I recently came into two old cans of Unique which I had never used. For .45 Colt I started with Titegroup, went to Trail boss but then just last month tried the exact same load you described and I love it. Nice thump but not so much that it’ll beat up non-Ruger guns. I’ll still use my trail boss load for the 1858 conversion though.
ETA: Almost forgot why I came to this thread again…
Yesterday I picked these up while I was at a shop getting my newest gun transferred. I didn’t even research possible uses for these I just grabbed them because they were there. The primers being magnum I just need some advice on if I should bother downloading any particular load, considering anything I would use them for are mild charges to begin with. I’ve only used CCI LPP’s as of yet. Now the True Blue… I thought it would be fine for a warm .45 Colt load but then I read many posts (mostly on the Highroad) that say it sucks for anything other than very hot magnum loads / shotgun / rifle. Any experience with using this powder in say, .357 magnum? I rarely shoot full power .357 in either of my two guns that’ll take that cartridge but I think having something super zippy for my Rossi lever action would be fun. Maybe to hunt coyote with.
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