MA Gun Grab 2024: H.4885 - Passed legislature, headed to the governor

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I called my state senator Michael O. Moore yesterday. His aid asked me what I thought was wrong with the bill. I said “the whole thing is unconstitutional and will cost tons of tax payer money in the ensuing court battle”. I tried not ramble on and on about the overall unconstitutionality of the whole thing. I then pointed out the lack of grandfather clause and the mental health and erpo issues with the law. The aid told me that senator Moore was making a motion that day to add the grandfather clause to the bill. Not sure if this is old news as a busy work day put me 8 pages back in this thread.
Well, if you look at how much Taxpayer money MA Politicians steal to pad their pensions its a pretty good barometer as to how concerned they are about respecting Taxpayer dollars.
I got to stop reading this shit. Every time I read rallies do nothing, writing your senators won’t do anything. Just wait for lawers and give lots of money to goal or comm2- who SUCK. Makes me sick. If people had your values in 1776 we’d all be Brit’s.
Fckn joke.
Lighten up Francis. I ran thousands of SPC charts in my career and can tell you when your methods keep producing a failed result your methods are not working. There have been plenty of rallies and plenty of letter writing over the years. We continue to be one of the worst anti-gun states in the union. The chart says the methods aren't working. Stop voting for Democrats would be the best solution but that may take decades for it to happen and honestly its not likely.

The courts outside of Massachusetts is all we got at the moment. But, that takes organization and boku bucks and frankly it remains to be seen if gun owners and 2A supporters will answer the call.
Why wouldn't they just put grandfathering in from the beginning, they knew it's a hot topic, even the final version from the House had it.
OK. You see the landscape perfectly. Which is exactly as it was intended. Which is exactly what the propaganda surrounding 1/6 was meant to accomplish.

And now what?

For me, I'd be there if something was scheduled. I do what I can or what I think is good. Sent emails and made phone calls. Donated to a bunch of pro 2a groups this morning.

I was simply pointing out another factor that could/would result in low turnout number for a rally.
Why wouldn't they just put grandfathering in from the beginning, they knew it's a hot topic, even the final version from the House had it.
First - hoping we wouldn't see it
Second - so they can show that they "listened" to us and aren't actually anti-gun and are just trying to 'save one life'
Rallies and meet & greets do work on most things - this was a golden cow and there was no stopping this. Yes, we did get some of the stupid removed or reduced so it did work but this was a BIG (huge) money dump from outside forces pushing this through.

We fought the house and got the MCOPA to back us up.
We fought the senate and got 90+ pages reduced to under 40.

Now we need to out perform on round 3 - this one is easy for everyone to get in on the action. Every dollar counts so even those on a budget can skip a couple of Dunkin runs and meaningfully participate.
If you do but one thing today I want it to be disabusing yourself of the belief that MCOPA has ever been on our side.
If you do but one thing today I want it to be disabusing yourself of the belief that MCOPA has ever been on our side.
Agreed but just because they have their own agenda doesn't mean that agenda doesn't align with ours every once in a while
It takes years to get a case before the SCOTUS and that's if they decide to take the case. The current court is big on petitioners following the process via the lower courts and has shown no interest in taking cases before the lower courts had their say. The entire process takes years and that's exactly what the Leftists know and bank on.
there was a circuit split in Caetano v. Massachusetts?
Meanwhile in VA - they roll 50k deep armed to the teeth. View attachment 844721

I agree that the tactic used in VA on Lobby Day would not resonate politically in MA in any way that would help the cause of the 2nd Amendment in MA--but what WOULD help the DEFENDERS of the 2nd Amendment in MA would be to take a long hard look at that picture and understand what was really happening there on that morning. Despite the derision of NES, dismissing those who showed up with black rifles and body armor as "Larpers" (and yes, I remember it quite clearly)--a clear line was being drawn by the citizenry, and it was understood that the elected officials were crossing it at their own peril. That being said--it was orderly, and it was respectful of the institutions of government and of the rule of law. There was no cop-hating there. The police were treated cordially and perfectly respectfully. When people were instructed to get out of the street they complied. But most everyone there was armed, and their weapons were loaded, and everyone knew WHY they were loaded. And crazy as it may seem to NES--in threads in the intervening years, almost everyone spoke of a sense of reckoning, recalling that day. Nobody knew which way things were going to break. The Governor had declared a State of Emergency. There was an alarmingly common sense in the people I have spoken with that none of them knew how the day would turn out, there was a distinct possibility that they might be dead or in jail by dusk--nobody knew--but they were going, they HAD to go, their conscience REQUIRED that they go--so they went. It was probably as close a moment to April 1775 as any of them would ever come--hopefully. And THAT sense of sacred obligation is what I find sorely missing among the hobbyists of NES.
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Virgina polulation: 8,715,698
Estimated gun owners: 8715698 * 0.446 = 3,887,201
Percent Attending: 50k/3.9M = 1.2%

Mass gun owners ~ 700K * 1.2% = 8.4k
to be fair letterkenny problems GIF

we only had like 400K licensees in 2016, so ~4.8k

we probably hit about 1/3 of that.
Yes, we suck.
Looks like the DMH commissioner determining suitability is already codified in the law.

“iii) the commissioner of the department of mental health relative to whether the applicant is a suitable person to possess firearms or is not a suitable person to possess firearms. The director or commissioner to whom the licensing authority makes such inquiry shall provide prompt and full cooperation for that purpose in any investigation of the applicant.”

Well, if you look at how much Taxpayer money MA Politicians steal to pad their pensions its a pretty good barometer as to how concerned they are about respecting Taxpayer dollars.
Agreed. Still needed to be said though. I have no disillusions that anyone I speak to actually gives a flying F about any of it (wasting tax payer money, unconstitutionality, .gov overreach, whatever). I was honestly just surprised that my donk senator was taking any stance other than "it's perfect". He's still a POS though.
Awesome that you're into guns and gun rights. It really is quite a hobby.

Where does the Constitution and The Bill of Rights fit into that? How about The Right Of The People?

I understand perfectly why no one is willing to take the day off work to defend their hobby. After all. They can just find another hobby. They can probably even find one that is less expensive.
You can knock off the passive aggressive attitude. I've attended rallies, I've talked to my legislators (state and federal), I've testified at hearings, I have automatic monthly donations set up with multiple gun rights orgs. And yet no, I do not advertise that I'm pro-2A at work.

What are you doing? When's the next rally you're organizing? What testimony have you submitted?
You can knock off the passive aggressive attitude. I've attended rallies, I've talked to my legislators (state and federal), I've testified at hearings, I have automatic monthly donations set up with multiple gun rights orgs. And yet no, I do not advertise that I'm pro-2A at work.

What are you doing? When's the next rally you're organizing? What testimony have you submitted?

This isn't interpersonal. I'm encouraging you, and others by extension, to view and think about this issue within its proper context.

This proposed legislation is a subversion of the Bill of Rights.

As for what I'm doing--I'm watching and waiting for some actual leadership to form--principled leadership--either on this board or in the MA 2A community in general.
This statement is akin to getting a**raped and celebrating that your assailant didn’t finish on your face.
True but there are some seriously bad features that didn't make it in - those things take time and money to fight so anything that doesn't make it to the governor's desk is a win.
Unless of course you have deep 7 figure money to donate for the fight.
It seems to me that grandfathering benefits the government.

It prevents lawsuits against the government because nothing gets confiscated and gives them cover.

They did this in CT and totally got away with it.

If there were no grandfathering - lawsuits could bring down the whole AWB house of cards.
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