pastera is clearly more qualified to break down the risks of grappling than i am
This threads into satire at this point
Sorry but the soy boy bitch initiated a deadly force encounter.
At that point he can only regain innocence by completely retreating from the affray in a clear manner.
It doesn't matter if the remainder of the attack does not meet the deadly force standard - once he opened that door the defender can use deadly force to stop the ongoing attack.
You can toss out poorly cloaked
ad hominems all you want - I don't care.
The common law around self defense is clear.
The initial attack objectively elevated to deadly force since knocking a 47 year old over weight guy to the ground from behind by a ~200+ pound grown male is highly likely to at least cause back injuries lasting for months if not permanent damage with pain and disability.
You may have grappling skills that would have prevented that level of harm to YOU but that's not the standard.
If the average person of average fighting skills was attacked in that manner it is reasonable to believe that they could likely suffer some harm lasting weeks or months.
The threshold can be lowered if the actual individual is, even unbeknownst to the attacker, more suseptible to harm than the average person.
So now that you have professed unusual grappling skills I know that I am subject to greater risk of harm from any attack from you - as does anyone else on this forum of average skill - and can act accordingly. And having watched many MMA matches I have pre knowledge that grappling an opponent with much better training a d experience is highly likely to result in lasting injuries.
You might not like it but that's how the law works.