Massachusetts Bill HD.4420 "An act to modernize gun Laws"


Find a US Attorney who'll perp-walk a state elected official. I'll wait.

As I've posted above, those US Attorneys are subject to that same law. If they start flexing enough to make headlines with prosecutions, one of two things will happen: their highly-placed superiors will soon shitcan them because "you're making us look bad," or some whistleblower will come forward with some example of that same US Attorney breaking that same law. At which point it'll be the US Attorney doing the perp walk.

This is one of those "don't kill the job" situations.

Well, further, even with a USC 1983 case its civil, not criminal. So on a good day when the wind blows in the right direction after 2 yrs or whatever it takes from a 1983 suit, someone might get a lot of money, but the douchebag person responsible for the abuse isnt going to jail or anything over it.
Isn't there some federal law or something named 1913, or 1983, or something like that, that holds them responsible for stuff? What about abridging civil rights under color of the law (or similar to that)?

be aware this is civil, not criminal. So while they might be held financially responsible (more likely taxpayers) and get a bad look, nobody is going to jail over it. Further, even a 1983 suit has a qualified immunity hurdle that must be cleared in the process. (QI is in a state of flux right now but itt certainly hasnt been eliminated). QI sucks and is a huge part of the problem.
Lol.... how's the 2nd amendment protection in Portugal?
Sorry but am well beyond the retirement age so I’m am letting all the younger people handle the 2A fight from now on. I did my part over the years, now in my retirement, my priorities have changed. Put 15 yrs. in military so I’ve also done my fair share for this country. Someone else’s turn now.
Does DAY or any of the idiots supporting HD 4420 actually think it will help Chicago?!🙄


They don't actually care about violent crime or at least the architects of this crap don't view it that way that's basically a tagline sold to their useful idiots. Top level antis are basically against the general public owning guns for their own irrational reasons. Plus for leftists that don't care about guns its a career enhancement tactic. They don't care who they have to throw under the bus to get ahead.
From Euro Reddit:
But don't pretend Portugal has anything like a 2nd Amendment protecting your right to keep and bear, or even a recognition of the right to armed self defense.
So while they will ALLOW you to buy certain guns, Portugal has NO constitutional protection of the inherent right to keep and bear arms.

But don't pretend Portugal has anything like a 2nd Amendment protecting your right to keep and bear, or even a recognition of the right to armed self defense.
So while they will ALLOW you to buy certain guns, Portugal has NO constitutional protection of the inherent right to keep and bear arms.

Well duh. I wasnt under the illusion Portugal or any other country have anything like the 2a. People were asking about Portugal gun laws so I just copy pasted what a Portugal redditor had posted regarding their gun laws and their accessibility.
But don't pretend Portugal has anything like a 2nd Amendment protecting your right to keep and bear, or even a recognition of the right to armed self defense.
So while they will ALLOW you to buy certain guns, Portugal has NO constitutional protection of the inherent right to keep and bear arms.

Do we really have that right in the U.S.? I bet we see that challenged soon. We already have law professors calling for Biden to disregard rulings of the “illegitimate” SCOTUS.

Find a US Attorney who'll perp-walk a state elected official. I'll wait.

As I've posted above, those US Attorneys are subject to that same law. If they start flexing enough to make headlines with prosecutions, one of two things will happen: their highly-placed superiors will soon shitcan them because "you're making us look bad," or some whistleblower will come forward with some example of that same US Attorney breaking that same law. At which point it'll be the US Attorney doing the perp walk.

This is one of those "don't kill the job" situations.

Dems would do it all day long and that day will come where they do the flex and arrest republican legislators. The dems absolutely love lawfare. The repubs absolutely love pretending their victimized.
Do we really have that right in the U.S.? I bet we see that challenged soon. We already have law professors calling for Biden to disregard rulings of the “illegitimate” SCOTUS.

Let's live in a country with no laws then. Dems and liberals go around shouting "rule of law, rule of law, we must uphold the rule of law" EXCEPT......when the rule of law contradicts their worldview then the rule of law part goes out the window. Therefore let's not have any laws at all and no law enforcement at all to enforce any existing law. It's the only way out. The issues will self correct with time.
Dems would do it all day long and that day will come where they do the flex and arrest republican legislators. The dems absolutely love lawfare. The repubs absolutely love pretending their victimized.

I dunno. I haven't seen the Democrats file a 1983 action either. Though I admit I haven't looked. Do you have examples?

Post-Bruen, you and I could file a 1983 claim. So could GOAL. There's probably a reason they haven't, at least not that I've heard of; again, I confess I'm underinformed about 1983.
I dunno. I haven't seen the Democrats file a 1983 action either. Though I admit I haven't looked. Do you have examples?

Post-Bruen, you and I could file a 1983 claim. So could GOAL. There's probably a reason they haven't, at least not that I've heard of; again, I confess I'm underinformed about 1983.
two words: qualified immunity. it's hard to bring that 1983 suit and win. scotus at minimum has to remove it, or this whole new push to ignore the judiciary by legislating whatever the hell you want will gain steam.

i guarantee you the left hasn't thought this through.

you want fascism? this is how you get fascism.

it should also be easier to enjoin legislation that challenges the constitution until it is decided.
Let's live in a country with no laws then. Dems and liberals go around shouting "rule of law, rule of law, we must uphold the rule of law" EXCEPT......when the rule of law contradicts their worldview then the rule of law part goes out the window. Therefore let's not have any laws at all and no law enforcement at all to enforce any existing law. It's the only way out. The issues will self correct with time.
i think they do a little less self correcting, and become a little more the new normal.

i'm not sure this is a line we can cross.
I dunno. I haven't seen the Democrats file a 1983 action either. Though I admit I haven't looked. Do you have examples?

Obergefell v Hodges. Remember the woman who was an official in KY who was put in prison for refusing to issue gay marriage licenses? Pepperidge farms remembers.

The main reason why you don't see it is because the dems are also masterful at promising the sun and stars and the earth below and delivering nothing to voters, except for the donor class. So they get society flapping their arms making waves with things like we support transgender surgery for children, deliver nothing, but if you weren't careful you would have missed the sleight of hand they did. While everyone is flapping their arms, the dems swear in an activist into some high position of government and now control another lever of power thereby making the original idea more plausible but not just that have people willing to do prosecutions. Meanwhile there is an upcoming election.

Let's say we get a dem congress and white house in 2024 and the first piece of legislation is something like: "all transgender people under the age of 18 can have surgeries without parental consent. Any doctor, school, etc who notifies the parent is guilty of a crime". And then some republican state gives Washington the big FU. Would you want to be in that state officials shoes. First they sue and if they lose and the repubs still try to uphold the existing law they would absolutely go after them. Just to make an example. Ask the woman who refused to issue a gay marriage license who was put in jail how she felt.

But let's be clear about one thing. What scares dems and repubs is the same thing, losing power. That's what scares them. They love their power and will only tread enough that will not allow them to lose power.
Obergefell v Hodges. Remember the woman who was an official in KY who was put in prison for refusing to issue gay marriage licenses? Pepperidge farms remembers.

Oh. Makes sense.

I should have clarified. I get that suits against municipal officials is a thing. But suing lawmakers for unconstitutional laws they propose, cosign, or vote for? I don't think it has ever happened.

Probably because the legislature isn't enforcing the laws, and thus they're not "actively" infringing on anyone's rights. Remember, the Constitution was written by men who supposed that voters would actually care about their rights, and thus vote out anyone who trod on them. So, "we the people" are meant to be the ones who regulate that. Lol.
Oh. Makes sense.

I should have clarified. I get that suits against municipal officials is a thing. But suing lawmakers for unconstitutional laws they propose, cosign, or vote for? I don't think it has ever happened.

Probably because the legislature isn't enforcing the laws, and thus they're not "actively" infringing on anyone's rights. Remember, the Constitution was written by men who supposed that voters would actually care about their rights, and thus vote out anyone who trod on them. So, "we the people" are meant to be the ones who regulate that. Lol.

Whoever blinks first will win the prize. That's why libs don't want secession, they just talk about it. They want red states to secede and then charge every official in that state. They learned that lesson from Lincoln himself.
Obergefell v Hodges. Remember the woman who was an official in KY who was put in prison for refusing to issue gay marriage licenses? Pepperidge farms remembers.

The main reason why you don't see it is because the dems are also masterful at promising the sun and stars and the earth below and delivering nothing to voters, except for the donor class. So they get society flapping their arms making waves with things like we support transgender surgery for children, deliver nothing, but if you weren't careful you would have missed the sleight of hand they did. While everyone is flapping their arms, the dems swear in an activist into some high position of government and now control another lever of power thereby making the original idea more plausible but not just that have people willing to do prosecutions. Meanwhile there is an upcoming election.

Let's say we get a dem congress and white house in 2024 and the first piece of legislation is something like: "all transgender people under the age of 18 can have surgeries without parental consent. Any doctor, school, etc who notifies the parent is guilty of a crime". And then some republican state gives Washington the big FU. Would you want to be in that state officials shoes. First they sue and if they lose and the repubs still try to uphold the existing law they would absolutely go after them. Just to make an example. Ask the woman who refused to issue a gay marriage license who was put in jail how she felt.

But let's be clear about one thing. What scares dems and repubs is the same thing, losing power. That's what scares them. They love their power and will only tread enough that will not allow them to lose power.
What improvements to life is the current US House making for people? Honestly I don't follow politics much so I am asking truthfully....
Do we really have that right in the U.S.? I bet we see that challenged soon. We already have law professors calling for Biden to disregard rulings of the “illegitimate” SCOTUS.
Two authors - neither of which is what I would call independent or objective.

Aaron Belkin (born March 12, 1966) is a political scientist, researcher and professor. He currently teaches political science at San Francisco State University and is the director of the Palm Center, a think tank that commissions and disseminates research on gender, sexuality and the military.[1]

In 2011, he was a grand marshal in San Francisco's LGBT Pride Parade.[2]

Mark Tushnet
One of the more controversial figures in constitutional theory, he is identified with the critical legal studies movement and once stated in an article that, were he asked to decide actual cases as a judge, he would seek to reach results that would "advance the cause of socialism".[21]
Semi serious question.

What happens to all the post 1994 SBR AR’s that exist in MA? Those who are 100% following the law?

Is ATF going turn those people who paid thier $200 stamp into the AG for prosecution?

Is the ATF going to kick those peoples doors in and shoot their dogs?

Will they be forced to turn them in? We are really setting precident for the whole country on this issue.
Semi serious question.

What happens to all the post 1994 SBR AR’s that exist in MA? Those who are 100% following the law?

Is ATF going turn those people who paid thier $200 stamp into the AG for prosecution?

Is the ATF going to kick those peoples doors in and shoot their dogs?

Will they be forced to turn them in? We are really setting precident for the whole country on this issue.
Why would the ATF be involved? ... those people are not breaking Federal law.
Semi serious question.

What happens to all the post 1994 SBR AR’s that exist in MA? Those who are 100% following the law?

Is ATF going turn those people who paid thier $200 stamp into the AG for prosecution?

Is the ATF going to kick those peoples doors in and shoot their dogs?

Will they be forced to turn them in? We are really setting precident for the whole country on this issue.
ATF probably wont care, but they might share the list they have of NFA items in MA with the DOJ and State Popo.
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