Official 1911 Pic Thread...

Here is my new one as of today. S&W 1911PD :)

Springfield Armory Champion bobtailed w/ Ed Brown bobtail MSH, Smith & Alexander beavertail,Ed Brown trigger,Serrated rear of the slide,Novak cuts with Heine sights. Finished in Graghite Black & Titanium Blue Cerakote.





Thanks Mike. I have a set of Larry Davidson Horn Lizards coming in soon. The Walnut Burls dont match the gun now that it's not stainless anymore.
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This is also posted in Greg Derr's thread but I thought I'd post it here. Greg did an amazing job on my 1911!

"This is a Colt owned by a NES member. It came in with a host of issues. First it had a Millett "duel crimp" front sight which was removed, then the offending holes were welded up and a new dovetail was cut. The rear Colt sight was replaced with a Novak low mount sight. A new McCormack beavertail was close fit as well as a new trigger. The collet bushing was replaced with an EGW oversized bushing, and the barrel recrowned with a deep bevel. All the scratches and dings were smoothed out prior to rebluing."

He also lowered the ejection port.

I let one go a few years back, tossed the idea of building a custom but then money and a chance to buy this NIB came together !!
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