New folks check in and say HI #2

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Hello to everyone.I have been online a short time,but have not intraduced myself.I have been a shooter for 40 years.I guess shooting sports are in my blood.I don't rember how i came to this site,but im glad i found it.

My name is David from West Springfield ,Ma.

I got my LTC a few months ago ALP. I bought a S&W 5905 which I'm very happy with as it seems to be very accuarate and well made. I bought a S&W642ct for CWC.
I get the idea from others that Mass has some strange gun laws, and I look foward to learning more about the law and CWC. We shoot at the S&W range where we are members.
David, Welcome to the forum, we hope you enjoy it here.

Check out the material in the Gun Laws forum. Plenty of info on our screwy gun laws and how to stay out of trouble.

You WILL need to modify your User CP to see ALL MESSAGES (default is 30 days) or you will miss most of the threads with valuable info there.
5905 said:
My name is David from West Springfield ,Ma.

I got my LTC a few months ago ALP. I bought a S&W 5905 which I'm very happy with as it seems to be very accuarate and well made. I bought a S&W642ct for CWC.
I get the idea from others that Mass has some strange gun laws, and I look foward to learning more about the law and CWC. We shoot at the S&W range where we are members.

Hello, David! Have you checked out Triple A Guns on Main Street in West Springfield? Stop in and say hello to Dave and Eric. They run the joint. Great people, wonderful selection of guns.

I was just at AAA guns today and I was very pleased to purchase two factory pre-ban 20 round mags for the 5900 series.. very nice store.
5905 said:

I was just at AAA guns today and I was very pleased to purchase two factory pre-ban 20 round mags for the 5900 series.. very nice store.

Glad you like it. In the last six months, I've purchased guns, ammo, Pyrodex, accessories, from them, and I live an hour and a half away.

Triple A Guns is a gunny's superstore!

Hi Mike, Welcome and where in Western Ma are you? Glenn and I are in Westhampton.[grin]

Howdy Mrs Glenn and Glenn.

Boy I bump into you everywhere, yes I'm David99TJ also, a fellow NE4W's member and live around the corner from ya.

Hows Glenn doing??? I heard he had back surgery also, I'm recopping from my 3rd.

Tell him David says hi.

See Ya
Hello, David! Have you checked out Triple A Guns on Main Street in West Springfield? Stop in and say hello to Dave and Eric. They run the joint. Great people, wonderful selection of guns.

Another David here.

I just bought a "new to me" Ruger MK II from AAA and got out to shoot it today, sweet groups!!!!!!!! I lucked out on it, someone passed away and his wife sold all his stuff to AAA and this Ruger was one of the guns. It looks like he never fired it, well it has been now [smile] .

Well the short on me is I have been a life time shooter ,Archer and Jeeper. Sometimes more of one than the other but due to a 3rd back surgery (2 surgerys in less than a year this time) my Jeeping days are done and now I'll be shooting more.

Everyone seems real nice here, I've been looking over the posts and it seems like a good group of folks here.

I found this site by Googling gun fourms, glad I did so far.

Well that's enough, excuse my spelling on most things, my fingers go faster than my brain sometimes [smile] .

See Ya

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Hi David.... Hope your recovery goes well. Same reason we got out of wheeling. Although Glenn has an X-90 that he is sorta making it so we can wheel the easy stuff.[wink] [laugh]
It is a good bunch of people here and lots of info. Enjoy.
Hey Dave,
I am doing Okay Some sciatica in the right leg (okay all the time...) but the back is ok for the most part as long as I am carefull.
bummer on your surgurys, if you need a visit let me know and I can stop up.
But I know with my recoverys I was out of it and just surfed the web or watched movies. (for 3 months... ) other than follow ups and excercise.
Welcome David, we hope you enjoy it here.

Hope the recovery goes well and rapidly.
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