Thought experiment:
Say there was a candidate with "D" after their name, who was pro choice, pro gay/trans/etc. rights, pro social safety net, pro public schools, pro public services, and *ALSO* had a long history of being pro gun rights - like, participated in IDPA, mocked AWBs, openly stated that suppressors were good for everyone and idiotic to regulate, thought the Hughes amendment was bad law, etc. Would you vote for that person?
Or how about this:
Say there was a candidate with "R" after their name, who had a long history of being pro gun rights - like, participated in IDPA, mocked AWBs, openly stated that suppressors were good for everyone and idiotic to regulate, thought the Hughes amendment was bad law, etc- but was also pro choice, pro gay/trans/etc. rights, pro social safety net, pro public schools, pro public services, etc. Would you vote for that person?
If the answer is "no" to either of those, how much do you really care about second amendment rights?
The reality in Mass. is that anyone who isn't "left enough", CAN NOT GET ELECTED. Period.
I'd be absolutely tickled to get a hard-line pro rights candidate elected, no matter what the rest of their positions are.