NES Member
Not at all. I'm just a man from a time when it was okay to be a man... a PreBanMan if you will... Not the girly politically correct "men" being raised and indoctrinated by the public schools today who are feminized, overly sensitized, and told they're bad people (and believe it) because they victimize others just by being a man, or white, or educated, or they're sexist because they turn the A/C temp down...
I was raised in a time when stupid shit like that wouldn't fly... So - pre-manhood ban if you will. Hence the screen name.Although I do pack some heat that I'm sure Maura would like to see banned. But that has more to do with her orientation than anything to do with guns....
We are indeed in strange times. I recently saw an ad for "beard moisturizer" . this must be for urban hipster lumberjacks. AKA pajama boy with a beard/