Yet again, government shows that it does it's worst work fast. Sometimes we complain that the government works too slowly. "Why can't this just get done."
Because expediency means some tyrant later can use the same method to remove your rights.
I'm sure when they laid out this Emergency Preamble bullspit, it was "well, the governor will know if there is an emergency." It was DESIGNED for things like providing $ for emergency relief and things like that. No one EVER thought it would be used in this manner.
I get it. Well meaning lawmakers of the past wanted a safety valve. Because if we needed $ for disaster relief - maybe another Molasses Flood or something - no one had to wait 60 days or whatever.
Ask Senate Democraps how that whole "let's throw out a century of precedent in appointing judges to vote whomever we want whenever we want" thing went when the GOP senate pulled the same thing. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT! ONLY WE CAN!" LOL. Wrong B-words.
As much as I hate this whole 2A crawl, it's absolutely vital. Fast government is BAD government.