Massachusetts Bill HD.4420 "An act to modernize gun Laws"

What is the warrior transition?
There are several "Warrior" positions in yoga, most notably Warrior I and II.

It is not uncommon to do them in series (back and forth) kind of like Sun Salutations


Practicing these transitions builds strength throughout our range of motion, which can help protect against common joint injuries that result from bad form in our dailylives.
I got a call back from my rep, I made sure to tell him if they pass this or anything similar 'I will not comply', he was silent for a moment and said it was my call - I agreed and told him just to file that info away that a Military Veteran that hasn't gotten even a parking ticket in over 20 years has no reason to turn over anything.

If I go to see my Senator and Representative to express my opposition to any bill even remotely sounding like 4420 wearing this hat and handing out this meme do you think that I will be too subtle in trying to get my message across? After all....the last thing that I would want is for them to misunderstand my complete, total and unshakable opposition to more so-called gun control bills.

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I got a call back from my rep, I made sure to tell him if they pass this or anything similar 'I will not comply', he was silent for a moment and said it was my call - I agreed and told him just to file that info away that a Military Veteran that hasn't gotten even a parking ticket in over 20 years has no reason to turn over anything.
Supposedly there are 5,511,033 adults of which 1,136,566 are classified as seniors currently in the Republic. If these numbers are correct then the listed number of licensed firearm owners would work out to approximately 9.19% of the total adult population......maybe.......
This makes no sense. You said the whole population was 11%. Removing all minors and the percent would go up not down to 9%.
This is one hell of a straw-man. He didn't say, "prohibited person", he said, "without an LTC" HUGE difference.
"First thing would be to make sure these criminals are held accountable for any illegal gun possession.
I see many reports of repeat offenders/ "prohibited people" commonly committing these gun crimes that should have been serving time.

Min sentences of 5 years for 1st offense for criminal possession of a firearm without a ltc"

Yes, I did mess up with the ltc thing but did say prohibited people along with criminal possession I wasn't fully thinking it through.

Why are you so against cracking down on drugs, violence and crime?

What I suggest would not infringe on any rights of Massachusetts gun owners, and I wasn't thinking of other states at the time.

All U.S states reciprocity of your right to carry should definitely be a thing as Massachusetts does not recognize any other states right to carry.

Like I have said I've personally seen the destruction, violence and desperation that drugs cause within my own family, and friends.

I am trying to help not hurt our community. But you feel the need to express my thoughts in a negative way.

If someone comes up with any better ideas I welcome them. If I find something wrong with their ideas..suggest better ones we can all stand for.

Finding a common ground is important within our community, and should be a relatively easy thing to do.

I suggested harsh penalties for:

prohibited people caught with a firearm.

Illegal gun trafficking.

Illegal drug trafficking.

I don't believe that lawful gun owners deserve any infringement upon their rights ultimately. That's why what I suggested was restoration of rights without taking anything away. Because the issue is not the Massachusetts gun owners.
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If someone comes up with any better ideas I welcome them. If I find something wrong with their ideas..suggest better ones we can all stand for.

...see, if we all just drive six miles below the speed limit...

No, I get it. People who are suggesting new, different things are probably being more productive than I am, ultimately, but it's difficult for me to ignore what has already been taken away, since 1934. I get that it's useless to expect citizens to be able to own cannons ever again, and that existing machine-gun regulation has already resulted in what's probably a permanently inflated MG market in this country, even if they repealed NFA tomorrow.

But I am dead-set against ANY additional infringements, from state or federal governments. We're infringed enough, thank you, and more than enough in MA. So any idea that doesn't start with "repeal ________" is a long shot to get my support.

We have enough laws, in many different situations (not just guns). We just can't or won't enforce them. Do that first, then come back to me about new ones.
Every single item in the Bill of Rights has been found by legal precedent and upheld stature to have some limits. Every last one. Some are even objectively reasonable, many are absolute bullshit we live with nonetheless.

My religious freedom doesn't grant me the right to eat babies. My freedom to assemble doesn't grant me the right to get five hundred of my besties and have a picnic in the middle of Rt 128 etc. etc,
*looks around* I still fail to see any solders domiciled in my home without my consent. :rolleyes:
This makes no sense. You said the whole population was 11%. Removing all minors and the percent would go up not down to 9%.
I revisited the numbers and my original 11% figure was incorrect. It should have been 8.6% for the population as a whole and not the 11% that I had originally thought that it was. When I remove the children from the number and look at what is listed as adults only it appears then the license holder percentage does indeed increase from 8.6% to 10.9% of the adult population.....maybe.
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I honestly don't know, and I'm curious whether you do: when he likened it to renewing a DL, did he address the fact that getting your initial DL requires extensive training?

There wasn't a lot of detail in the decision but it's part of what Kavanaugh wrote in the decision. At the time Kavanuagh wrote the dissenting opinion before it went to SCOTUS and in the dissent Kavanaugh wrote that licensing could exist as long as it was extremely nominal. I guess we call it weasel words. Kavanaugh also wrote in that same decision that bans on assault weapons would also fail the Heller test in the dissent.

Here is his dissent:

"Indeed, basic registration requirements are self evidently de minimis, for they are similar to other common registration or licensing schemes, such as those for voting or for driving a car, that cannot reasonably be considered onerous. Cf. Rosario v. Rockefeller, 410 U.S. 753, 754–58(1973) (law “requir[ing] a voter to enroll in the party of his choice at least 30 days before the general election in November in order to vote in the next subsequent party primary” does not violate First and Fourteenth Amendments because “if [the petitioners’] plight [could] be characterized as disenfranchisement at all, it was not caused by [the law], but by their own failure to take timely steps to effect their enrollment”); id. at 760 (“the State is certainly justified in imposing some reasonable cutoff point for registration or party enrollment, which citizens must meet in order to participate in the next election”);"

So in other words an LTC can be no more of an inconvenience than registering a car or registering to vote. I'd say we're 50 steps past that now.

DC circuit decision:$file/10-7036-1333156.pdf
Just wait.

That's the only BoR amendment that hasn't yet been heard by SCOTUS.
To bring this back to the topic of the thread, if 4420 passed, they might have had to do that to deal with the blowback. And then SCOTUS would have two cases to consider. 🤔
*looks around* I still fail to see any solders domiciled in my home without my consent. :rolleyes:

Don’t count those chickens too fast.… might find alien next time you look. They are only asking, at least for now.😲

In new strategy, state asks locals to host unhoused, migrant families as officials scramble to expand shelters​

Massachusetts officials are seeking residents willing to host newly arrived families in need of shelter. Hosts are asked to provide a room or apartment for a few days, until longer-term accommodations can be arranged.
In new strategy, state asks locals to host unhoused, migrant families as officials scramble to expand shelters
Don’t count those chickens too fast.… might find alien next time you look. They are only asking, at least for now.😲

In new strategy, state asks locals to host unhoused, migrant families as officials scramble to expand shelters​

Massachusetts officials are seeking residents willing to host newly arrived families in need of shelter. Hosts are asked to provide a room or apartment for a few days, until longer-term accommodations can be arranged.
In new strategy, state asks locals to host unhoused, migrant families as officials scramble to expand shelters

I doubt that's 3A. That's more like 4A.

3A specifies "soldiers." Which does include National Guard, but might not include police; probably wouldn't, in fact.
Politicians grandstand to their constituents for votes, tell them what they wanna hear in hopes of being elected - but if elected, the first thing politicians do is push and support legislation and spending bills that benefit the entities that gave them the moolah for their campaign funding aka their donors.
I doubt that's 3A. That's more like 4A.

3A specifies "soldiers." Which does include National Guard, but might not include police; probably wouldn't, in fact.
Mitchell v City of Henderson seems to think police do not count.
I got a call back from my rep, I made sure to tell him if they pass this or anything similar 'I will not comply', he was silent for a moment and said it was my call - I agreed and told him just to file that info away that a Military Veteran that hasn't gotten even a parking ticket in over 20 years has no reason to turn over anything.

if your rep is a supporter, a follow up question could be; "If it comes to it, do you personally plan on coming to confiscate peoples weapons or will you be hiding behind someone else?"
I wonder if the Third would apply if the government decided that immigrants will be living in your spare room whether you like it or not? Or maybe that's a "taking" under the Eight?

Again, no. 3A specifies "soldiers" by specific term.
Look at some of those military aged young men and tell me that they aren't soldiers.

Lol. It's not you and me that matter. It's the Constitution and its words that matter.

The clear intent involves soldiers in the service of our own government.
Something will pass. So, the question is, what can be pitched that we can live with. I'll risk the flames again and suggest the following as possible things we could negotiate. As I have been flamed repeatedly for saying absolutism is futile, I'll take the flames again.

1) Live fire and written test components for licensing. Trainers are private and the same pool of folks currently sanctioned to train and process to be certified as a trainer. Written test is created by GOAL. Standard of live fire performance is roughly 50% of what the State Police have to meet. (I personally worry about anyone daily carrying who couldn't meet that very low bar.)
2) AWB remains so they can say they have it but it's changed to "No full auto weapons modified down to semi after initial manufacture in a manner reversible with the restoration of removed parts". 'Feature' tests and 'named weapons' prohibitions are removed except as preceding and remove the crap solely related to appearance. Follow federal minimum overall length and barrel length standards for non-tax-stamped SBR rifles.
3) SBRs, Suppressors etc. congruent with federal law (tax stamp etc.) but with an extra State penalty for possession without a stamp.
4) All private sales/transfers of firearms must be done through an FFL with 4473 background check and transaction reporting and a nominal (capped say, $30?) fee for FFL processing.
5) EFA-10 process and serialization requirement remains for 'home made (80% lowers etc.)' guns with stiff penalties for 'unregistered' after 7 days. (Assembly with a 4473'd serialized receiver does not constitute 'manufacture'.)
6) State penalties for full-auto, bump stock, forced reset mods without a federal tax stamp as a 'machine gun'.
7) Tolerate a "Red Flag" law but with stiff penalties for those who falsely make a complaint. Requirements for the return of all firearms confiscated (for up to 60 days without a renewal court proceeding where the 'flagged' can face their accuser) when a 'red flag' is invoked with stiff penalties for lost or damaged firearms held in police custody and requirements to 'male whole' within 30 days.
8) No prohibitions on 'standard capacity' magazines (30 rounds rifle, whatever ships with the model of handgun nationally). 30 Round magazines must be transported locked between home and range or hunting area. (Yeah, I know, but let 'em ban the drums and happy sticks so we can stop having the rest be a pain in the ass. I mean we do correct them from "high capacity" to "standard capacity", so, accept a real world definition of 'standard') Remove prohibitions for LTC holders to carry a pistol while hunting.
9) No more 'roster' but continued prohibitions against guns which are camouflaged to appear as something else or which are under a certain size (say, less than Glock 42/P365 sized to address the the 'Saturday night special" concern) to carry as opposed to collect or use at the range.
10) Transport in cars 'on person' for LTC holders. or in a locked case/out of view trunk and unloaded.
11) Storage in a gun safe of types in 'common use' or in a 'room vault' dedicated to the purpose and only readily accessible but he license holder(s) in the household when the licensee is not at home with the firearm with a mandate to report all lost or stolen firearms. Criminal penalty for gun owners when children in the home gain access to firearms that were not stored properly.
12) Stiffer penalties for possession without a permit, very stiff ones for carrying without a permit.
13) Requirements for licensing turnaround times and renewals with actual teeth so it happens in a consistent and timely manner.
14) Allow 'no guns permitted' signs to carry the force of law with, say, a thousand dollar fine for violation if signage was clearly posted but no loss ior suspension of license for a first offense.
15) Codify blood alcohol level to match that for DUI for carrying while intoxicated.
16) Minimum age for an LTC of 21 except where an employer requires carry.
17) Ban "open carry" except while hunting.

Maybe you hate some or all of these, maybe you too could live with them but, start being ready to think of some bone you can throw so that can still say "MA has some of the strongest gun safety laws in the country' without 'peppering your angus' with those 'strong laws'.

EDIT: The above would pass a Heller/Bruen test btw.
How about f*ck straight off and follow the constitution .
I don't negotiate with criminals , dictators , perverts or thieves.
You must be one of Maura's if you think we would believe "Just one more infringement" will be the end of it.
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