New folks check in and say HI #2

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Hi, from a new guy

Hi, I am just so darn happy to say hello to you all.......I have a true and genuine story to share with you about the Browning Automatic Rifle.....the BAR.......I will continue if anyone is interested.......this is my first post.....Joe
jferr3 said:
Hi, I am just so darn happy to say hello to you all.......I have a true and genuine story to share with you about the Browning Automatic Rifle.....the BAR.......I will continue if anyone is interested.......this is my first post.....Joe

welcome Joe! looking forward to hear about Bar story.
jferr3 said:
Hi, I am just so darn happy to say hello to you all.......I have a true and genuine story to share with you about the Browning Automatic Rifle.....the BAR.......I will continue if anyone is interested.......this is my first post.....Joe

Please share it. I suggest the MilSurp area. And welcome to NES.
jferr3 said:
Hi, I am just so darn happy to say hello to you all.......I have a true and genuine story to share with you about the Browning Automatic Rifle.....the BAR.......I will continue if anyone is interested.......this is my first post.....Joe


I thought you were so darn happy and were gonna tell us a story [crying] [crying] [crying]
Hi all,

Well, I've lukered around here for a couple of weeks and thought I would say hey and all.

My name is matt [rolleyes] and no... i wasnt born in 1956. Im only 31 [smile] I've always been intrested in shooting but just never really had the time/money to get into it. Ive had my LTC-A (restriced H&T thanks to the wonderful chief in Brockton [rolleyes] ) But, should be able to get it for ALP when I renew (holding my breath on that one)

I've been in Loss Prevention and security for 13 years, married with 2 kids, 2 dogs, cat, several SW fish.... I think thats it [thinking]

anyhow, be sure to look for lots of questions and such from me... Im really looking to get more into shooting and want to learn as much as I can.
Hey Matt! Welcome to NES! Feel free to ask all the questions you want. Also, feel free to use the 'Search' function here, as there's a good possibility that many of your questions have been covered in EXTENSIVE detail. Hope you enjoy it here!
Hi everyone, I am Joe, just signed on last week, I was looking around in Google and found this site and I think it is great. All my life I have loved guns and shooting, especially plinking. Looking forward to talk about my favorite hobby.
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