NES Member
Welcome Jeremy....I'm new hear too and I agree this site is awesome. Good luck with your endeavors and good luck figuring out these crazy MA gun laws.......but they're way better, in some cases, than NY. DSC
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Hi Everyone,
Been on this site and a gun owner for a few months now. It's been a great resource for me as I try to get acquainted with the MA rules & regs. I used to check daily for just the classified and do searches when I need info, but recently I've been exploring some other OT threads... you guys are entertaining! Live in Boston, shoot in Braintree, proud owner of a few Sigs already. Grew up in upstate NY around guns and a lot of target shooting in the backyard, finally got around to getting a license in MA. Just saying hi. Hope to see some of you on at the range. -Jeremy-
Hi all. Newbie here, wife and I got our class A LTCs in 2016. I'm trying to learn as much as I can and this forum has been a wealth of information. I live in SE Mass, and joined the Taunton Rife & Pistol Club.
I wanted to introduce myself and say hello. NES is a great forum, keep up the good work.
.Thanks for the welcome Cindy. I'll never fully retire. having too much fun buying and selling.In this economy I go by this moto - "buy high - sell low". I make it work with volume (wink).
Maybe you can help me - I've been trying to figure out how to post large pictures. I've seen some nice big pictures on here and mine always look like thumbnails. Thanks in advance if you can help me. I'll save ya a quahog if you ever get to the Cape.
After you upload your picture, click on it (or maybe double click). You can then check the option for size--small, medium, large, and full size. Then hit the post button and it will be posted the size you chose. And welcome.
My buddy referred me to this page and said it was a great place to talk guns. I am from Massachusetts and recently got my class a license. I am new to this world and will have many questions. I haven't gotten my first gun yet, but I hope to do that this week. Thanks for the add!
Lower Virginia just fumbling around on tapatalk and found this. My mom moved up to Vermont 10 years ago with her husband. Just had a gallon of fresh maple syrup sent. Look forward to being around
Hi there, fellow Virginian! Welcome to NES!! I hope you enjoy your time here. Looking forward to your posts. It sure is nice when friends (or family) send fresh maple syrup our way![]()
Thanks everyone.
Just waiting on approval from BPD and their call. Did the test and everything... This waiting game is brutal...
Finally got it in March. Bought a VP9. Sold the VP9. Bought an XDs and waiting to get a P320. Also joining Braintree Rifle and Pistol club this weekend (orientation is on Sunday). Can't wait.
Hi Everyone from Athol, Mass. Applied for my LTC 5 weeks ago and still waiting was told about 3 months. I'm new to shooting and found this site on google. Definitely looks like a great place to learn about firearms.
Hello all
My name is Matt and I'm 43 years old living in the North Shore. Online I go by the name of Beef Cake ... I just like the sound of the name, there's no back story or anything interesting that spawned it.
I'm new to shooting at age 43. I grew up in a family that frowned on firearms so I guess it just took me a while to get the LTC. If anyone is wondering what made me want to get the lic at this time in my life ... Maura Healey.
Currently, I'm looking at different firearms, and I want the first firearms purchase to be special. To me it comes down to a few different rifles. My first 2 choices would be either a pre-ban AR15 or pre-ban AK47 which ever one looks like the best deal. My 3rd choice would be a Ruger mini 14 (I loved the A-Team growing up!). These were the rifles I dreamed about as a child growing up and they hold a special place in my heart.
If anyone knows of a good gun store with reasonable prices let me know ... although I have a feeling these rifles may cost a lot no matter where I buy them : )
Hi, New member here on Cape Cod. I was brought up by an avid outdoorsman in North Dakota, my dad. My first gun was a 20 gauge at age 8. I enjoy plinking sports, trap, and duck hunting. I was "introduced" to this site by the staff at The Powerhorn in Hyannis, because I have a Glock 23 to sell and they wouldn't take it as trade due to MA law. However, this is a great site! I wish that I had found it years ago.
Oh yeah, I've had a fire arm permit in MA ever since it was required back in the 70's. Went from the original FID card to the current LTC permit over the past few decades..
Hey everybody my name is CJ I live in Norton,MA with my wife, beautiful daughter and handsome son aged 2 and 6 months respectively. I'm a current member of the Rhode Island Army National Guard, and a Federal Technician with the DOD. I also just started a new post in the general discussions area called "What is going on with my LTC? 7 month's since application turn in and still waiting!!" If people could check it out and help me out it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advanced and safe shooting!
Hello all! Newbie posting today, but I've been stocking the forums for a little bit now... Just had my mug shot and prints done in Mansfield today... awesome experience so far. Was told about 12 weeks before I should get a call back maybe sooner... that's okay, it gives me some time to prep and get familiar with the Mass laws... considering the membership once everything is all said and done.. looking forward to be an active contributor...
Just as an update for anyone who's interested or lives in Mansfield who plans to get their LTC... I recently received my LTC in the mail on 4/28. So about 14 weeks after the interview...
Been here for a month or two now, but here it goes...
I am Erik, and I am an estate planning attorney in Worcester, MA. I was active duty in the Marine Corps from 1994-2004, and was a precision weapons repairman. I ran pistol production (MEUSOC and National Match) at PWS in Quantico in 2000-2001. While in Quantico, I also attended the High Risk Personnel course. I was an embassy guard in Istanbul, Turkey, and Santiago, Chile from 1996-1999. After I got out of the Marines, I wasn't active in the gun world for about 11 years, but wrote about many gun rights issues during my undergraduate years. When I moved to CT I got my permit again and started shooting trap. Recently I revived my USPSA membership and I began regularly attending matches and practicing at Hopkinton. I am a member of Valley Springs Sportsmen's Club in North Grovesnordale, CT.
Hey everyone! Been reading for years and finally joined. My name is John and I live in Newton, MA. I've done a lot of training at Sig Sauer academy over the past 3 years and despite owning several guns (Sig P226, P229, S&W revolver, .22 plinker) at my 2nd residence in a constitutional carry state, I only recently decided to go through the process in my home state because my home town had been RED for so long. So far it seems to have gone smoothly as I had my interview 6 days after my LTC application and it was a quick yes. Just waiting the 8 weeks they told me to wait before calling back to see if my license is in. I was also told to wait one year to have the Hunting and Target restriction removed. Relative to Newton in the past this is great, but it will still be a long year. I belong to Winnipesaukee Sportsman's Club and plan to join Weston Shooter's Club once my license comes through. I'm planning on taking a weekend long training course on IDPA soon so that I can start competing and am in the process of trying to become an NRA pistol instructor (to help with restriction removal). You have all been a tremendous help to me throughout the process so far. Despite my username, I'm not a lawyer.
Hello, I just registered and i came across this topic from the Admin. To start off, My name is Elio, and I live in Lynn, MA, I work in Woburn in a Machine shop. I been into PCP airifles for about three years untill now, that I got got my Class A LTC 2 months ago , I am totally a baby in the world of ConcealCarry and owning guns.
As I was doing my process in getting my LTC, I keep getting alot of good info as I was browsing the forum in here.
As for guns I currently own for my first gun is a H&K VP9. And 2nd a Glock 17.
I joined Mystic Valley Gun club since its open 24 hour access for members, but anyway hopefully I will learn new things from the forums . Thank you for the Except.