New Folks Check In and Say Hi #4

Hi everyone! I'm Josh, long time lurker and member of GOAL. Looking forward to meeting like minded people and joining the cause against the "queen".

Hi Josh, welcome to NES, officially. Glad you decided to sign up here. Looks like you are already diving in on posting in the threads, great! [smile] Considering becoming a green member at some time too. There are many benefits like giveaways, group buys, meet and greets, etc. Not to mention, you'd be supporting a great community. See you around [mg]
Hi Josh, welcome to NES, officially. Glad you decided to sign up here. Looks like you are already diving in on posting in the threads, great! [smile] Considering becoming a green member at some time too. There are many benefits like giveaways, group buys, meet and greets, etc. Not to mention, you'd be supporting a great community. See you around [mg]

Thanks for the warm welcome. Hope to see people at the next GOAL event. [smile]
I am not new to the sport. I have been a shooter for 50 years. I am an active NRA instructor and safety officer. I am also the vice president of a large range in RI and I also belong to a MA range. I am vehemently pro 2nd amendment. I recently retired and now have more time to read and discuss. I am a MA resident. I believe the problems in MA can all be traced back to political posturing by power hungry, corrupt politicians looking for a reason to exist and raise money. Maybe forums such as this can help make a difference.
I am not new to the sport. I have been a shooter for 50 years. I am an active NRA instructor and safety officer. I am also the vice president of a large range in RI and I also belong to a MA range. I am vehemently pro 2nd amendment. I recently retired and now have more time to read and discuss. I am a MA resident. I believe the problems in MA can all be traced back to political posturing by power hungry, corrupt politicians looking for a reason to exist and raise money. Maybe forums such as this can help make a difference.

Hi Garand1952 [wave] Welcome to NES! Looks like you are already posting in the forum to ask questions. Great. That's what this community is for. Seeing as you have 50 years of experience in shooting, hopefully you'll join in on giving great advice to new shooters around the forum. Consider becoming a paid green member at some point to support this site. It will also give you access to our members only threads, shoots, giveaways, and meet and greets. See you around [mg]
Hello. I have known about this place for years. Joined and paid to sell a pistol. A few things;

1. It'd be nice to have a "What is it worth?" section. Other forums pull this off well. But this requires a contingent that is upstanding and honest. Perhaps this is lacking here? I'm not sure.

2. Buy my commodity gun. Listing it at a loss so someone new at shooting can pay less than a four seasons cash price for a mint pistol with all the accessories they'd need.
Hello. I have known about this place for years. Joined and paid to sell a pistol. A few things;

1. It'd be nice to have a "What is it worth?" section. Other forums pull this off well. But this requires a contingent that is upstanding and honest. Perhaps this is lacking here? I'm not sure.

2. Buy my commodity gun. Listing it at a loss so someone new at shooting can pay less than a four seasons cash price for a mint pistol with all the accessories they'd need.

Hi AKMS... welcome to NES! Glad you finally joined up after all these years. See you around [wave]
Hello. I have known about this place for years. Joined and paid to sell a pistol. A few things;

1. It'd be nice to have a "What is it worth?" section. Other forums pull this off well. But this requires a contingent that is upstanding and honest. Perhaps this is lacking here? I'm not sure.

2. Buy my commodity gun. Listing it at a loss so someone new at shooting can pay less than a four seasons cash price for a mint pistol with all the accessories they'd need.

Welcome to NES!

I have not been around here all that long...but a "What's it Worth" forum will quickly degenerate into a mad house. Many members have strong opinions.

Go on Gunbroker or check dealers' used can get pretty close to the "value" of the firearm. Of course, everything I sell is well below market value...IMHO.
Hi everyone, I was told about the forum from some local contacts and saw how active it was and decided to sign up. I am prior service and have been been shooting for the last 25 years on and off. Mostly limited to small arms and shotguns. Glad to find this place and a big thanks to RedsFirearms for pointing me to the forum.
Hi everyone !
Got my LTC-A about a month ago, but haven't purchased my first handgun yet.
I'm looking though for something reliable and dependable - with my technical background I'm all about that...
Very glad to have joined the site and really enjoying all of the forums and knowledge here and THANKS TO ALL PARTICIPANTS for that !
What else - Trump all the way, Second Amendment etc...
Hi everyone !
Got my LTC-A about a month ago, but haven't purchased my first handgun yet.
I'm looking though for something reliable and dependable - with my technical background I'm all about that...
Very glad to have joined the site and really enjoying all of the forums and knowledge here and THANKS TO ALL PARTICIPANTS for that !
What else - Trump all the way, Second Amendment etc...

Welcome! I'm pretty new here myself, but I've been carrying for much longer.
If you want dependable, get a glock. They will chew anything.

Also take a look at the M&P line, they're damn popular for a good reason. I have the 9c, which is good size for me and hasn't had a single hiccup so far after 1000+ rounds. Probably getting a shield 9mm next, showing how much I like them. Also, cheaper than comparable glocks if you're in MA.
Hi everyone, I was told about the forum from some local contacts and saw how active it was and decided to sign up. I am prior service and have been been shooting for the last 25 years on and off. Mostly limited to small arms and shotguns. Glad to find this place and a big thanks to RedsFirearms for pointing me to the forum.

Welcome to NES and nice meeting you. I hope you stick around. Remember what I said about having thick skin... [wink]
Glad to see people are picking up my slack. Thanks, Red Moon and Individualist [grin]

Hi everyone, I was told about the forum from some local contacts and saw how active it was and decided to sign up. I am prior service and have been been shooting for the last 25 years on and off. Mostly limited to small arms and shotguns. Glad to find this place and a big thanks to RedsFirearms for pointing me to the forum.

Welcome, tsunamii! Thanks for your service. Welcomes to NES. Hope you find this community helpful and meet many great folks like I have. See you around [mg]

Hi everyone !
Got my LTC-A about a month ago, but haven't purchased my first handgun yet.
I'm looking though for something reliable and dependable - with my technical background I'm all about that...
Very glad to have joined the site and really enjoying all of the forums and knowledge here and THANKS TO ALL PARTICIPANTS for that !
What else - Trump all the way, Second Amendment etc...

Hello, ldi! Welcome to NES. Take your time and try out as many as you can to determine what fits you the best. See you around on the forum [wave]
Hi everyone !
Got my LTC-A about a month ago, but haven't purchased my first handgun yet.
I'm looking though for something reliable and dependable - with my technical background I'm all about that...
Very glad to have joined the site and really enjoying all of the forums and knowledge here and THANKS TO ALL PARTICIPANTS for that !
What else - Trump all the way, Second Amendment etc...

Hi ldi

Been going through the same thing, as well as tend to over-analyze things from time to time. Best thing I would suggest is going to a range like Granite State in Nashua and spending time renting and walking through a caliber to figure out what SHOOTS best for you, fits your hand, etc. While a lot of new guns can swap out back-strap and make mods, this is a great starting point to see what you like and what works for you. The downside to a place like this, is you will find that most guns you like, are not available in the People's Republic of Massachusetts, so learning about different generations and finding that same gun and doing a FTF transaction may help.

I would also spend some time, find some of the smaller FFL or local shops, talk to the owners and a lot of times they may know of guns that they technically can't sell, but can put you in contact with the person who is, etc.

For me, 1911 is what I shoot best, but will be spending time looking for a SA Range Officer or Colt or maybe Dan Wesson, but also need to really figure out how much I am willing to spend there, but a nice .45 ACP is what I like. Walter PPQ M2 is by far the best shooting gun for me, but nearly impossible to find in Mass, so starting with a cherry Glock 17 Gen 2. It is no thrills, but I shoot it well.

Also, if you go dealer route, just know that you may want to look at swapping out triggers... the heavy Mass triggers are a pain.

Greeting everyone,

I've been here for a few months now but only just found this thread. I've heard nothing but good things about this place and I have to agree so far. I got my LTC in August and I'm already enjoying growing my collection and practicing shooting. I look forward to everything this community has to offer.

Now to defeat the Tyranny in this state.
Greeting everyone,

I've been here for a few months now but only just found this thread. I've heard nothing but good things about this place and I have to agree so far. I got my LTC in August and I'm already enjoying growing my collection and practicing shooting. I look forward to everything this community has to offer.

Now to defeat the Tyranny in this state.

Hi, Mister E. It's never too late to welcome someone to NES, so welcome! [wave] Glad you found this thread so you can introduce yourself a little. Also happy you're enjoying this forum. Consider becoming a green member at some point so you can further enjoy the things this community has to offer. In case you didn't already figure it out, there are giveaways, threads, meet and greets, shoots, etc that are member only. Cheers, see you around [mg]
Hello all, finally went out and got my Ltc a no restrictions in Amesbury. Ive been looking at this forum for a while just havent posted yet. Look foward to chatting with you all!!
Hello all, finally went out and got my Ltc a no restrictions in Amesbury. Ive been looking at this forum for a while just havent posted yet. Look foward to chatting with you all!!

Hello, Al458! Welcome to NES and thank you for posting here to introduce yourself. 'Grats on the LTC-A, hopefully it wasn't too painful of a process. Look forward to your posts on the forum as well. Consider going green at some point to enjoy member only threads, meet and greets, shoots, giveaways, and more. I've met many great folks on this forum and you will too! Enjoy!
Hi all! I got my LTC-A no restrictions in Westport at the end of July. No issues and the PD was very friendly. I found the forums when I started going through the application process, but just made my account. My first purchase was a Beretta Cheetah 84FS, I carry that daily, followed by a Ruger SR22 and a Savage Mark II for cheap range fun. Glad to be here!
Hi all. Originally from South Africa, grew up on a farm where I have hunted my whole life. Been in MA since 2001 and became a US citizen a couple of years ago. Got my LTC-A in Leicester, MA. Trying to figure out what I can or can't buy here in MA. What a pain. Still have a Sako 30-06 and a 1938 German Luger 9mm par in South Africa. Not sure how I would be able to get those imported into MA.
Hi all. Originally from South Africa, grew up on a farm where I have hunted my whole life. Been in MA since 2001 and became a US citizen a couple of years ago. Got my LTC-A in Leicester, MA. Trying to figure out what I can or can't buy here in MA. What a pain. Still have a Sako 30-06 and a 1938 German Luger 9mm par in South Africa. Not sure how I would be able to get those imported into MA.
Bolt action, and a pre-ban / antique pistol, no issues for owning in MA. Geting them here from out of country, on the other hand. may be difficult. Someone who has bought out of country or shipped out of country should be able to chime in on the specifics.
Hello NES! Long-time lurker, new member.

I'm a resident of one of the non-carry-friendly cities in Massachusetts. Going through the process of trying to get an unrestricted LTC now. I will surely have questions for you fine folks along the way!
Hello NES! Long-time lurker, new member.

I'm a resident of one of the non-carry-friendly cities in Massachusetts. Going through the process of trying to get an unrestricted LTC now. I will surely have questions for you fine folks along the way!

Welcome Fog...ask away. You'll certainly get a variety of opinions here. Look forward to seeing your posts. Hope you get that unrestricted LTC soon.
Hi all. Taking my LTC training course tonight, my wife got hers about four months ago. Interested in obtaining a permit for two reasons, shooting for pleasure and as a passive way of revolting against this whacked out state, as well as federal laws that are bound to change for the worse. I knew we were nuts in Mass because I bowhunt (or used to) and it just gets harder and to harder to find places where I will not be bothered. However, not until I started reading about gun ownership did I realize how bad it really is getting here. Wow. Can't make some of that stuff up.

My wife got her first gun about two weeks ago, so I felt it was important for me to also get licensed and legally handle a weapon in my house. I also need to learn everything possible about handguns and safety, so I know that the weapon is always safe. We have a friend that is a life long gun enthusiast. We spent a day with him last weekend at the range. I have to admit, I had a ball. I always enjoyed target with the bow. I think the gun may actually be more fun [grin] . My wife is a proud owner of a Sig p938, which I am told is rippin' nice piece. I believe she is going to pick up a ruger 22/45 this weekend for a more cost effective practice alternative.

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