What did you do in the reloading room recently?

Had a chance to play with some load development for H335 and the AR 64 grain JSPs. Used CCI #400 primers and Lake City brass fired previously in that rifle with the shoulders bumped back 0.002". H335's SDs came down as the load went up. It also seems to prefer the #400 primers to #41. The 24.7g load seemed to do alright, 1.7" 9 shot group at 100 yards with one pulled shot making it a 2.5" 10 shot group.

Screenshot from 2023-12-09 19-31-16.png

Also did a little work with the AR 115g FMJs and CFE Pistol. I've been using Power Pistol for 9mm pretty much exclusively for a few years but I'm starting to run low and I have a few pounds of other pistol powders gathering dust. SDs weren't as good with CFE Pistol as with Power Pistol, but maybe I just need to go up a few more tenths of a grain.

Screenshot from 2023-12-09 20-48-55.png Screenshot from 2023-12-09 19-40-09.png I tried a few of these at 50 yards from an old P228 and got a couple of decent (for me) groups at that distance. Although these are each 8 shot groups, you'll note each target only has 7 holes. Pretty sure a couple times I just put the bullet through the same hole twice. ;)



  • Screenshot from 2023-12-09 20-48-55.png
    Screenshot from 2023-12-09 20-48-55.png
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Took the 586 and a bunch of 357 loaded up with the AR 148g JHPs and 14.5g of 2400 with CCI550s to the club's Sunday steel match. These were running about 1,400 fps and had a pretty good fireball. I won the revolver division!

I was the only person shooting a revolver.

Got some good laughs. Guys from the other squad were coming over to watch/video when I was up. Good conversation starter. One of the stages had a bowling pin for the stop target. The 9mm guns were knocking it over. This thing blew splinters out the back. Fun times. I'm still slow as molasses but I'm having fun.
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Has anyone tried out the Midsouth Classic Match bullets? I picked up a batch of 77 grain .224 bullets Black Friday weekend @ 250 for $60 shipped. Rumor has it they are made by Nosler. I put four different loads of H335 last week and had the chance to try out a few groups yesterday through a brand new Tikka T3X I was sighting in. Conditions weren't great due a light rain and loose action screws (my fault, not Tikka's!), but the four 3-shot groups I fired at 100 yards all came in under 1 MOA. I'm thinking these are worth spending a little time on given the price compared to Sierras.

Out of curiosity I measured up 10 random Midsouths versus 10 SMKs. The Midsouths are shorter and have a different profile, but measurements are pretty consistent within each batch. I'm looking forward to trying some Sierras and Midsouths through the T3X after I've had the time to break in the barrel a little more.

Screenshot 2023-12-10 145537.png IMG_5600.jpg

Midsouth is on left with cannelure and an SMK is on the right.
Took the 586 and a bunch of 357 loaded up with the AR 148g JHPs and 14.5g of 2400 with CCI550s to the club's Sunday steel match. These were running about 1,400 fps and had a pretty good fireball. I won the revolver division!

I was the only person shooting a revolver.

Got some good laughs. Guys from the other squad were coming over to watch/video when I was up. Good conversation starter. One of the stages had a bowling pin for the stop target. The 9mm guns were knocking it over. This thing blew splinters out the back. Fun times. I'm still slow as molasses but I'm having fun.

View attachment 826295
Having fun is critical. If you're not having fun, than why bother?
Finally got tired of switching dies in my 550, so bought a couple extra toolheads. Ordered a couple aftermarket parts here. They just came in and are super nice! Good price too. $38 for two toolheads, delivered.

Has anyone tried out the Midsouth Classic Match bullets? I picked up a batch of 77 grain .224 bullets Black Friday weekend @ 250 for $60 shipped. Rumor has it they are made by Nosler. I put four different loads of H335 last week and had the chance to try out a few groups yesterday through a brand new Tikka T3X I was sighting in. Conditions weren't great due a light rain and loose action screws (my fault, not Tikka's!), but the four 3-shot groups I fired at 100 yards all came in under 1 MOA. I'm thinking these are worth spending a little time on given the price compared to Sierras.

Out of curiosity I measured up 10 random Midsouths versus 10 SMKs. The Midsouths are shorter and have a different profile, but measurements are pretty consistent within each batch. I'm looking forward to trying some Sierras and Midsouths through the T3X after I've had the time to break in the barrel a little more.

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Midsouth is on left with cannelure and an SMK is on the right.
they look very similar to nosler custom competition, but i am now solid on nosler rdf, 77gr in .22 work quite well, and 175gr in .30
Processing some "FA 28" .45 Auto brass; it seems to have a swaged crimp or a less than large primer pocket, as my primer pocket uniformer does not fit into the primer pocket. The accompanying Frankford Arsenal .45 primers are also undersized at .205" diameter, so they work fine with this brass, but they simply fall out of standard .45 brass. Can't say I've ever come across this situation before. "REM-UMC 18" and "Western 30" brass are gtg with standard .210" diameter LPPs.
No dates on the 250-count primer packages, but I assume they are corrosive.
Made two changes at once here so I'm not 100% sure what's up, but I suspect the primers have more effect than the brass on this one. I think CCI 550 primers are a little more frisky than Federal 200s.

357 magnum, test gun S&W 586 6" barrel

Load 1 (what I ran at the steel match a couple weeks ago): mixed RP nickel plated and Starline brass, 148g JHP seated to 1.590", 14.5g Alliant 2400, CCI 550 small pistol magnum primer
5 shots, average 1276fps, SD 54, high 1332, low 1191, ES 141

Load 2: Federal brass, 148g JHP seated to 1.590", 14.5g Alliant 2400, Federal #200 small pistol magnum primer
10 shots, average 1202fps, SD 27, high 1239, low 1158, ES 81
Made two changes at once here so I'm not 100% sure what's up, but I suspect the primers have more effect than the brass on this one. I think CCI 550 primers are a little more frisky than Federal 200s.

357 magnum, test gun S&W 586 6" barrel

Load 1 (what I ran at the steel match a couple weeks ago): mixed RP nickel plated and Starline brass, 148g JHP seated to 1.590", 14.5g Alliant 2400, CCI 550 small pistol magnum primer
5 shots, average 1276fps, SD 54, high 1332, low 1191, ES 141

Load 2: Federal brass, 148g JHP seated to 1.590", 14.5g Alliant 2400, Federal #200 small pistol magnum primer
10 shots, average 1202fps, SD 27, high 1239, low 1158, ES 81
Interesting, did you measure the length and wall thickness of the brass?
Has anyone tried out the Midsouth Classic Match bullets? I picked up a batch of 77 grain .224 bullets Black Friday weekend @ 250 for $60 shipped. Rumor has it they are made by Nosler. I put four different loads of H335 last week and had the chance to try out a few groups yesterday through a brand new Tikka T3X I was sighting in. Conditions weren't great due a light rain and loose action screws (my fault, not Tikka's!), but the four 3-shot groups I fired at 100 yards all came in under 1 MOA. I'm thinking these are worth spending a little time on given the price compared to Sierras.

Out of curiosity I measured up 10 random Midsouths versus 10 SMKs. The Midsouths are shorter and have a different profile, but measurements are pretty consistent within each batch. I'm looking forward to trying some Sierras and Midsouths through the T3X after I've had the time to break in the barrel a little more.

View attachment 826334 View attachment 826335

Midsouth is on left with cannelure and an SMK is on the right.
I've used their 30 cal Match Monster 168gr with excellent results.
Interesting, did you measure the length and wall thickness of the brass?
Just checked. This is after firing, before cleaning and resizing and with the old primers in them. I weighed three of each and averaged. Measurements are with Mitutoyo digital calipers that resolve to 0.0005"

RP nickel: 78.0g, 1.276" long, 0.0110" wall thickness at neck
Starline: 76.1g, 1.276" long, 0.0105" wall thickness at neck
Federal: 78.7g, 1.281" long, 0.0105 wall thickness at neck
Made two changes at once here so I'm not 100% sure what's up, but I suspect the primers have more effect than the brass on this one. I think CCI 550 primers are a little more frisky than Federal 200s.

357 magnum, test gun S&W 586 6" barrel

Load 1 (what I ran at the steel match a couple weeks ago): mixed RP nickel plated and Starline brass, 148g JHP seated to 1.590", 14.5g Alliant 2400, CCI 550 small pistol magnum primer
5 shots, average 1276fps, SD 54, high 1332, low 1191, ES 141

Load 2: Federal brass, 148g JHP seated to 1.590", 14.5g Alliant 2400, Federal #200 small pistol magnum primer
10 shots, average 1202fps, SD 27, high 1239, low 1158, ES 81
Went up 3 tenths to 14.8g of Alliant 2400 with the Federal 200 primers in Federal brass.
Average 1221, SD 36, high 1261, low 1149, ES 112

Also, I have this pound of Green Dot sitting around. Old Alliant load books have it for 357 showing up to 7.0g with 158g JSP, so I gave it a whirl. These were kind of fun. Running 38 specials in this gun is sort of boring because they're so mild it feels like running 22lr. But this was cool. It still sounded like it had some horsepower, still had a little recoil and rang the steel targets good, but it wasn't super concussive and breathing fire like the 2400 loads. This would actually be a pretty good load for a steel match (if part of the fun of running a 357 in a steel match wasn't throwing foot long flames out the sides of the cylinder gap).

Federal brass, Federal 200 primers, 6.7g Green Dot, 148g JHP seated to 1.590"
Average 1095, SD 23, high 1133, low 1071, ES 62
Just checked. This is after firing, before cleaning and resizing and with the old primers in them. I weighed three of each and averaged. Measurements are with Mitutoyo digital calipers that resolve to 0.0005"

RP nickel: 78.0g, 1.276" long, 0.0110" wall thickness at neck
Starline: 76.1g, 1.276" long, 0.0105" wall thickness at neck
Federal: 78.7g, 1.281" long, 0.0105 wall thickness at neck
I thought there might be bigger differences, especially in length. I haven’t used Starline in .357, but have in 9mm. It is the shortest case in 9mm that i’ve used.

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