NES Member
Back working on wood here.
This set of Brit l1a1 wood is coming along real nice, been saving this one for a while. Finally have a proper rifle to put it on.
The bottom tiger striped set is what I'll be using.
The top is Australian and will be saved for a future rifle.
Came out great! Currently curing still.
In the process of stripping the old finish on the butt I noticed the top of the comb had broken off at somepoint and had been glued back on. Nicely done as I didn't even notice the crack till the finish was removed.
To be safe and prevent it from happening again, I thread some brass rod into it with some tight bond.
Won't be going anywhere now!
Dabbed the flush brass with a sharpie and coated the stock with its final coat. Can't even tell. Still curing as well, will get s final picture of it all later.
This set of Brit l1a1 wood is coming along real nice, been saving this one for a while. Finally have a proper rifle to put it on.
The bottom tiger striped set is what I'll be using.
The top is Australian and will be saved for a future rifle.

Came out great! Currently curing still.
In the process of stripping the old finish on the butt I noticed the top of the comb had broken off at somepoint and had been glued back on. Nicely done as I didn't even notice the crack till the finish was removed.
To be safe and prevent it from happening again, I thread some brass rod into it with some tight bond.
Won't be going anywhere now!

Dabbed the flush brass with a sharpie and coated the stock with its final coat. Can't even tell. Still curing as well, will get s final picture of it all later.