First thing would be to make sure these criminals are held accountable for any illegal gun possession.
I see many reports of repeat offenders/ "prohibited people" commonly committing these gun crimes that should have been serving time.
Min sentences of 5 years for 1st offense for criminal possession of a firearm without a ltc
That's insane. It's a malum prohibitum law. Someone drives into Mass from a free state and without hurting anyone gets five years?
Any gun trafficking conviction should have a lifetime sentence, especially because the person selling them knows the criminals wouldn't use for any other purpose than crime / murder
What does "any gun trafficking" mean? Selling a gun without state permission? Add "any" to that and you're in the territory of imprisoning someone who moved into the state with a bunch of guns, then decided to sell them.
Let's face it our city's, and streets are flooding with criminals, violence, drugs , human trafficking, homeless, and mental illnesses. We need more ways to help put a stop to this not less.
"flooding"? I mean, yea, we should work to stop those things, but don't amplify problems just for attention.
We need more mental health support.
This whole "mental health" thing is a red herring.
Most violent crime is, at its core, economic, not mental-health related. Access to mental health is really important, and should be expanded, but don't fool yourself into thinking it'll make a measurable dent in violent crime. Even suicide (which is a HUGE percentage of so-called "gun deaths") are frequently related to economic problems.
It's like the "need more training" canard. Sure, training is good. But "providing more training" isn't going to reduce violent crime. Not even a tiny bit. Training will reduce accidental or negligent gun injuries, but they're not what we'd call a "big problem" in the greater context of deaths or injuries with guns.
Legalizing drugs will not reduce crime and the day will come when we will regret doing it. It's all about the Government getting their hands on more money to piss up a tree.
I dunno, it worked pretty well when prohibition was ended.
Lets talk about this for real.
So Maura do you want to stop Gun violence? This is for the whole United States.
In 2019, there were 14,414 firearm homicides.
- 84% of gun homicide victims were male.
- Black males aged 15-34 had a gun homicide rate nearly 17 times higher than white (non Latino) males of the same age group.
- 37% of gun homicide victims were Black teens and men between the ages of 15-34 – although they make up only 2% of the U.S. population.
It's not a race issue. Unless you're suggesting that black people are inherrently violent.... which I'm sure you're not, because that's pretty f***ing bigoted.
But again... it's economic. I'd bet the statistics track economics way better than race. i.e.: people in desperate situations to desperate things. It turns out for many historically institutionalized reasons black people fall into the "economically desperate" category way more than white people.
- Massachusetts had the lowest firearm homicide rate, while Mississippi had the highest.
I'm pretty sure Maine and Vermont and New Hampshire all have lower murder rates, but Mass. is one of the better states on that metric.
Careful with this, it's frequently used as dogwhistle for stuff that doesn't win elections.We need stronger family values.