While reading this:
View attachment 843366
View attachment 843365
It would appear that the past purchase of ammunition and/or rentals of firearms would now be aggregated in with the general category of potential "disqualifying conditions" during the course of the LTC licensing process. I may be mistaken but having gone thru said licensing process since 1976 I do not specifically recall my historical record of rentals or ammunition purchases as part and parcel of the overall determination process as to whether or not I was a "suitable" individual to be issued an LTC.
Since the purchase of ammunition is not presently tracked at point of sale here in the Republic........ as far as I am aware........ one wonders where the licensing authorities will obtain the records of an LTC candidate's retail buying history in the field of sporting goods?
Will the Powers That Be contact all companies that ship ammo to the Republic and subpoena their sales records to see if a candidate has purchased ammunition from them?
Will they contact all the FFLs in the surrounding states to inquire if the candidate made ammo or long gun purchases from them?
Where will they be able to collect this information from to fulfill this new legislative edict?
One could be forgiven for arriving at the conclusion that Boston is saying .........we are not trying to take your guns and violate your Constitutional civil rights........you can keep your guns but you just can not own the ammunition required to actually shoot them.
The only remaining question now is how far the governmental fist will be inserted in one's stern quarters.........just up to the wrist......... or all the way up to the elbow...........