Police Torture Prisoner in MAINE

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He's mentally ill. Strapped to a chair and those pussies had to spray OC in to his mouth.


The day is coming you cowards.

Couldn't have said it better myself

Wow, it's truly amazing how many bleeding heart liberals are in this thread. The inmate clearly resisted in an aggressive fashion screaming "don't touch my ****ing arm" and then spit. If he's at the point where he's in a smock and a chair, he's a repeat offender of this type. You don't just walk out of your cell into a smock and chair for a trip to the shower. You either assault an officer, start a fire, cut up or do something equally as bed and then resist being cuffed up. Forcing a move team (the guys in riot gear) to come in and get you. He most likely already assaulted one or multiple officers and as soon as he started to resist again they sprayed him and controlled his head.

Have any of the posters here claiming the officers used an aggressive offense ever had someone with HIV try to bite or spit on them? Not a ****ing chance you have. He's lucky when he spit that no one broke his jaw. You'll also be happy to know that he most likely after this incident received better medical care than you or I could ever hope to have... for free, and because the video has been released and will touch upon the "feelings" of some shithead jury. He will also become filthy rich by the time of his release.

Prison is not like OZ or some FOX tv show, this is prison life everyday. Assaulting officers and working the system.

I don't want people tied to chairs and assaulted, is that so bad? "He deserved it" WHO GIVES A **** THAT'S NOT WHAT WE DO TO CRIMINALS. We have something called due process, and I'll defend that right for anyone in America: rapist, murderer, someone with a post-ban 30-rounder in NY. Police aren't judge jury and executioner, and prison guards certainly aren't either.
You are right I am now convinced that a 15 minute cop beat down cured this misguided young veteran of his bipolar and depression. If all of us unruly peasants got routine 15 minute cop beat downs we also would be cured of our bad ways and love of freedom, guns, and large sodas. Where do I sign up for my mental health cop beat down? Hope the copay isn't too high. There have been randomized double blind studies proving the mental health curative effects of cop beat downs correct? There must have been or you wouldn't suggest that treatment for some bipolar, depressed former Army medic.

Strange Maine: Rob all night? Time to pay

Read that article and then write your local rep and express your deepest concern and sympathy towards our misguided youth.
So lets take a guy on the edge and push him over the edge and then torture him "for his own good". We're not bleeding heart liberals, we're Libertarians who don't think a tin badge grants you extra rights which would make inmates out of the rest of us.

No one put him on the edge. He was arrested for armed robbery. Went to prison and the article claimed he was "held in solitary confinement" causing his bipolar disorder to set off. Unfortunately you all seem to believe what the media tells you. He wasn't "held in solitary confinement" He was "sentenced" to solitary confinement because he ****ed up in general pop. Then he cut himself which requires medical attention and he did for the attention. He resisted the restraints which is why he ended up in the chair. For them to even bring the OC spray on the Tier he had to have been notified that OC spray was an option. Knowing that if he ****ed up he would be sprayed. He ****ed up! Then he got sprayed. CO's only have the tools given to them. Everyone keeps saying they should've put the spit mask or shield on his head. This isn't Alaska State Troopers. Most prisons don't have them, if MA prisons don't have them (They didn't as of 5 years ago) Then I highly doubt a Maine prison has one. No OC, he keeps spitting. He keeps spitting, "welcome to the wonderful world of HIV" Thanks to HIPPA, no officer knows for sure if an inmate has a disease. It has to be assumed that if an inmate is willing to use a fluid as a weapon, that the fluid is most likely tainted.
No one put him on the edge. He was arrested for armed robbery. Went to prison and the article claimed he was "held in solitary confinement" causing his bipolar disorder to set off. Unfortunately you all seem to believe what the media tells you. He wasn't "held in solitary confinement" He was "sentenced" to solitary confinement because he ****ed up in general pop. Then he cut himself which requires medical attention and he did for the attention. He resisted the restraints which is why he ended up in the chair. For them to even bring the OC spray on the Tier he had to have been notified that OC spray was an option. Knowing that if he ****ed up he would be sprayed. He ****ed up! Then he got sprayed. CO's only have the tools given to them. Everyone keeps saying they should've put the spit mask or shield on his head. This isn't Alaska State Troopers. Most prisons don't have them, if MA prisons don't have them (They didn't as of 5 years ago) Then I highly doubt a Maine prison has one. No OC, he keeps spitting. He keeps spitting, "welcome to the wonderful world of HIV" Thanks to HIPPA, no officer knows for sure if an inmate has a disease. It has to be assumed that if an inmate is willing to use a fluid as a weapon, that the fluid is most likely tainted.

If the jail guards are exposed to so much risk then they should find a new job. In the meantime, they cant beat on people.

Im in, fantastic suggestion.

Hey I didnt wri- oh I see what you did there. Listen, I'm all for smoking crack and robbing a knifepoint but spitting on a civil servant deserves a flogging. Ever spit on your folks as a kid when they made you stop beating your sister? Bet ya never spit at them again (didnt save your sister from beatdowns though)
So you think cop beat downs cure bipolar disorder? Yeah the guy seems to be a disturbed dipshit, and mental disease doesn't excuse him from his crimes. Doesn't matter nothing makes him deserve torture. Cops torturing someone violates that same piece of toilet paper as taking your pea shooters away. Stop being retarded. When they street execute the first NESer for having a hi-cap mag we will just throw him out of the club, 'he deserved it because of X' we are all OK.
Strange Maine: Rob all night? Time to pay

Read that article and then write your local rep and express your deepest concern and sympathy towards our misguided youth.
Hey I didnt wri- oh I see what you did there. Listen, I'm all for smoking crack and robbing a knifepoint but spitting on a civil servant deserves a flogging.

No, it actually deserves a charge and trial.
No one put him on the edge. He was arrested for armed robbery. Went to prison and the article claimed he was "held in solitary confinement" causing his bipolar disorder to set off. Unfortunately you all seem to believe what the media tells you. He wasn't "held in solitary confinement" He was "sentenced" to solitary confinement because he ****ed up in general pop. Then he cut himself which requires medical attention and he did for the attention. He resisted the restraints which is why he ended up in the chair. For them to even bring the OC spray on the Tier he had to have been notified that OC spray was an option. Knowing that if he ****ed up he would be sprayed. He ****ed up! Then he got sprayed. CO's only have the tools given to them. Everyone keeps saying they should've put the spit mask or shield on his head. This isn't Alaska State Troopers. Most prisons don't have them, if MA prisons don't have them (They didn't as of 5 years ago) Then I highly doubt a Maine prison has one. No OC, he keeps spitting. He keeps spitting, "welcome to the wonderful world of HIV" Thanks to HIPPA, no officer knows for sure if an inmate has a disease. It has to be assumed that if an inmate is willing to use a fluid as a weapon, that the fluid is most likely tainted.

Allow me to translate: he's a douche. Prison guards are allowed to punish misbehaving inmates on the spot like children. Lets assume the prison doesn't have the proper tools for the job. Lets assume he has HIV. Am I close?
Statists will state.

the entertaining part of this is one person called us "liberals." Well, since libertarians are more liberals than democrats on social issues, close one, sorta.
No one put him on the edge. He was arrested for armed robbery. Went to prison and the article claimed he was "held in solitary confinement" causing his bipolar disorder to set off.

Bipolar? So what is bipolar to you anyway? And are you like the spit police or something? Oh wait nevermind, no one with AIDs spit in my open wound.
Yeah F him. He gets what he deserves his a criminal puke sounds like this is not his first incident.

You guys with this attitude... remember you had this attitude when you become the criminal. Don't think it can happen? The way it's looking, pretty soon those pieces of plastic you have in your house will land you in jail. You have no idea what this guy did to end up there... could be he just had some flowers in his pocket.
If the jail guards are exposed to so much risk then they should find a new job. In the meantime, they cant beat on people.


So if all the jail guards quit because of too much risk who's going to run the prisons? Who ever it is will be just as much exposed as the guards that left...

I'm guessing this subject of this video has spend quite some time in specialized units (ie a**h***) where this behavior is the norm. The staff likely see this on a daily basis.

No one got beat up...do you really think if they wanted to beat him up they would have used every precaution? You ever see 5 people beating up 1? it certainly doesn't look like anything the video shows...

There really is no questionable reason for the force (spray), but the technique wasn't good...nor was the type of spray...but maybe thats all they had left...obviously there are circumstances that no one here knows.
Allow me to translate: he's a douche. Prison guards are allowed to punish misbehaving inmates on the spot like children. Lets assume the prison doesn't have the proper tools for the job. Lets assume he has HIV. Am I close?

If I put my hand in my sweatshirt pocket and point the finger and demand all of your money, do you assume I have a gun? There's no abuse here. OC Spray is not that bad, every CO has to be sprayed before they can use it. If you can talk. You can breathe. If you're spitting, you're mouth is a weapon and needs to be controlled. Like I said, prison is not like you see on TV. Shawshank Redemption is not real life. CO abuse is extremely rare in the northeast due to the incredible amount of cameras. When a CO does abuse an inmate, he is almost always immediately ratted out by fellow CO's and is terminated. Go take a tour of Norfolk Prison some day. They have a computer lab, floral garden, two baseball fields and a 3 million dollar gym next to the music studio. If prison was co-ed, there'd be no reason to keep paying your mortgage.
This thread is awesome. Dench pretty much has stated a lot of what I would, so ya....um....MURICA! **** YAH! BEAT ME SOME CRIMINALZ!!
If I put my hand in my sweatshirt pocket and point the finger and demand all of your money, do you assume I have a gun? There's no abuse here. OC Spray is not that bad, every CO has to be sprayed before they can use it. If you can talk. You can breathe. If you're spitting, you're mouth is a weapon and needs to be controlled. Like I said, prison is not like you see on TV. Shawshank Redemption is not real life. CO abuse is extremely rare in the northeast due to the incredible amount of cameras. When a CO does abuse an inmate, he is almost always immediately ratted out by fellow CO's and is terminated. Go take a tour of Norfolk Prison some day. They have a computer lab, floral garden, two baseball fields and a 3 million dollar gym next to the music studio. If prison was co-ed, there'd be no reason to keep paying your mortgage.
I hope you never incarcerate someone I love
Does anyone here have any other information, other than the brief snapshot given by this video? No, you don't. But everyone has an opinion. That's all they are, opinions. Maybe it looked like "torture" , maybe it looked excessive, or maybe it looks like nothing. With out facts and perspective, very little can be learned from this video alone.

Let's remember, this occured in a Maine state prison--not a county jail or HOC--with post-conviction inmates, many of whom are there for violent and other heavy duty crimes. We also don't know anything about the inmate's past behavioral history or what his tendacies have been in the past with regards to harming CO's. Admittedly, some of it doesn't look good, but that alone doesn't mean much.

Torture? No. Some perhaps less than professional cussing? Perhaps. Though to the NES crowd who decry any civilian law enforcement official wearing black BDU's no matter what the circumstance, they'll find something wrong.

To each his own.
They should put one of those masks that Hannibal Lecter wears on him. It has holes to breath and would be really hard to spit through.
They should put one of those masks that Hannibal Lecter wears on him. It has holes to breath and would be really hard to spit through.

I actually carry spit veils in the back of my crusier. On the two occasions I've used them, the person spitting was able to whip it off his head.
He was screaming about not being able to breathe when the cop restrained his head... he complained of his eyes being covered, he then carried on when they put the hood on him.

It wasn't about the pepper spray, it was about the head restraint. CLASSIC claustrophobic response of "I CAN'T BREATHE, I CAN'T BREATHE! CAPTAIN, TELL THEM TO TAKE HIS HANDS OFF MY HEAD SO I CAN BREATHE" (Really? You're yelling really loudly for someone who can't breathe....)

WHAT do you do with a guy who is non-cooperative, restrain him until he cries about claustrophobia? Do you not lock up claustrophobics at all?

I'm not apologizing for the officers at all. I'm uncomfortable watching it too. I'm explaining the guy's reactions were not to the pepper spray, the reactions were to being restrained. Go watch it again.... and let me know if I missed something?!?

What they did to him could have killed him by asphyxiation:

Police Tie Up Tourist And Kill Him With Pepper Spray |
If I put my hand in my sweatshirt pocket and point the finger and demand all of your money, do you assume I have a gun? There's no abuse here. OC Spray is not that bad, every CO has to be sprayed before they can use it. If you can talk. You can breathe. If you're spitting, you're mouth is a weapon and needs to be controlled. Like I said, prison is not like you see on TV. Shawshank Redemption is not real life. CO abuse is extremely rare in the northeast due to the incredible amount of cameras. When a CO does abuse an inmate, he is almost always immediately ratted out by fellow CO's and is terminated. Go take a tour of Norfolk Prison some day. They have a computer lab, floral garden, two baseball fields and a 3 million dollar gym next to the music studio. If prison was co-ed, there'd be no reason to keep paying your mortgage.

Another translation, if you will: (not really sure how this is related,) Stuff designed to cause pain ain't that bad, prison guards don't wear any clothing of any sort and therefore are vulnerable to saliva, people beat prisoners all the time, some prisons aren't hellholes full of rusty metal.
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