Panic Buying


Way too much wasted space there. You need to fix that.

I'd leave it open...

I bought two more 20 rd boxes of 9mm 115 Gr. Speer Gold Dots.

Is it just me or does it seem like decent defense ammo is in limited supply?

I would love some more Corbon 9mm DPX rounds...
I will do my shopping at walmart and dicks in Nashua just before closing on Nov 8th, unless, of course exit polling goes to Trump. I figure is Trump is pulling close to within 1-2% in Massachusetts, he may be on to victory. 7-8% we're in for trouble. I forget if they even do exit polling after the 2000 election. I hope so. Otherwise I'll be shopping bright and early.
I check weekly though, and as of now, they have plenty, first signs of empty shelves I must load up.
Good thing I whittled down to .22, 9mm, 5.56 and 12 ga. I kept all of my .357, .45, .38spl, 30-06 as bartering chips.
I start a new job with much higher pay right after the election. It's killing me that by the time I have the cash everything is going to be twice as expensive

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Credit card and buy reloading supplies:
1. Large Pistol Primers. At least 5K
2. Large Rifle Primers. At least 5K
3. Powder. At least 8lbs. 16lbs would be better.

Even if you don't use it right away, or something happens and you need the money, you can sell it at cost a few months later and get your money back.
I will do my shopping at walmart and dicks in Nashua just before closing on Nov 8th, unless, of course exit polling goes to Trump. I figure is Trump is pulling close to within 1-2% in Massachusetts, he may be on to victory. 7-8% we're in for trouble. I forget if they even do exit polling after the 2000 election. I hope so. Otherwise I'll be shopping bright and early.
I check weekly though, and as of now, they have plenty, first signs of empty shelves I must load up.
Good thing I whittled down to .22, 9mm, 5.56 and 12 ga. I kept all of my .357, .45, .38spl, 30-06 as bartering chips.

I was at a Walmart and there was 0 winchester white box 9mm on the shelf. I think to myself "hmm thats weird" and turn around to ponder the meaning of it. 30 seconds later someone rolls over a cart of ammo to start loading it into the case and ......... boxes and boxes of WWB!

I have bought a bunch of ammo this month, and a good half of it was stuff that was actually on sale!
I wouldn't wait until Nov 8th for the polls to close for anything critical.

Odds are in killary's favor and it will be full blown panic buying once the results are obvious. I've noticed s lot of the online retailers prices are rising or they are out of stock on the best bulk ammo deals and key/quality AR parts.

I'd say get your critical ammo and key "assault weapon" parts now. Plus, I wouldn't put it past Oblamo to attempt some Executive order BS before she is sworn in.
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Does anyone still think the election is in doubt? I think we'd see the panic buying already. Maybe supply is good enough now that it can weather some panic buying.
Does anyone still think the election is in doubt? I think we'd see the panic buying already. Maybe supply is good enough now that it can weather some panic buying.

Panic denotes lack of forethought.

If Hillary gets elected and you walk into the store and see a stack of ammo in the case are you going to have the overwhelming urge to buy as much as you can grab? Probaby not because you already factored her win into your stock.
Maybe supply is good enough now that it can weather some panic buying.

That certainly crossed my mind but I figured I'd play it safe. Especially with the prices being as good as they are now - ain't getting any cheaper of course...
Does anyone still think the election is in doubt? I think we'd see the panic buying already. Maybe supply is good enough now that it can weather some panic buying.

Well, even the tinfoiler numbskulls know that Hitlery can't really do anything until she is inaugurated, assuming she wins. So they know they have until the end of january to go full retard. Rest assured though if she wins the day after the election... things will quickly ramp up to going full retard, potentially being aggravated here and there by her making noises about gun control before the inauguration.

And yeah, it is in question.. at least by some significant portion of the population. People aren't sucking for
the polls and they're not really sure what to believe. IMHO it depends on turnout vs fraud etc in the swing states. That's all a huge wildcard. This could be a huge turnout election. Or it could be one of the worst- one thing I keep seeing is a shitload of people who don't like either one of them. Media doesn't like talking about that factor too much.

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As I have said before, it is only panic buying or hoarding when someone else does it.

When you do it for yourself, it's prudent stockpiling.
Well, NICS has already gone full retard at least. Supposedly they implemented a new version today. If you get flagged for further review because of a common name you get an automatic delay rather than being pushed up to a level 2 person now according to the guys behind the counter at the LGS.

Guess who went to buy a shotgun and walked out without one. [angry]

My consolation prize was a flat of shells. Not enough to make me happy about the situation though.
Well, NICS has already gone full retard at least. Supposedly they implemented a new version today. If you get flagged for further review because of a common name you get an automatic delay rather than being pushed up to a level 2 person now according to the guys behind the counter at the LGS.

Guess who went to buy a shotgun and walked out without one. [angry]

My consolation prize was a flat of shells. Not enough to make me happy about the situation though.

Consider your source.

I honestly believe a lot of gun shop counter guys amuse themselves by seeing what's the most outlandish thing they can tell people convincingly enough for it to appear on NES within 24 hours.

Edit: I don't mean to sound judgmental. If I worked in a gun shop, I would probably do this. I have a very simple sense of humor most people categorize as "*******".
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Consider your source.

I honestly believe a lot of gun shop counter guys amuse themselves by seeing what's the most outlandish thing they can tell people convincingly enough for it to appear on NES within 24 hours.

Edit: I don't mean to sound judgmental. If I worked in a gun shop, I would probably do this. I have a very simple sense of humor most people categorize as "*******".

I agree 100%.
Every time I read this thread I buy some more ammo. Just got another 500 rounds of 12 ga at a pretty good price from Bulkammo.

But I really need to stop reading this thread dammit. My credit card hates this thread. Just stop it.
Anyone in NH that needs stuff? - I will pay shipping and fees.

I want to get some stuff shipped but everyone that has the best prices doesnt ship to MA (DO NOT POST ANYONE THAT SHIPS TO MA).
Well, NICS has already gone full retard at least. Supposedly they implemented a new version today. If you get flagged for further review because of a common name you get an automatic delay rather than being pushed up to a level 2 person now according to the guys behind the counter at the LGS.

Guess who went to buy a shotgun and walked out without one. [angry]

My consolation prize was a flat of shells. Not enough to make me happy about the situation though.

This from NICS today. Your LGS guy is correct, however it will be implemented on Oct 27th*********New NICS presents numerous opportunities for the FBI to enhance operational efficiencies. On October 27, 2016, the NICS Section will be implementing an automated feature that will allow the system to return a deny response on FBI-initiated transactions based upon exact matches to the name and date of birth fields on the NICS Index record without having an employee manually review. The NICS Index contains information provided by local, state, tribal, and federal agencies of persons prohibited from receiving firearms under federal or state law. The NICS Index contains prohibiting information which may not be found in the NCIC or the III allowing an individual to be denied without further research.

This means some transactions that would normally be forwarded for further review can quickly be resolved allowing FBI staff to move on to other transactions. The FBI will continue to identify and implement features such as this so that we can continually work to improve our processing times and responsiveness to NICS transactions.

Thank You

NICS Business Relations Team
This from NICS today. Your LGS guy is correct, however it will be implemented on Oct 27th*********New NICS presents numerous opportunities for the FBI to enhance operational efficiencies. On October 27, 2016, the NICS Section will be implementing an automated feature that will allow the system to return a deny response on FBI-initiated transactions based upon exact matches to the name and date of birth fields on the NICS Index record without having an employee manually review. The NICS Index contains information provided by local, state, tribal, and federal agencies of persons prohibited from receiving firearms under federal or state law. The NICS Index contains prohibiting information which may not be found in the NCIC or the III allowing an individual to be denied without further research.

This means some transactions that would normally be forwarded for further review can quickly be resolved allowing FBI staff to move on to other transactions. The FBI will continue to identify and implement features such as this so that we can continually work to improve our processing times and responsiveness to NICS transactions.

Thank You

NICS Business Relations Team

Translation: "We've decided to **** over a class consisting of a shitload of people so we can expedite operations."

Correct me if Im wrong, but its not just the common name, its the same name and the same d.o.b., no?

If your name is something like "John Smith" or something simple, it wouldn't be that hard to hit the shit lottery. Not to mention if it wasn't happening frequently they wouldn't have changed the policy.

But I really need to stop reading this thread dammit. My credit card hates this thread. Just stop it.

[laugh] Yeah it doesn't help. I've been buying a lot of components this week. But none of this stuff is getting cheaper so why not buy when the price is right? As Rob Boudrie says, it's "prudent inventory management"
Don't know wether with my next preelection paychecks to spite buy a GP100 Match Champion I've been eyeing for years or a M&P15-22 & more ammo as an extra FU to the Mauron.
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