When the range is full...


NES Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
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Shot my new M44 Mosin Nagant yesterday and found the front sight was about 10" off target at 100 yards. Usually a brass punch and a few taps with a heavy duty screwdriver handle is enough to move a front sight on a milsurp rifle, but no such luck. Last night I wound up soaking it in Kroil and even applying heat from a propane torch just to get it to free up so I could drift it over using a steel punch and hammer. I read on a milsurp forum that the M44 front sight is by far the toughest sight to adjust because they're installed rock solid. Going from past experience I moved it what I remembered is the usual amount required for such a sight correction.
This morning I grabbed the rifle, my spotting scope, a sight in target, and the hammer and punch and headed to the range. Weather wasn't bad with some slight drizzle so I figured the range would be empty. Man was I wrong!
There had to be about 15 to 20 cars and trucks there. People shooting trap, long distance rifle, plinking, etc. with every range section full. Definitely not a day to concentrate on sighting in a 62 year old battle rifle and possibly wailing on the front sight with a hammer and punch. Could have been bad timing on my part because I didn't read the monthly newsletter and I think there was a 22 shoot today.
So now here I sit with the rain coming down outside pondering what to do for the rest of the day.[thinking] Looks like I'll have to hit the range next Friday and get the rifle sighted in. This is one I plan on bringing to the pumpkin shoot Saturday so I want it zeroed well enough to make pumpkin pie filling. Of course if all else fails I could always fix the side folding bayonet into attack position and go from there. [devil]
So what do the rest of you do when the range is full and your shooting plans are cancelled?
My drive to the range is 11 miles. I'd have waited for a while. I could reload with the time if all else failed.
Well, since I shoot at AFS, I would imagine that I would stick around and look at guns and equipment and end up spending a decently sized wad of cash.
I would go to another range, I am a member at more than one.
OR, you could come down to Ames with us and have some fun we usually have a small group on Sundays barring any gun shows.
I feel you pain.....I went to the range today to finish breaking in my new Para LDA and saw a yellow sign at the entrance stating a 3D archery shoot today. Talk about bummed out. After shooting the breeze for a while with the other unfortunates who also thought a good day to shoot but were denied.....I slumped my shoulders and went home to do menial tasks I have been putting off around the house. I think I need to join another club also for just such emergencies. Or carry my bow also.....
Yeah, I feel your pain.

My range was crowded today too. Of course for me that means there was one other person!

But I second the (2) range membership strategy if they are affordable near you. For me I can belong to two ranges for $75/year in central MA.
I would go to another range, I am a member at more than one.
OR, you could come down to Ames with us and have some fun we usually have a small group on Sundays barring any gun shows.

Marc, can you send me a PM with info on the Ames club? I checked out the New Bedford club on Woodcock rd. in Dartmouth Saturday and may join that one. Lots of rules but its out to 500 yards.
That's not a bad idea. I'm currently a member at AFS but that range is really only good for pistol. Well, certainly not suited for a PSS at the very least. I was thinking about checking out MRA's special membership offer at the fun shoot that is coming up.
I do not know what to say.
I went to Plymouth to Dick's for amno then to Wallly world.
And then back to Bourne's range. 12.30 pm and not a soul on the grounds!!!
I had 3 hours to sight in 3 rifles and play the rest of the time.[smile]

I'll estimate that 80% of the time, I'm alone at my range. We have separate ranges for rifle/shotgun and pistol. If I'm just shooting pistols, I'm alone 95% of the time. Could it be something I said?
I've had dual memberships at MRA & AFS for a while, but the AFS membership expired in July, & I didn't renew. I haven't been going enough to justify the cost. If I'm in the area, I'll just pay for the hour, & shoot. MRA can be pretty busy at times, but there are many ranges to choose from, so I've never had to leave disappointed. [smile] I've been considering joining another club as well as MRA, but I can't narrow it down to 1.
At Braintree R&P it just doesn't happen, in spite of 3000 members.

Two indoor ranges, plus two outdoor pistol ranges and a rifle range so there is always someplace available to shoot. [Also trap and archery, but that wasn't the topic here.]

In my short time as a member at Mansfield F&G it is mostly deserted. Only two outdoor ranges (50yd and 100yd), but few rules and opportunity to practice defensive tactics makes it a good place to be. Activities are well advertised in advance and only shuts down one of the two ranges.
I just go to a different range. Depending on if I want to shoot pistol or not I have 4 ranges to choose from, I can go inside, upstairs, outside, out back or around the side depending, and I've never seen EVEYTHING full at the MRA. Lordy I love that place...
So what do the rest of you do when the range is full

I just go home and shoot.
doesn't everyone have a 50', 25 yard and 50 yard and shotgun range in their backyard. if it's raining I'll use the 10 meter airgun range inside.

oh right, most of you live in the "civilized world"
give me the boonies anyday.

never had that problem at the MRA. I've had the range I was planning on using shut down for maintenence/classes/functions, in wich case I just go home or use another range.

If it's just crouded, I'll just bum around and shoot the breeze with the other gunnies. if I can't shoot guns, I'll TALK about shooting guns. [smile]


-Weer'd Beard
I'm a member at Quaboag Sportsmans Club in Warren. Cost is $30 for the family and it's almost always nearly deserted. I live so close, I can hear the shooting. When I do-I head up so I got someone to shoot with and shoot the breeze with.
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