Been a reloading room kind of day. Went to ktp yestersay morning and found a bag of 158 grain jsp 250 count for 25 bucks on the trade in shelf. Also a partial box of 240 grain cast swc for 44 mag for $40.....gave em a quick count when I got home and there were about 350 in the box. Not too shabby. Plenty of spp in stock at 8.99 a pack but zero lpp on the shelf. Alliant brand powders are still over 60 bucks a can.....hidgedon brand is still in the 30 dollar range per can.
Loaded a bunch of 44 mag this weekend and ran myself dry on large pistol primers. I have a shit ton of small primers and been loading 45acp with my spp brass but being completely dry on lpp I finally broke down and went online to that large online vendor we all talk about. They had fed lpp for $95......f*** it I need em so placed the order. Uploaded my ltc and checked out......fml I forgot about the 30 dollar hazmat fee

. Like I said f*** it.....I need em for 44 mag is what it is I guess.
Tumbled brass all weekend too. I had a shit ton built up in large coffee cans under the bench. Ran 6 batches through the tumbler.....back in the cans, labeled and up on the clean brass shelf.
I'm well stocked on powder and projos and spp.......these prices suck but still way better than factory.
357 factory is still up around 37 a box. I'm loading 357 for about 18.50 a box even at the 9 dollar per 100 price on primers. So.......I still rely on the rcbs turret for my range fodder.