Service List

US Air Force
Ramstein AB Germany for 6 years, Davis-Monthan AFB Tucson, 2 years. 1 Trip to the Desert.
Computer Systems

My son is in tech school for Cyber Security now. He was really hoping to get overseas for a first duty station but ended up slated for an INCONUS AFB where it’s cold and rains a lot. I don’t know how the Air Force does it, but in the Coast Guard when you advance, you transfer, so hopefully that’ll work for him (before this Kung Flu I was slated to make Chief and immediately transfer). He’s young and single and wants to go “do something different”.
USAF NELLIS AFB Las Vegas NV, 1992-1996 (547TH Petting Zoo 2 years and Red Flag for the other 2) 1996-2000, Allied Forces Central Europe (AFCENT) NATO, TheNetherlands, worked in a vault inside a vault, worked for Gen Wesley Clark on a weekly basis, 18 officers from 16 different countries and 1 enlisted SSgt...Me to babysit them all!!! Only had to work about 160 day's a year and the rest of the time traveling around Europe. Kind of wish I could go back in time!!!
Honey I'm Home...

Joined Army summer '65' at 17. Basic, AIT, at Ft Dix, 11Bravo, 95 Bravo, 67 Foxtrot, shipped out to South East Asia out as a new combat brigade, 199th Light Infantry Brigade in '66'. In '67' extended tour to fly as a Huey door gunner, War Zone 3, North of The 'Iron Triangle'. Cut my teeth on 'Slicks' UH-1D then transitioned to 'Charlie' model UH-1C gunships. A 'skid-walker' and free hand artist M-60. WIA Tet-68, mustered out July 4, 1968...

Funny I remember my MP patrol partner at Fort Dix pointed out to me the barracks of the newly returned SE Asia troops..." Frenchy, see those guys there ? Leave them the hell alone...sage advice. 2 1/2 years later I was one of then... just wanting to be left alone,.... Never forget those who gave it all

Ha, just south of Da Nang off hwy 1 (about q 6 klicks ) in a roadside group of huts was a little pretty gal named " Frenchy " . . . . best " Party Packs " ( 10 j's ) around. ( $ 5 ? ) if I remember correctly . . . sadly, NVA rolled through there on " Little Tet " never saw her again . . . funny ,how just a name can really trigger a memory . . .
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