Hello, new member here. A little background on me: I became a firearms owner and proponent of individual liberties about 15 years ago while living down in MA. That instantly alienated me. And really it was because of my passion for the shooting sports and for personal freedoms such as the 2A that prompted me to move to NH. I've been living here about 10 years now, and I couldn't be happier. Ironically, my interest in firearms sort of died off for a long time until just recently. Maybe it was like when you finally turn 21 and its perfectly legal and accepted to drink now, the nostalgia kind of starts to wear off in the next few years. There really aren't many or any restrictions here that I can think of for ownership or carrying firearms, and many of us plink steel and anything else that is fun to shoot in our back yards regularly. The last couple of years I've gotten back into it, and I'm looking forward to meeting like minded people and hoping that all of the first time gun owners in the past couple of years will help us continue to make advances legislatively.