This is not entirely accurate.No. They are adding harassment orders to the DQ list.
If you have a minor disagreement with your neighbor, you could get a harassment order put against you and the police will come with a warrant to seize all your firearms if you don’t turn them in within 24 hours of the harassment order being issued.
The bar for a harassment order is much less than even the loosely issued restraining order.
Doesn’t even need to be a restraining order with this new bill. See above.
One can petition for a harrasment prevention order. One can also petiton for a restraining order.
If the courts find enough probable cause to issue said order, then the order gets funneled to the local PD who are required to issue the order in-hand or via a bona fide proxy (immediate family member).
Again, this is all on the courts and not on the PD. The PD can very much say "we're not going to confiscate potentially thousands of firearms on matters dealt with through the courts."
Where the hell are they going to store these firearms anyway???? And, on top of that, any time anything is seized it has to be documented and logged in. As far as I know, there aren't enough patrolmen/detectives to handle this nonsense in the first place.
But I circle back to -> this is a court issue. Not a PD issue.