Hi all!
I'm Sam, currently living in Oregon, in the process of relocating to MA. (Yeah, seems backwards, I know, but read on...

I was born in MA in 1960, moved to NH in '78, CO in '91, and OR in '96. Some very lovely places. In CO I was in the shadow of Pike's Peak, right on the edge of Pike National Forest. Here I'm in the shadow of Mary's Peak, 50 miles from the Pacific.
In March of this year an opportunity presented itself, and I find myself coming home. My sister has lived in Chatham since 1972, and I've been going down there regularly since that time. After my parents divorced in '78 all the family holidays and get togethers were held there. I married my first wife there and had my reception at my sister's house. That sister recently got a second house, and is sick of renting the first one to people who don't care for it, so I'm taking it over. I managed to find a job (better than my current one, higher pay, signing bonus, the whole bit) and am headed back to MA later this year. Everything fell into place so smoothly I couldn't have said "no" if I wanted to.
I've always been into guns, had an FID card before I ever left MA, etc. I managed to amass (hah!) a pretty large collection in the intervening years, and am on here researching everything I need to know about current MA gun laws and such. I will be asking questions. I do have an AR, and handguns with > 10 round mags, so need to figure things out pretty quick. I had one, a Freedom Arms '97, who's box wax marked "Not For Sale in MA", and I never did figure that out. No external safety (it's a revolver)? Company didn't want to submit one for testing? (I think that's the case.) But I sold that one not too long ago.
I'm a member on many gun forums, though I have used a different username in the past. I used to be a moderator on RugerForum.com. My big gun acquisition and trading, even shooting years are behind me at this point. I used to go to the range every week, now it's months between times, and I just go to plink .22 mostly. I have an Oregon CHL but haven't carried a gun on my person in quite a while; the threat level in my town is exceptionally low. I have another sister who's an NRA Certified Instructor, and have had many shooting buddies over the years with that accreditation, so have had some good training.
I'm also a musician, playing bass (upright and electric), guitar, and banjo. I play in 3 bands locally, and have already made musical contacts on the Cape.
That's my story. Welcome to my future.