Read the GOAL FAQ and had a couple question, sorry if they've been addresses, there is just too much to keep up.
Q: Are rifles and shotguns now subject to the mandatory testing requirementsformerly associated with handguns only?
• Yes, it appears so.
more of a comment, this is going to kill a number of the low price AR platforms, certainly dry up supply for a while while things get tested.
Q: What about 80% or “unfinished” lowers and receivers – possession, serialization,possession, building?
• There is nothing in the new law that references 80% lowers, it simply refers to“unfinished” frames and receivers.
• All frames and/or receivers (unfinished or otherwise) that could be considered acopy or duplicate of an enumerated Assault Weapon must have been lawfullypossessed and registered in Massachusetts on or before July 19, 2016.
• Any frames or receivers (unfinished or otherwise), not on the enumerated ban list,but meet the new features test must be possessed and registered in Massachusettson or before August 1, 2024.
• Private builds for any firearm that would fall under the new semi-automatic AssaultStyle Firearm definitions are prohibited after August 1, 2024
So no more 80%? What's the point of buying an 80% if it's going to be considered a gun. It will need a serial, and testing. How are they going to test unfinished and stripped lowers?
Q: Is there anything new concerning non-residents?
• Are no longer exempt from possessing handguns and/or semi-automatic firearmsfor competitions or hunting.
• Bans youth non-resident hunting (under 18).• Bans the possession of semi-automatic firearms for hunting.
• All firearms entering the state for any purpose other than traveling through must beregistered prior to them entering the state.
Wasn't there something about non-res being able to carry in a vehicle while traveling through MA?
What is "through", if I come from NH, drive into MA, and then go back to NH, I've gone through part of MA. Or is it only from one stte, through MA, to another state?
This appears to require a non-resident to register any gun they want to bring into MA even if it's just to shoot at a range, competition or recreational. WTF, a NH resident is going to have to register their gun in MA even if they have a MA LTC?