Police respond to report of shooting at pro-Israeli protest in Newton

But in the meantime he had a mentally unstable person who had just run through traffic and tried tackling a guy with his back turned to him.

As another user pointed out, essentially any physical confrontation should result in a self defense shooting using the logic here.

Thats a road to hell.
All i cam do is work with what i got in that video. Which isn't much. Presumably a lot was going on prior to the start of that video.
It's possible, but I would not presume, hopefully those facts will come out. I was referring more in generalities, not those 2 specific individuals. My apologies if I got my wires crossed, trying to read thru this thread between calls. :D
Well I see that the school shooting is getting pushed aside because the kid had problems but this will be pushed forward because a licensed carrier defended himself.
I took NRA Basic Pistol as a prerequisite for the NRA Pistol Instructor certification. I was already NRA Home Firearms Safety certified and was adding the Pistol cert. Everyone but me was there for their MA LTC. Instructor told the class that while not required, they should provide a list of their firearms to the local PD as a courtesy. I damn near fell off my chair. I reported the guy to the club the class was conducted at, my understanding is that he got a talking to.
And here on page 10 I've grouped together.......... [rofl] [rofl]
As another user pointed out, essentially any physical confrontation should result in a self defense shooting using the logic here.

The debate is about a scenario which has already occurred and whether that was self-defense.

You've been trying to conjur a mutual combat scenario limited to, 'don't talk shit'.

There's shit talking here minute by minute. Combat!
TIhe standard is that low?

Essentially any hands on outside chest bumping would satisfy that. Not only that, the definition you posted contradicts itself immediately. A black eye is not worse enough. Well how the hell do you get the majority of black eyed in fights? Strikes to the face. Which would satisfy thier definition.

I know you guys dont like it. But the reality is they were talking some big shit to a person who was clearly insane. It was mutual combat. Dont want to get into a fight? Dont run your mouth. A concept as old as time.
That you equate words to physical combat makes me think you may have been hit in the head a few too many times.
More likely it's a means of dealing with your own tendency to react physically to words. It's far easier to say words allow violence than to see fault in your reaction to words with violence.
Show of hands, you’re in this guy’s shoes and hysterical ponytail guy charges your crowd and knocks you over. Would you unholster and shoot him or not?
Show of hands, you’re in this guy’s shoes and hysterical ponytail guy charges your crowd and knocks you over. Would you unholster and shoot him or not?

No. But based on what I've seen in that video I believe I'd be able to handle myself to avoid serious injury ... and if I had seen him coming. Also, doesn't negate the concept of self-defense.

From behind, in a disadvantageous position, don't know. Take a fist to the temple or if there is an incoming choke hold, time and space is somewhat limited to avoid the danger of serious injury.

How about, if you see a raving idiot coming at you with rage, do you upholster and present. Or is that a no go?

Coincidently. I've been involved in a choking scenario. Some aspects are surprisingly similar. No one died. Someone did leave with a broken nose and maybe hyperextension, though.
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As another user pointed out, essentially any physical confrontation should result in a self defense shooting using the logic here.

Thats a road to hell.
People should look at it like this.

Any physical confrontation could result in a self defense shooting. That would make for a much more polite society.

The vet who got jumped has no idea what the capabilities are of the person who’s all over him. If he’s lucky/fortunate/prepared enough to be able to handle the threat without deadly force that is great. However, not everyone have those capabilities.
Show of hands, you’re in this guy’s shoes and hysterical ponytail guy charges your crowd and knocks you over. Would you unholster and shoot him or not?
For me to accurately answer that, first I'd have to say my answer is based on what I saw of what happened, and then add that my personal heath issues mean running is never an option, and getting into a physical confrontation far more dangerous. Yes I would have fired.
Shit talking isnt risk free

I’m not sure I heard him doing any shit talking, but in any case, neither is physically attacking somebody.

This is pure clown world stuff. Where the expression “sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me” has been replaced with “it’s okay to use sticks and stones to break bones because words hurt my feelings”.
Any physical confrontation could result in a self defense shooting. That would make for a much more polite society.
The idea that any confrontation could rise to my having to shoot someone has an affect on my demeanor, I am less confrontational when I'm carrying than when I'm not. If I ever end up involved in a shooting it won't be because I escalated the situation.
Based on the videos I've seen I don't buy the "mutual combat" argument. First, while there were words exchanged with Hamas supporter, but it's NOT clear from videos I've seen what the was actually said, and whether the person he attacked was the one actually saying much, if anything. And, exchanging words does NOT automatically consent to, let alone instigation of, "mutual combat". One might logically assume the one attacked said something, but given the mental state and actions of many progressives and Hamas supporters I will NOT make the assumption the person attacked said anything instigating or consenting to mutual combat without clear, compelling evidence.
Finally, the Hamas supporter was the one who came across street and escalated to physical conflict. Finally, it's also hard to tell from the video the degree to which the person he attacked did, or was even able to, retreat.
We had a family party yesterday, and a police sergeant fromTexas joined us.

We showed him the video of this incident and he said no doubt a case of self defense.

When we told him that the Army veteran was arrested and charged, well, he was stunned. Couldn't believe it.

Welcome to our world...
We had a family party yesterday, and a police sergeant fromTexas joined us.

We showed him the video of this incident and he said no doubt a case of self defense.

When we told him that the Army veteran was arrested and charged, well, he was stunned. Couldn't believe it.

Welcome to our world...

Texas though. More rational than MA (insert Uzi2 here).
TIhe standard is that low?

Essentially any hands on outside chest bumping would satisfy that. Not only that, the definition you posted contradicts itself immediately. A black eye is not worse enough. Well how the hell do you get the majority of black eyed in fights? Strikes to the face. Which would satisfy thier definition.

I know you guys dont like it. But the reality is they were talking some big shit to a person who was clearly insane. It was mutual combat. Dont want to get into a fight? Dont run your mouth. A concept as old as time.
A basic fist is not considered deadly force since the vast majority of punches don't result in serious harm.
A shod foot on the other hand has a high likelihood of causing more serious damage.

If Mike Tyson in his prime were to credibly threaten you with a full strength punch to the face and started running across the road - would you have an objectively reasonable belief that you were in immediate danger of a life changing injury?
Yes - therefore in that exact situation you would by justified in using deadly force to stop that attack.

Many deadly force applications are obvious - firearms, knives, baseball bats, etc
Some are less obvious - much younger or stronger attacker, training or even a pillow or pool.
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