
Jul 1, 2005
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I hope Im wrong but with Patrick, Coakley, Barrios and the wacko's on the hill, its going to be a long 4 years for gun owners. I see some banned weapons in our future.
OK, lets start a list of what he and his cohorts would/could do. Could be a long list.
I'll start with a couple:
Total ban of .50 BMG and confiscation of same
New definition of Assault Weapons with new ban
Don't worry, I have a 50-BMG manufacturer ready to declare a state of emergency in MA and get receivers to us very quickly.
Confiscation Action Plan:

-Out of state gun permit in NH - Check
-Pre-arranged storage arrangement with friend in NH - Check
-Pre-determined travel plan to friends house in NH - Check
-Test of immediate mobilization of said items to transport vehicle - To be scheduled, but thoroughly thought out.
-Official door sign to law enforcement stating to "F" off and they are to late - CHECK!!!!

Hummmm, maybe I love my guns TO much. Naaaaaaaaa!!!! [wink]
Confiscation Action Plan:

-Out of state gun permit in NH - Check
-Pre-arranged storage arrangement with friend in NH - Check
-Pre-determined travel plan to friends house in NH - Check
-Test of immediate mobilization of said items to transport vehicle - To be scheduled, but thoroughly thought out.
-Official door sign to law enforcement stating to "F" off and they are to late - CHECK!!!!

Hummmm, maybe I love my guns TO much. Naaaaaaaaa!!!! [wink]

LOL we think the exact same way... [smile]
Ya know, talking with a co-worker today who is also a C&R holding gun nut, we both wound up nauseaous and with headaches thinking of all the worst case scenarios than can come to be. Then I was reminded of something... years ago I remember my Father throwing out some old American Rifleman books. Some from election times as far back as the early 80s that had front cover page adds saying we'd all lose our guns, etc. Now when you think about it, we're really no better off these days compared to back then. Things have pretty much stayed the same with some restrictions put in place, some that have even been lightened up on, but for the most part being a Massachusetts gun owner, we've been at the same uphill struggle for years with nothing really gained and not much lost. I know this panic sets in every election time and I'd hate to be wrong here but things just may stay the way they are now.
Now matter who gets elected, I'm still gonna go shooting, collect milsurps, hopefully thin my collection when the new year comes up so I can buy better examples of Mausers, etc. and worry about what (if any) changes may come if they ever do when that time comes. The NRA said we as United States gun owners helped sway the last Presidential election. As long as Massachusetts gun owners vote and contribute to organizations like GOAL, the NRA, local shooting clubs, and even message board forums like here at NES, we'll have a voice and a say on what happens.

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