New Folks Check In and Say Hi #4

Wow! Just found you all and from my general browsing so far I am feeling so darn at home already, thank you my fellow 2a loving Americans from the not so great state of CA :). Freedom lovers from around the world not to be left out as well.

Hi Blown, welcome to NES. All states (and countries!) are welcome here [cheers]

Cindy [mg]
New member, newish shooter. I’ve only had my ltc for about 2.5 years. Ya I know, I should have gotten it sooner. I have a few handguns in the cabinet but no rifles as of yet. Always itching for something new but most times I have champagne taste on a beer budget.
Thanks for having me. New shooter here. Got my MA LTC about a month ago. Looking for a mentor or ten to show me the ropes so I don't start off with bad habits. So if anyone is hitting up any ranges on the south shore let me know!! I currently have a Sig P226, S&W M&P 9c, and an FNX 45 Tactical.

Thanks again and look forward to learning and having fun!!

Bridgewater, MA
Welcome, Sean and Brannigan! We have every skill level and length-of-time shooter that you can think of here at NES.

So, grab a beer, pop corn, or what ever you like and immerse yourselves in the most entertaining and educational Gun Forum on the internet!

Happy trails...
Hi Friends!

Chris here. I found NEShooters looking around for some licensing info I think; only just now joined now that I'm licensed to try and find some good spots to shoot nearby. Been shooting ever since I was a wee lad, and sometime last year begrudgingly agreed to move to MA from TX. Overall liking it here; luckily for me guns aren't my #1 hobby and my favorite type of shooting (sporting clays) doesn't require the fun ones, so losing the AR and the AK wasn't the worst thing ever. Hopefully I'll replace them some day though.
Just had 36 clips dropped on my doorstep yesterday... need to find a place to get some nice pings going
Nice! Load them all up and fill up a .30 CAL can, staggered...
Seven rows of five and one clip riding on your sling,

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Greetings, I'm the epitome of procrastination. Always loved shooting, was a member of the Hanson R&GC back in the early 2000's... took my first safety class in 2003... never applied for anything... eventually moved to Lakeville... took another class in 2017... waited three more years... then finally applied for and got my LTC a few weeks ago. And seeing the prices of everything now... God I wish I had done this 18 years ago. 😆

I have followed the red/green town list here for many years, so I guess it was good ol' Google that got me here.
Hi everyone.
I'm Steve and live in Oxford MA.
My wife and I have shot off and on over the years, and recently (2 years ago) got our LTC.
I'm currently shooting an XD9 Mod-2, and she has a S&W model 67 at the Massachusetts Firearms School.

Welcome 440Sixpack, NewKid, SteveMayer and vetroresina!

Your input is welcome and needed here so, feel free to learn how the site works and always try to use the "Search" tab in the upper-right corner of any page. It will help you find an answer or
pose your question to get the best answers or advice on nearly any subject.

Also, if you would like to buy/sell/trade or get in on Group Buys and monthly "Give-Aways" from our invaluable Sponsors, you will need to become a paying "Green Member".
It is the best $21 bucks you will spend on anything firearms-related. NES Memberships

You can always sit back and enjoy the free and entertaining Posts here on NES too, but we'd love to have you "All-Aboard"!

Again, Welcome and Good Luck!
That has to be the most perfect and eclectic mish-mash of firearms one could ever hope to group in one, single photo.

In other words... "Sweet!"
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Since I didn't see this thread until now, well, howdy.

Parker Schreiber is a pen name -- Schreiber is German for "pen." I'll make no effort to hide who am I otherwise. I'm here to learn about firearms, their use, training techniques, and options to use them. To say my shooting experience is limited is generous. Before this year, the last time I shot it was almost 40 years ago, and it was plinking with a 16-gauge shotgun. I recently purchased a TNW Survival Rifle, and once I feel competent with that I'll think about other firearms.

I'll occasionally chime in with an opinion, but I plan to stay out of political threads. Suffice it to say that I've been reading and occasionally participating in online debates about gun rights and regulation for more than 40 years, and in that time I don't think I've seen a single person change their mind as a result of one.

Thank you for your knowledge and for putting up with the occasional snark and off-topic excursion.
Yeah I am new here.
I have been watching this site for years, and decided many here would be helpful.

I am a cranky old man with a great sense of humor!
When I post things that others find stupid, I am fine with that.

great to be here!!
Cranky old men are well received here..
Good evening NES. Newly minted member, lurked around for a little while while waiting for my LTC appointment. License should be coming in another month or so (in total would have been around 5 months, yeah there's a goal lawsuit against my town lol).

Really hoping I won't have to wait too long once I have my license to find one of the guns on my buy list with all the shortages.
Good evening NES. Newly minted member, lurked around for a little while while waiting for my LTC appointment. License should be coming in another month or so (in total would have been around 5 months, yeah there's a goal lawsuit against my town lol).

Really hoping I won't have to wait too long once I have my license to find one of the guns on my buy list with all the shortages.
Welcome to NES. Here's hoping that you are able to find what you are looking for. Check out the classifieds and dealer classifieds here.

BTW my 20 year old son has your avatar photo tattooed on his forearm. A trinity knot on the other. Celt and Viking blood lines.

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