delete please

I could be wrong but a buddy told me it was open to the public, but thats was a year or so ago. Dont quote me on it.

But ill be working tomorrow, wont be able to make it

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Heard some feed back from people that would like this event to happen. I recently between two jobs and a kid I'm limited with time. Wayne's is the best place around to run a 3 gun match. If anyone wants to take the lead I would def help. Targets and stuff would need to be gathered. I could come up with 5 stages, would also need a timer. If anyone wants to take charge that might have more free time please feel free to PM me.
Also we don't need crazy steel to run the stages, paper and cardboard are good too. The one and only match we did we had an organizer who found targets ( old bowling pins, clays, etc) money collected was used to pay for supplies. I wouldn't mind being a RO and shooting.
I'd like to participate in something like this. Wayne's is great, and I'd gladly help out as well. I wouldn't run it, but would be willing to help set up, or do other functions to help out. I bet a lot of others would step up as well. I'd like to know how this stuff works, so I could maybe do something similar at my club in the future. Even if you wanted to do some practice set-ups, let us know here. Gotta keep Wayne in on this as well.
Yes def a fun time. If you guys wanna plan a range day with some simple stages that would work. I have paper and cardboard, bowling pins. Would need a couple boxes of clays, timer. Maybe sometime in May?
We use clays a lot, cheap, simple and quick to reset. Just stick a section of rebar in the ground and hang the clay.
Yes def a fun time. If you guys wanna plan a range day with some simple stages that would work. I have paper and cardboard, bowling pins. Would need a couple boxes of clays, timer. Maybe sometime in May?

If you have a smartphone, have you tried a shot timer app? The one on my iphone works pretty well, once I got the sensitivity adjusted.
Yes def a fun time. If you guys wanna plan a range day with some simple stages that would work. I have paper and cardboard, bowling pins. Would need a couple boxes of clays, timer. Maybe sometime in May?

We use clays a lot, cheap, simple and quick to reset. Just stick a section of rebar in the ground and hang the clay.

If you have a smartphone, have you tried a shot timer app? The one on my iphone works pretty well, once I got the sensitivity adjusted.

if you wouldn't mind another tag along, I have a shot timer and a bunch of steel

The more the better

I have a half box of clays I could contribute. I'd purchase one for the cause, too.

This seems to be coming together rather nicely. Have you spoken to Wayne yet? Gotta have him in on it. I'm sure I can find a few others to help, and if you post this in the general area, I bet you'd get more.

I suggest a planning group do a few trials first, to get it figured out. Gotta keep safety as a top priority. Need some safety people ("RSO's"?).
I'm not sure if Wayne is back from florida. I know a buddy had a big group 25 plus people last fall and Wayne slreserved the whole range for them that day.
For when this happens for real, there should be some prizes to give out. Think flashlights, knives, game cameras, things like that. Maybe try to get some sponsors/donors lined up.
I will do some research I would suggest the first one be simple targets with a smaller group see how it runs. Stu, you can just come shoot for once and not worry about anything, HAHAHA. I'll see you april 11 for idpa.
So I have really receiving many interested people that want to try and organize a decent multi gun in central ma. I think Wayne's weaponry in West Bolyston is going to be the best location. im thinking sometime in June. If you guys want to give me some feed back on what month maybe we can plan a nice big, full day event. We can have a bunch of stages pre planned and when everyone gets there we set up a stage, shoot it then set up the next one. There are plenty of people who have offered steel, clays, stands, etc. I would probably say a small entrance fee would be set up to cover any other expenses and to give Wayne a little something for allowing us to use his facility.

So feel free to PM me with what month would probably work best. After a little bit I will contact Wayne and see if its ok and well plan the date.
I am interested in this. I'd be willing to help out as well as participate. Eventually, I'd like to do some of these at Auburn Sportsman's Club, too.
Anyone have any date ideas for maybe sometime in June or possibly July. There will be a lot of planning involved. Feedback on dates would help. Thanks

very interested...problem being i have annual training from the 12th to the 26th of June...any time other than that I can also offer an ar500 14" gong for the shoot and also will lend a hand in setting up/beaking down.
To be honest, I am trying to maximize my time with my kids during summer, either camping, beaching, or whatever. Fall works a lot better here, but if I'm free, I could either help and/or participate on short notice.
We can plan something for after school starts. September is the best month weather wise, esp if your shooting all day.
Make your plans without regard to me. I'd love to help, and will if I can. Ditto on participating.
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