Active Shooter Situation in Lewiston Maine

Marines. Spent the majority of my time working in an armory. NCOIC at the MACS2 armory in Beaufort 1994-1996. SNCOIC pistol section PWS at WTBn Quantico 1999-2001.
How easy would it be for a reservist to walk in to the armory on a Wednesday night and draw his T.O. weapon? In the Marines (active duty) we were allowed to take our match guns on the weekend to compete, checked out Friday for practice, checked in Monday after practice. In my Army reserve unit it would never be allowed happen, weapons were always drawn as a unit.
Nice Job Democrats how are those Red Flag thingies working out? so what Bull shit law will you make up now? Oh and for the record Do you Libtards really think the millions of military aged men coming over the southern border are here to wash dishes and mow your lawns?

Does Maine have red flag laws?
“Card, who is twice divorced and a father of three children, has a history of arrests for domestic violence and other crimes. One of his ex-wives obtained a restraining order against him. While Card identifies as an independent politically, reports suggest he may have voted for Barack Obama in the past.“

How easy would it be for a reservist to walk in to the armory on a Wednesday night and draw his T.O. weapon? In the Marines (active duty) we were allowed to take our match guns on the weekend to compete, checked out Friday for practice, checked in Monday after practice. In my Army reserve unit it would never be allowed happen, weapons were always drawn as a unit.
As an instructor I imagine his access is more frequent than the average person. I don’t pretend to know what his duty status was. As for myself, in Beaufort I was the key master. If I were to help myself to something, nobody would know until the next serialized inventory or it showed up at a crime scene.
Would being a registered sex offender not get you booted from the military?

As the Navy says "There aint no 500' from a school when you're floating in the pacific..."
Or the older, "sign here or go to jail" I wonder if that still occurs these days.
“Card, who is twice divorced and a father of three children, has a history of arrests for domestic violence and other crimes. One of his ex-wives obtained a restraining order against him. While Card identifies as an independent politically, reports suggest he may have voted for Barack Obama in the past.“

Oh look, another square on my bingo card.
While Card identifies as an independent politically, reports suggest he may have voted for Barack Obama in the past.“

Its pretty sad that instead of focusing on this monster being the monster that he is, the left will immediately try to pin him as a political enemy and steer their sheep in to the same hatred.
“Card, who is twice divorced and a father of three children, has a history of arrests for domestic violence and other crimes. One of his ex-wives obtained a restraining order against him. While Card identifies as an independent politically, reports suggest he may have voted for Barack Obama in the past.“

And just like that, nothing happened in Lewiston….
As an instructor I imagine his access is more frequent than the average person. I don’t pretend to know what his duty status was. As for myself, in Beaufort I was the key master. If I were to help myself to something, nobody would know until the next serialized inventory or it showed up at a crime scene.
Has any news agency stated that his "firearms instructor" is linked to his military service? If you took my DD214 and combined it with my hobbies and likes the fantasies of the anti-gunners would be limitless. And I am not 'that guy'.
Surely not a Schizophrenic.

That disease normally materializes in young adulthood.

I doubt he has the potential to develop schizophrenia after a career like his in the military.

All bets are off if he's a cannabis user.


So much for that idea - he was hearing voices and made threats to shoot up the base in Saco.

He must have been using cannabis.
As an instructor I imagine his access is more frequent than the average person. I don’t pretend to know what his duty status was. As for myself, in Beaufort I was the key master. If I were to help myself to something, nobody would know until the next serialized inventory or it showed up at a crime scene.
One article said he was an "Officer", so who knows what the situation was at his unit. I am sure the media is spot on with the details. [smile]
“Card, who is twice divorced and a father of three children, has a history of arrests for domestic violence and other crimes. One of his ex-wives obtained a restraining order against him. While Card identifies as an independent politically, reports suggest he may have voted for Barack Obama in the past.“

And NBC says:
"Maine court records show that a man named Robert Card who was born on the same date as the person of interest identified by police was previously charged for speeding in 2001 and 2002. No other criminal records were listed in the state's electronic court records system or in several other public records databases."

Surely not a Schizophrenic.

That disease normally materializes in young adulthood.

I doubt he has the potential to develop schizophrenia after a career like his in the military.

All bets are off if he's a cannabis user.


So much for that idea - he was hearing voices and made threats to shoot up the base in Saco.

He must have been using cannabis.
You’re correct, but there are some cases that begin in late adulthood. If he is truly mentally ill, he could have held it together until he snapped.
Release from a mental facility and made threats. That’s a disqualifier to own a firearm sparky
No, not necessarily. There's this fun thing called due process that they have to go through in order to actually get a disablement. So somebody either lazed out on that or he didn't meet whatever bar was established by whoever was responsible for this sort of thing.

Another looney bin failure, not shocking....
How many of these recent mass shooters wore some kind of armor? Got me thinking hypothetically if any of you were in a defensive situation and had the opportunity to shoot back at a perp, would you be directly taking aim above neck or stick to traditional center mass first shots?
You think too much, you shoot what you can hit. If it has a gun and is trying to kill you and keeps moving after you shoot it you shoot it again.
Absolutely. My wife just asked why nobody dropped this guy and that was my reply. Most people aren’t going to effectively engage a seasoned firearms instructor using a high capacity long gun with just a sidearm. Best case would be a cover and ambush scenario. All else would end in failure…

Looking at the casualty count he probably walked into busy establishments and opened fire. Who's going to be able to pull a gun and return fire in a madhouse with people running around, you'd be lucky to even see where the fire was coming from.
This guy shoots ~100 people in Maine, of all places, and not a single person fires back? I find that to be the weirdest part of this story (so far).

We don't know nobody fired back, if anyone did they might not be walking up to the cops and volunteering that information.
This guy shoots ~100 people in Maine, of all places, and not a single person fires back? I find that to be the weirdest part of this story (so far).
This guy shoots ~100 people in Maine, of all places, and not a single person fires back? I find that to be the weirdest part of this story (so far).
I was thinking somethint like that too, bit how long does it take to dump 40 or 60 rounds in a mag? 10 seconds? Can you dive for cover, draw, identify, verify what's behind or near the target and get off an accurate shot in that time?
No, not necessarily. There's this fun thing called due process that they have to go through in order to actually get a disablement. So somebody either lazed out on that or he didn't meet whatever bar was established by whoever was responsible for this sort of thing.

Another looney bin failure, not shocking....
I think that most of time the obvious thing is obvious. .. that it's some kind of a mental health deficiency in the system and there's more loonies hanging around than anything else, and the state of our current society basically enables these people.... that said there are numerous circumstances, where weird shit the government does in the aftermath starts happening.. .. and I don't think it's a bad idea for people to be asking questions about these kinds of things. Especially when it's abundantly clear a lot of the time that there is a huge lack of aftermath transparency in these incidents. The public deserves to know these things, no exceptions. If the government is trying to hide something it's not implausible that they are also somehow / partially responsible at some level.

My guess is there's a direct link to mass shootings and mental health drugs which is being covered up, to protect the drug industry, and to keep the agenda focused on guns and white people.
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