Massachusetts Bill HD.4420 "An act to modernize gun Laws"

Semi serious question.

What happens to all the post 1994 SBR AR’s that exist in MA? Those who are 100% following the law?

Is ATF going turn those people who paid thier $200 stamp into the AG for prosecution?

Is the ATF going to kick those peoples doors in and shoot their dogs?

Will they be forced to turn them in? We are really setting precident for the whole country on this issue.
Ignoring the fact that ATF is federal and not state, no one is going to go door to door collecting guns. That’s not their plan. All they want is to turn all of us into felons in waiting. Any potential police interaction can result in an AWB charge. If they want you, they’ve got you. They’ll find something to charge you with, it won’t be hard after this bill passes. Can’t exercise your 2A rights if you’re too scared of the cops to actually take your guns out of your home and shoot them.
Ignoring the fact that ATF is federal and not state, no one is going to go door to door collecting guns. That’s not their plan. All they want is to turn all of us into felons in waiting. Any potential police interaction can result in an AWB charge. If they want you, they’ve got you. They’ll find something to charge you with, it won’t be hard after this bill passes. Can’t exercise your 2A rights if you’re too scared of the cops to actually take your guns out of your home and shoot them.
Don’t worry about that… the gun charges always get dropped. Just ask your friendly neighborhood gang bangers 😜
Got this reply today, after a followup email:

Dear ,

I received your forwarded email about HD4420, An Act modernizing firearm laws. Filed in late June and likely headed to a legislative committee on which I do not sit, I will not have an opportunity to engage with this House bill for some time. I have noted your opposition to its current content, which will surely change before it comes to the floor of the Senate. I will review the bill in due course.


Senator Becca Rausch, Esq., LL.M. (she/her)
@GOAL should see if they can get guest editorials or at least send letters to the editor to the local papers explaining their position. I'd hope they'd keep it to how the law will do nothing to curb gun crimes & reference the CoP, Plymouth & Ware PDs assertions to such. Ask how many gun crimes have been committed by licensed gun owners and which m(M)ass shootings they would have prevented. Explain how this law would create felons out of law abiding citizens who have purchased guns legally over the past decade. If they talk about semi auto turkey rifles, not being able to hunt on private property or minors not being able to handle guns it'll be a wasted effort since most of the the public will probably support those. It has to be about the stated purpose of the bill, to reduce gun violence, and point out how this bill does none of that.
Got the following response today...


Thank you for reaching out on HD4420. I always appreciate hearing directly from community members and am grateful that you took the time to share your thoughts with me.

The proposed legislation has definitely been getting a lot of attention, deservedly so, and I completely understand your concerns. There is an expectation that something will be sent to the Senate at some point, but at this time, this is a House bill and nothing has been brought to the Senate. That being said, I am following the process closely and will continue to do so. I have my own questions about many pieces of the bill as written and will be sure to keep your input in mind moving forward.

Thank you again for reaching out and please do not hesitate to follow up.



John C. Velis

State Senator, Hampden and Hampshire District

Chair, Joint Committee on Mental Health, Substance Use, and Recovery

Chair, Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs | @senjohnvelis

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52 Court St

Westfield, MA 01085

(413) 572-3920

“I share your concerns about this bill and will not be supporting the legislation under any circumstances.

Rep. Dave DeCoste”

“Thanks for contacting me on this important issue relative to HD 4420 and lawful gun owners rights. As your State Representative, I appreciate your input on this. Please know that I have made note of your concerns, and I will certainly keep the points you made in mind during the legislative process in Boston.

As always, feel free to contact me anytime. - Angelo

Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr.
Chairman, House
Committee on Intergovernmental Affairs
State Representative
12th Hampden District
State House - Room 122
Boston, MA 02133-1054
Tel: (617) 722-2006
Got this reply today, after a followup email:

Dear ,

I received your forwarded email about HD4420, An Act modernizing firearm laws. Filed in late June and likely headed to a legislative committee on which I do not sit, I will not have an opportunity to engage with this House bill for some time. I have noted your opposition to its current content, which will surely change before it comes to the floor of the Senate. I will review the bill in due course.


Senator Becca Rausch, Esq., LL.M. (she/her)

She will vote for it.
In the Azores you can own firearms. Self defense is not a reason they will accept when applying for a permit. Hunting, target shooting, and pest control can be used. However, the local police there do believe in "f*** around and find out". Ask me how I know.

I have gone hunting in Sao Miguel plenty of times, with shotguns and rifles. My entire family there are farmers.
contact your local folks too - mayors & city councilors - they can put heat on the State Reps

"I am in total agreement with you ....."

p.s. your union reps too
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In the Azores you can own firearms. Self defense is not a reason they will accept when applying for a permit. Hunting, target shooting, and pest control can be used. However, the local police there do believe in "f*** around and find out". Ask me how I know.

I have gone hunting in Sao Miguel plenty of times, with shotguns and rifles. My entire family there are farmers.
How about handguns?
Honestly? Between that and flag football? I'll take weights. It'd do better to empower students to take proper care of their health on their own in adulthood. Can we trade basketball for yoga, while we're at it?
The amount of adult injuries which could be prevented by just doing the warrior transition as a growing child properly is astounding.
Well duh. I wasnt under the illusion Portugal or any other country have anything like the 2a. People were asking about Portugal gun laws so I just copy pasted what a Portugal redditor had posted regarding their gun laws and their accessibility.

Portugal is a great place to retire and not give a damn about anything but your personal bubble and happiness. Enjoy.
In the Azores you can own firearms. Self defense is not a reason they will accept when applying for a permit. Hunting, target shooting, and pest control can be used. However, the local police there do believe in "f*** around and find out". Ask me how I know.

I have gone hunting in Sao Miguel plenty of times, with shotguns and rifles. My entire family there are farmers.

IF you can get a class B or B1 permit, you can have up to four handguns and 500 rounds (total) for them
B1 is limited to 32 caliber, B seems to only be for police and retired police
For long guns and shotguns you can have up to 25 and 5000 rounds total (and nothing that remotely resembles a scary black rifle)

My experience on Sao Miguel is that the police really don't bother you unless you are a complete ass along with no safety rails on pretty much everything is definitely a FAFO culture.
But guns are not really part of the culture - not sure what hunting there is on the island - most I saw hiking was feral cats and chickens.

IF you can get a class B or B1 permit, you can have up to four handguns and 500 rounds (total) for them
B1 is limited to 32 caliber, B seems to only be for police and retired police
For long guns and shotguns you can have up to 25 and 5000 rounds total (and nothing that remotely resembles a scary black rifle)

My experience on Sao Miguel is that the police really don't bother you unless you are a complete ass along with no safety rails on pretty much everything is definitely a FAFO culture.
But guns are not really part of the culture - not sure what hunting there is on the island - most I saw hiking was feral cats and chickens.
Auga De Pau Rabbit hunting. There are some deer but not like in the states. Some that do not have guns use dogs. Some use both guns and dogs.

Auga De Pau Rabbit hunting. There are some deer but not like in the states. Some that do not have guns use dogs. Some use both guns and dogs.

View attachment 777645
That would be some serious fun in all of those cow pastures everywhere - good looking pups too!

I've actually done the hike from Água De Alto to Lagoa de Fogo - absolutely beautiful place to visit.
But don't pretend Portugal has anything like a 2nd Amendment protecting your right to keep and bear, or even a recognition of the right to armed self defense.
So while they will ALLOW you to buy certain guns, Portugal has NO constitutional protection of the inherent right to keep and bear arms.

Seems MA is the same way
I sent emails to every Rep and Sen on the hill last week before the Speaker's closed door meetings, these are the responses I got ordered weakest to strongest in my opinion.

Rep. Jay Barrows The weakest reply
Thank you for contacting my office regarding your concerns about HD4420. My office is currently reviewing the legislation and waiting for a hearing to occur to receive further information regarding this legislation. However, I would like to inform you that I believe in the importance of respecting lawful gun owners as opposed to excessive regulations. Please contact my office if you have any further questions or concerns.

Rep. Peter Durant
Thanks for reaching out to me about this bill. You will be glad to know that I am a firm NO on this bill and am working hard to kill it.

Rep. Dave DeCoste
I've already asked for this data. I don't believe there is any data beyond what is provided by the Bloomberg front groups. I strongly suspect those advocates had a hand in writing this, although I've been told also that it's an amalgam of many former bills.
The cost question is a good one. I doubt if SPAM wants the inspection mission for gun shops or I assume to administer the registration scheme. The latter would be substantial.
I hope that this also calls into question the charge for training & licensing. How can a constitutional right be contingent on paying a fee?
Thanks for writing and please stay in touch.

Rep. Michael Soter The strongest reply
Thank you for reaching out in regards to HD4420. I think this bill as written has huge amount of flaws. I am not supporting this bill. Though you feel angry about this meeting taking place, I am going to utilize this time to be blunt, express my anger about what they are doing and try to get them to come to their senses! However with all that, when one party rule takes place we are limited on what we can control. We just can’t fight back when issues like this come up, we need your support every two years to get more common sense people elected. This is what happens when we stay silent during elections and not get involved, we give people who lust on power the ability to control every aspect of government. When issues come up like this, they jam it down our throats and snub their noses at us! We are doing everything we can to get in front of this.

I’m against this bill and quite frankly nothing they will say other than they are tossing this away and starting over will get me to listen. I understand your frustrations and I hear you loud and clear! Unless we change power and take your anger and help good people get elected we will constantly be dealing with this power issue they thrive on and keep taking our rights away!

I also got one from Rep. Marcus Vaughn but the reference to HD4420 was almost offhanded in passing as he asked for campaign contributions.

I got no responses from anyone supporting this, but really why would they bother as they figure we don't matter.

I will also note that I also got no response from two emails, one letter, and a phone call to my districts man, Rep. Jon Zlotnik, whom I guess must now be in the 'gun owners don't matter' group.


@GOAL add these responses to your polling if helpful
That would be some serious fun in all of those cow pastures everywhere - good looking pups too!

I've actually done the hike from Água De Alto to Lagoa de Fogo - absolutely beautiful place to visit.
Lagoa De Fogo is where my uncles and grandfather had all their herds. I go swimming in that Lagoa when I visit, even go camping there.

Edit: Going next year want to go?
Lagoa De Fogo is where my uncles and grandfather had all their herds. I go swimming in that Lagoa when I visit, even go camping there.

Edit: Going next year want to go?
I have been going in late November when the weather is still good but the prices are rock bottom - Wife is from the island (her family is from Sete Cidades but she grew up in Ponta Delgada)
Plus all of the shitty tourists are gone that late in the year too.

Swimming in Lagoa de Fogo - screw that, it's stupid cold. I'll take a nice soak at Dona Beija instead thank you.
I have been going in late November when the weather is still good but the prices are rock bottom - Wife is from the island (her family is from Sete Cidades but she grew up in Ponta Delgada)
Plus all of the shitty tourists are gone that late in the year too.

Swimming in Lagoa de Fogo - screw that, it's stupid cold. I'll take a nice soak at Dona Beija instead thank you.
growing up between new bedford and fall river i can understand Portugal's gun laws, they're all alcoholics and all related over there....
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