I have a serious dilemma

I am a die hard fan of only one team, but a rabid fan of the sport of football, in general. I used to be the kind of guy that would watch every game I possibly could.

1. Thursday Night Football
2. Sunday 1pm
3. Sunday 4pm
4. Sunday Night Football
5. Monday Night Football
6. Maybe one or two more on the DVR, depending on match ups

The moment I first witnessed one of these entitled, whiny, brats engage in their current level of douchebaggery, only to have the league let it slide, I decided that the NFL was not worth 15-20 hours of my time every week.

I can't bring myself to stop watching my team's games, but that one game per week is now the only game I watch. An 80%+ reduction in my viewership, along with the same reduction from people like me who I speak with regularly, is significant enough to have a real impact.
I got to know you a little bit a few years ago when we worked on a project together. I came away from that thinking you were one of the finest people I've met. Watch the Pats--you don't have to agree with everything they do or say, nor will your boycott mean anything to them. I'll be in front of my TV at 1:00 Sunday.
Football would be a lot more exciting if they gave the players swords, like Roman gladiators. As it stands now, they only die slowly and out of sight due to traumatic brain injury. Might as well speed it up so the audience can get the thrill of life and death right there on the field. If people are going to pay to see men fight to the death, they should get their damn money's worth.

Just waiting for Libtard Nation to ban these guys or make them trade in their muskets for drums and flutes. That's when I am completely done with football!
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