyone of us if we tell them. They won't even beleave this even if they read it. They will only beleave if the president of there club tells them it is true.
Like I said previously, Fudds will at least be a little surprised when they walk up to the gun counter at Basspro/Cabela's this coming weekend to buy their kid/grandkid a 20 GA for the upcoming deer season and realize there aren't any long guns of any kind at all, lining the wall behind the counter because exactly zero have been added to the roster.
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The problem is that for the regular guy on the street this is way above their knowledge base so he has to choose very simple arguments and that limits his options on going hell-fire and brimstone.


Jim's audience is not US. Meaning, if he doesn't appeal to us, that's fine; he's not trying to.
Your statement seems to promote a judiciary that considers public opinion in addition to the Constitution and law.
Sorry, but that is a bad path.
I must be doing a terrible job of explaining because that isn't my point at all. Bottom line is get off your lazy ass and vote. If you don't, STFU. The end
The problem is that for the regular guy on the street this is way above their knowledge base so he has to choose very simple arguments and that limits his options on going hell-fire and brimstone.
Also, this is why we have multiple groups.

I want Jim reaching out to Joe average, who buys a box of ammo on his way to the range.

FPC will happily "f***.You.No." The hard part is that there are no legacy media outlets that will call them for an interview,
Stop dilly dallying on the internet folks...

I just called up Mass Hole Firearms at The Mill.

They still have Glocks for sale.

Unless you have all you'll need for the rest of your life - you better get going there right away.

Today might be your last chance for the rest of your life to get a Glock.

Time to punch out and go to The Mill before it's too late.
Day drinking again?
So let's look at Canjura, the controlling case law now in Mass

Footnote 9 said:
Even if the Commonwealth presented some evidence switchblades are, in fact, more likely to be used for criminal purposes, and it did not, Bruen expressly forecloses any means-ends scrutiny.
So just because gang bangers might choose a Glock because they can mod it to accept a switch doesn't allow the state to ban it.

To determine whether a weapon is in "common use" today, most courts have chosen among three statistical approaches:
  • (1) raw numerical commonality, examining "the total number of a particular weapon";
    (2) proportionate commonality, examining the proportion of a broader class of weapons that are the specific weapon in question, such as the percentage of firearms that are assault rifles; and
    (3) jurisdictional commonality, examining the number of States that allow the possession or carrying of the subject weapon.

Glocks pass all three tests for commonality

As such, general dangerousness of a weapon is irrelevant where the weapon belongs to a class of arms commonly used for self-defense. See id. Consequently, spring-loaded folding knives cannot be categorically prohibited just because they are, in everyday terms, "dangerous." At the very least, for purposes of this analysis, "dangerous" weapons must feature uniquely dangerous qualities that are disproportionate to their use for self-defense.

Given that a large number of police departments use Glocks of some type, they cannot be seen and disproportionately dangerous. Especially when one considers that other handguns of similar size and caliber are approved.

And that's about two minutes of research.
Day drinking again?
So let's look at Canjura, the controlling case law now in Mass

So just because gang bangers might choose a Glock because they can mod it to accept a switch doesn't allow the state to ban it.

Glocks pass all three tests for commonality

Given that a large number of police departments use Glocks of some type, they cannot be seen and disproportionately dangerous. Especially when one considers that other handguns of similar size and caliber are approved.

And that's about two minutes of research.
So, are you saying I can still buy a new Glock from dealers after today???

Or, will they only be available through the "secret" dealers that nobody can name on NES?
So, are you saying I can still buy a new Glock from dealers after today???

Or, will they only be available through the "secret" dealers that nobody can name on NES?
Did you read what I posted?

Here is your post
Stop dilly dallying on the internet folks...

I just called up Mass Hole Firearms at The Mill.

They still have Glocks for sale.

Unless you have all you'll need for the rest of your life - you better get going there right away.

Today might be your last chance for the rest of your life to get a Glock.

Time to punch out and go to The Mill before it's too late.
See the bolded part - that's what I answered.
And yes, just as there were dealers selling Glocks now there will be dealers doing so after this goes into effect.
Stop dilly dallying on the internet folks...

I just called up Mass Hole Firearms at The Mill.

They still have Glocks for sale.

Unless you have all you'll need for the rest of your life - you better get going there right away.

Today might be your last chance for the rest of your life to get a Glock.

Time to punch out and go to The Mill before it's too late.
I have an extra glock ill sell you for $4000. If your worried youll never have another in your life thats a good deal
Given that a large number of police departments use Glocks of some type, they cannot be seen and disproportionately dangerous. Especially when one considers that other handguns of similar size and caliber are approved.
They, the police, are highly trained! Some are so highly trained that they feel that they only have to practice once or twice a year.
They never shoot themselves in the foot, leg, or each other negligently. Nor do they leave any firearms unattended in a bathroom stall, their personal vehicles, their friends vehicles while drunk, or on the trunk or roof of their vehicles.
no but they have not been put on a roster along with rifles and shotguns
and they have to be on that roster in order to be legal? essentially a rifle/shotgun version of the pistol list MA has?

Are they going to have that retarded safety test for these guns also?
and they have to be on that roster in order to be legal? essentially a rifle/shotgun version of the pistol list MA has?

Are they going to have that retarded safety test for these guns also?

Not legal for dealers to transfer. All long guns are treated like handguns now.
and they have to be on that roster in order to be legal? essentially a rifle/shotgun version of the pistol list MA has?

Are they going to have that retarded safety test for these guns also?
They have to be on the approved firearms roster in order for a dealer to transfer them to you - since they changed the definition of firearm to include everything that goes bang but didn't change anything to do with the roster, there are exactly zero long guns that are approved therefore every long gun is effectively banned from sale in Mass.
Nes mental gymnastics are like those stories drunks or adolescents tell like when they have to piss and take a dump at the same time and then bad things happend.
You think that is bad???!!!

Last week, in the morning, I was sitting on my toilet (feet on my Squatty Potty) and about to drop a deuce.

I sneezed right in the middle of it!!!

After that I felt like Usher the rapper when Diddy took him to the ER.

Ok, well there was no need for stitches and no blood but it was a strain for a moment!

I mean really! What are the chances! I sneeze about once a week and this time it was in the middle of drop! One in a million shot doc, one in a million!!!
They, the police, are highly trained! Some are so highly trained that they feel that they only have to practice once or twice a year.
They never shoot themselves in the foot, leg, or each other negligently. Nor do they leave any firearms unattended in a bathroom stall, their personal vehicles, their friends vehicles while drunk, or on the trunk or roof of their vehicles.
What about recycling bins?
They have to be on the approved firearms roster in order for a dealer to transfer them to you - since they changed the definition of firearm to include everything that goes bang but didn't change anything to do with the roster, there are exactly zero long guns that are approved therefore every long gun is effectively banned from sale in Mass.
Jesus Christ.

Well, can't see that holding up very well in court.
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