Panic Buying

You guys can slow down the panic buying now. Hillary just took a hit that is probably fatal.

Think he's talking about the FBI reopening the email investigation.



The FBI has reopened its investigation into her email server. An Espionage Act charge is now back on the table. The Main Stream Media is going nuts, Trump and Pence were on the front page of CBS News talking about it. The race was close, and trending Trump, this will be the final straw. There is no way to elect Hillary now - should could be indicted and charged after winning the election. This should push the remaining undecided voters Trump's way. He only needs a few points in some key states (NC, FL, OH) to win. He could conceivably win PA, where he was behind only 3, and that is before getting the Amish endorsement, and before this news broke today.

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I do have to admit that I've been stocking up too, and will continue to do so, but I think this is the beginning of the end for the Clintons.
Damn. Now WTF am I supposed to do with 5000 rounds of 5.56??

Oh yea, I'll need more if Trumpy's elected and the hippies revolt.
The FBI has reopened its investigation into her email server. An Espionage Act charge is now back on the table. The Main Stream Media is going nuts, Trump and Pence were on the front page of CBS News talking about it. The race was close, and trending Trump, this will be the final straw. There is no way to elect Hillary now - should could be indicted and charged after winning the election. This should push the remaining undecided voters Trump's way. He only needs a few points in some key states (NC, FL, OH) to win. He could conceivably win PA, where he was behind only 3, and that is before getting the Amish endorsement, and before this news broke today.

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I do have to admit that I've been stocking up too, and will continue to do so, but I think this is the beginning of the end for the Clintons.

Buddy, I admire your optimism, but you're missing one important thing here: Clinton supporters don't care that she's a criminal. They don't care that she's been breaking the law for years. They just want to shove her into office and will do whatever it takes to do so. They will continue to BS and mess with numbers to get her elected. Once she's elected, they are going to do their best to make this all go away.
Buddy, I admire your optimism, but you're missing one important thing here: Clinton supporters don't care that she's a criminal. They don't care that she's been breaking the law for years. They just want to shove her into office and will do whatever it takes to do so. They will continue to BS and mess with numbers to get her elected. Once she's elected, they are going to do their best to make this all go away.

I agree. There is nothing concrete enough to change minds. If WikiLeaks, Veritas the Russians and whoever else don't seize upon this opportunity and immediately drop every F'ing bomb they have left then she is going to win. It has to be all or nothing, right now. They need to control the headlines for the next 3 days minimum.
Buddy, I admire your optimism, but you're missing one important thing here: Clinton supporters don't care that she's a criminal. They don't care that she's been breaking the law for years. They just want to shove her into office and will do whatever it takes to do so. They will continue to BS and mess with numbers to get her elected. Once she's elected, they are going to do their best to make this all go away.

I am an optimist. I love my 2A rights - it is my last issue. I'm not saying her supporters will abandon her - it is the 8% undecided that will be swung by this. It will have a big impact. We are too close to the election now to resolve this new charge - so it will weigh her down, I think enough for Trump to win. The WikiLeaks dumps and Project Veritas videos are hurting her badly. This will make it all worse.
Buddy, I admire your optimism, but you're missing one important thing here: Clinton supporters don't care that she's a criminal. They don't care that she's been breaking the law for years. They just want to shove her into office and will do whatever it takes to do so. They will continue to BS and mess with numbers to get her elected. Once she's elected, they are going to do their best to make this all go away.

This, sadly. They don't care at all. She could murder a basket-full of puppies on live TV and her supporters wouldn't give a shit.
The FBI has reopened its investigation into her email server. An Espionage Act charge is now back on the table. The Main Stream Media is going nuts, Trump and Pence were on the front page of CBS News talking about it. The race was close, and trending Trump, this will be the final straw. There is no way to elect Hillary now - should could be indicted and charged after winning the election. This should push the remaining undecided voters Trump's way. He only needs a few points in some key states (NC, FL, OH) to win. He could conceivably win PA, where he was behind only 3, and that is before getting the Amish endorsement, and before this news broke today.
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I do have to admit that I've been stocking up too, and will continue to do so, but I think this is the beginning of the end for the Clintons.

Whatever you've been stocking up on, i want some!

Clinton will laugh this off like everything else. She owns the FBI.
Whatever you've been stocking up on, i want some!

Clinton will laugh this off like everything else. She owns the FBI.

Normally I would agree. It is clear the McCabe got bought off with the McAuliffe & DNC donations to his wife's campaign. Comey was also in the bag. His bringing this up to me indicates that there is something there, as well as it will come to light and will make him look bad, so he is covering his own butt.

As it is, he can say, hey, with what was there, it did not rise to the standard, but now with this...

Still could be smoke screen, but you know Hitlery lost her freaking mind and must have been red-faced (Lezibeth Warren... See what I did there Pocahantas? ) and cursing like a bunch of sailors
After the S.H. debacle I made sure I won't get caught short again.
It's new people i'll feel bad for.
The rest of us, if we didn't learn then ...[slap]
Most people don't care about emails. Most people don't know enough about why this is important to care about the FOIA implications. At this point, a lot of people probably think the emails are just some Republican bogey man that's meaningless.

Tldr: buy ammo. Hillary will be president

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i feel very comfortable with the amount of ammo i have on hand considering how long i've been shooting. However, i'm trying to resist buying a ton of ammo right before the election just incase. I have been stashing it while it is cheap to prepare for this moment, but i guess it just shows that you can't have enough.

maybe i'll just buy a plate carrier for the armor that i have the back of one of my ammo cabinets instead.
Ammo availability seems more plentiful than ever; I am seeing cases of .22lr HV copper plated for 0.07/round, 9mm for 0.20 / rnd. When does the panic actually begin this time?

Maybe when Hillary appoints Maura Healey as AG of the US?
Ammo availability seems more plentiful than ever; I am seeing cases of .22lr HV copper plated for 0.07/round, 9mm for 0.20 / rnd. When does the panic actually begin this time?

Maybe when Hillary appoints Maura Healey as AG of the US?

Panic starts around 8-9 PM on November 8th when the polls are closing.
I would suggest to have your online order cart full and in a spare window - then if you feel the need, click the order now button.

That's cute, but smart web merchant apps will bounce that shit. If its ammo just buy it, it's not like its going to lose value.
That's cute, but smart web merchant apps will bounce that shit. If its ammo just buy it, it's not like its going to lose value.

This. If you have the money, stop beating around the bush and just buy it. What advantage is there to waiting until election day?
Was at Cabelas today....$10.99 for Blazer brass 115gr they a had a decent overall variety...picked up some 22 quiets which I haven't seen forever....and if you spend $200 you get a store coupon for $50 (but need to use it by 11/23).
That's cute, but smart web merchant apps will bounce that shit. If its ammo just buy it, it's not like its going to lose value.

This seriously, if you have the money buy it now, because folks either have a need for it or they do not. It should go without saying that prices are hardly going to get any cheaper regardless of any election outcome or panic buying meme attached to it.

If I have the perceived need and the dough I will always buy more ammo, components, powder and you do not have to elect a turd to the oval office to prompt me. [mg]
Was at Cabelas today....$10.99 for Blazer brass 115gr they a had a decent overall variety...picked up some 22 quiets which I haven't seen forever....and if you spend $200 you get a store coupon for $50 (but need to use it by 11/23).

$10.99 for new Blazer brass 9mm? And a store coupon? Did you buy everything they had I hope?
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