Emergency Preamble to be signed Weds?

So do we still need to pin and weld in order to be allowed to unpin it now according to current regulations to demonstrate how compliant we were/are with every little bs this state wants us to do?

Not sure where you're getting that from.

TO: Law Enforcement Agencies, Licensing Authorities, Licensed Firearms Dealers, Firearms
Instructors, LTC and FID holders, and all other Interested Parties
FROM: The Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
DATE: October 2, 2024
RE: An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws

Please be advised that Chapter 135 of the Acts of 2024, An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws,
will become effective on October 2, 2024. Pursuant to the Act, firearms dealers may continue to
sell firearms that are listed on Commonwealth approved rosters, which may be found at the
following link:


Additionally, under the Act and 501 CMR 7.00, dealers may continue to sell shotguns and
rifles so long as they are not otherwise prohibited in Massachusetts, pending further guidance from
the Firearms Control Advisory Board.
already had to back off because they knew they were ripe for an injunction
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I have the worse finicial habits...I just got done restoring my ww2 jeep which killed my ability to buy firearms, actually ended up selling a large chunk of my collection to pay for much needed parts
Did anyone ever put a rubber duck on your dash?
probably been asked and covered a millions times now, other life shit has had me checked out of all this shit for the past year.

I have a form1 processing for an SBR build, thoughts on if I can still finish that with this new bullshit?
So do we still need to pin and weld in order to be allowed to unpin it now according to current regulations to demonstrate how compliant we were/are with every little bs this state wants us to do?

Just follow the current law as written, if you're so inclined.

For a lot of us, this just means the muzzle devices we'd always been noncomplying with are now... compliant! Not that we care.
Just follow the current law as written, if you're so inclined.

For a lot of us, this just means the muzzle devices we'd always been noncomplying with are now... compliant! Not that we care.
Some folks are forgetting that for thousands of people here with normal, unsullied ARs AK, FAL, etc.... tomorrow is.... just Thursday.....🤣
If you have the cardboard box it came it adds like $500


If I ever win the lottery I'm doing a livestream where i set as many hk outer cardboard boxes on fire just to make them cry. 🤣
You should shoot them with Dragons Breadth!
Generally no, although sometimes on short guns you have to pin/weld to avoid Federal/ATF issues to guarantee minimum 16" barrel length to avoid creating an illegal SBR if you're not otherwise building a pistol.....

Also a lot of mass guns came "pref***ed from the factory" with that shit so the guns could legally cross the counter from whoever is selling them. So there’s a lot of stuff out there with turds pinned and welded on the output end. 🤣
Yup, as an example, a Tavor/x95 you can run the thin but plate and be NFA safe if the brake is pinned. There are brakes that are suppressor qd capable and thin enough to slip the forend over the barrel for disassembly. As long as your comfortable enough with your sexuality to own a bull pup.
I keep hearing mixed opinions on whether private sales are still good to go?
Private sales are gtg with 4 per year. No EFA10 is referenced in this new law and “guidance” states you are under no obligation to register new acquisitions until 18 months from now when the new system is live. Until then I would still use the EFA10 for transfers only.
So we all just got boned out of last minute October purchases? Man, this sucks balls! They really ruined all the fun.
For any off roster pistol stuff, likely f***ed. Everything else is possibly debatable but what evolves on the ground over the next few days / weeks will be telling. "Mileage may vary".

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