This is one hell of a straw-man. He didn't say, "prohibited person", he said, "without an LTC" HUGE difference.
"First thing would be to make sure these criminals are held accountable for any illegal gun possession.
I see many reports of repeat offenders/ "prohibited people" commonly committing these gun crimes that should have been serving time.
Min sentences of 5 years for 1st offense for criminal possession of a firearm without a ltc"
Yes, I did mess up with the ltc thing but did say prohibited people along with criminal possession I wasn't fully thinking it through.
Why are you so against cracking down on drugs, violence and crime?
What I suggest would not infringe on any rights of Massachusetts gun owners, and I wasn't thinking of other states at the time.
All U.S states reciprocity of your right to carry should definitely be a thing as Massachusetts does not recognize any other states right to carry.
Like I have said I've personally seen the destruction, violence and desperation that drugs cause within my own family, and friends.
I am trying to help not hurt our community. But you feel the need to express my thoughts in a negative way.
If someone comes up with any better ideas I welcome them. If I find something wrong with their ideas..suggest better ones we can all stand for.
Finding a common ground is important within our community, and should be a relatively easy thing to do.
I suggested harsh penalties for:
prohibited people caught with a firearm.
Illegal gun trafficking.
Illegal drug trafficking.
I don't believe that lawful gun owners deserve any infringement upon their rights ultimately. That's why what I suggested was restoration of rights without taking anything away. Because the issue is not the Massachusetts gun owners.