Emergency Preamble to be signed Weds?

The majority of NH dealers don’t think it’s worth their time now to understand MA laws, nevermind after this mess. I mean, I’ve had difficulty getting NH dealers to transfer pre-94 AKs to me.

Maybe this will create a niche market in NH once all the MA FFLs go out of business. One can only hope.
We don't need the majority. Really, one would be enough. Hopefully, there will be a handful who are open about it, and we can shop with them.
"Rescued"...."protect"...... it's clear that these city slickers in Boston don't know, or appreciate, what it means for a WILD animal to be wild.

If the animal needed to be rehabilitated, fine. But the goal should always be to rewild that creature. Not make it a pet. Mass Wildlife is best equipped to do that. So of course, the state's not going to follow their advice. Who cares about what the actual experts think, let's let our emotions dictate policy.

These creatures existed long before our society. They will continue to exist long after we've destroyed ourselves. If you want to help these creatures, truly, then the best thing you can do for them is leave them the hell alone. Focus your efforts instead on protecting their habitat. Dispense with the notion that we need to pave from Boston to Los Angeles in the name of progress.
They are protecting this beaver that
should have become predator food because of some bleeding hart Karen.
Now they want to keep it trapped like a hostage and not let it back into the wild where it will become predator food like it should have been in the beginning. Life goes on and interfering with natural selection is wrong.
Has it ever been attempted or has everyone accepted that as fact?
I don't know - I just read through the text so it is my non-lawyer opinion only.
However, the timeline of a case is such that a direct attack is the fastest option to achieve real results - going after the preamble would just delay other cases and achieve nothing
So does this mean if signed, those with pinned stock & brake can take them off, and bayo lugs get JB welded back on? 🤣
Yes - assuming that the 7/20/16 declaration did not have legal standing. The state is acting as if copies and duplicates, even though federally exempt and legal, were never legally possessed regardless of feature deletion.
Pre 7/20/16 firearms that were in the transaction portal - zero questions on their complete exemption.
Meh how are the existing laws working out Healy? More feel good bull shit that ill just ignore like the rest of the trash laws in this State.
Awareness is immaterial in the court - that's why the judiciary is our only avenue of relief.

The average person in this country doesn't want to be aware of anything more than sportsball or reality shows.
Liberty is hard and scary - they like ignorant bliss so avoid liberty at all costs
The only way to ensure we get judges that will adhere to the constitution is through awareness. Awareness gets people(some) off their ass to vote for the people selecting these judges. Not doing so will result in liberal judges and the end of the constitution as we know it. Which is already happening because too many say " it doesn't matter anyway" in regards to voting.
I downloaded the petition. Baby doll wife and I both signed it and will drop it off at town clerk.

Will the Civil Rights Coalition really be picking it up? Seems like a lot of towns in Massachusetts to drive to and pick up.
No, they're pointless because of the reality of our numbers in this state. It's really not even close.
You keep looking big picture. Every puddle starts with a single drop. I believe goal said about half the gun owners in this state don't vote. When you look at the results for your state reps and senate, the numbers are separated by a few thousand. Those people showing up to vote would tip the scale. One race, one position at a time. Thats how it happens. Not with defeatist mentality and laziness.
The preamble is within the authority granted to her by MA law. There's no reason to believe that a MA judge would go along with trying to stop her.

This, unfortunately. The state Constitution Article XLVIII, section VI; subsection II (if anybody wants some light reading) gives the governor pretty much carte blanche to declare something an "emergency" whether it is one or not. All it says is she has to file a statement with the Secretary of State claiming that in her "opinion the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or convenience ["convenience?" wtf?] requires that such law should take effect forthwith..." Who knows what the hell that even means?

Galvin will accept it, like the good toadie of the left he is, and no judge here is going to allow a challenge to it on those grounds.

But, if there's a case to be made...
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From the Herald article:

At an unrelated event in Somerville Tuesday, Healey said she decided to approve emergency language for the gun law two months after she signed it into law because “this is just when we were able to process it and look through it, review the legislation.”

So, let me get this straight... through a total and miraculous coincidence, you finished "reviewing" the law at the same time you found out that the signature campaign was likely to be successful. Right.

Never mind the real question: If you're just now finding out what's in the law, why the hell did you sign it in July?
You know, after reading that WCVB article about this just now I think GOAL probably deserves some heat for not waving its arms frantically enough about this whole thing. Every single mention of GOAL and Jim that I've seen in a media piece about it goes like this:

Adds regulations? Should be concerned? WTF. Sound the f***ing alarm already. Wake people up. Pound the table. Yell about how this puts an entire industry out of business in MA, and makes felons out of thousands of law abiding citizens. Scream about how draconian it is. Grab headlines, give quotes that get people's attention. This is as bad as it gets and we literally have nothing left to lose. Not sure what it gets us in the end, but at least go down swinging and making them uncomfortable. If you're going to try to sway public opinion you first have to get the public's attention.
So you believe what MSM says? They are likely minimizing what Jim says in order to NOT sound alarming to the weebs.
Fudds will not beleave anyone of us if we tell them. They won't even beleave this even if they read it. They will only beleave if the president of there club tells them it is true.

I sent the section of law with a short explanation to the local news and channel 40 WWGB is supposed to be doing a story on it tonight. We will see.
I sent the section of law with a short explanation to the local news and channel 40 WWGB is supposed to be doing a story on it tonight. We will see.
It'll go something like this...

Blah blah, ghost guns, blah blah, red flag laws, blah blah, gunz bad, blah blah, Maura's our hero, saving lives, etc. Wash, rinse, repeat.
The only way to ensure we get judges that will adhere to the constitution is through awareness. Awareness gets people(some) off their ass to vote for the people selecting these judges. Not doing so will result in liberal judges and the end of the constitution as we know it. Which is already happening because too many say " it doesn't matter anyway" in regards to voting.
Your statement seems to promote a judiciary that considers public opinion in addition to the Constitution and law.
Sorry, but that is a bad path.
We desperately need the opposite of that. I believe following through with the ballot measure will more or less ensure that public opinion does get considered in the inevitable litigation.
Stop dilly dallying on the internet folks...

I just called up Mass Hole Firearms at The Mill.

They still have Glocks for sale.

Unless you have all you'll need for the rest of your life - you better get going there right away.

Today might be your last chance for the rest of your life to get a Glock.

Time to punch out and go to The Mill before it's too late.
Stop dilly dallying on the internet folks...

I just called up Mass Hole Firearms at The Mill.

They still have Glocks for sale.

Unless you have all you'll need for the rest of your life - you better get going there right away.

Today might be your last chance for the rest of your life to get a Glock.

Time to punch out and go to The Mill before it's too late.
God, what this phonecall must have been like.
Stop dilly dallying on the internet folks...

I just called up Mass Hole Firearms at The Mill.

They still have Glocks for sale.

Unless you have all you'll need for the rest of your life - you better get going there right away.

Today might be your last chance for the rest of your life to get a Glock.

Time to punch out and go to The Mill before it's too late.
You could also buy privately sold glocks at any point in the future.

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