Emergency Preamble to be signed Weds?

If any of you have doubts of what I posted, call your favorite gun shop and ask.
Don’t think people doubt you, it’s just today there is too much bullsh!t and not enough facts.

I just got home from an afternoon at the Mill with another purchase and nobody said anything about shutting down tomorrow. Non-roster guns will not be allowed for sale, so get them while you still can.
we're talking about people who last week slipped a provision into the budget bill amending their "perfect" bill to fix the issue they created in chapter 135 in their haste in regard to new training requirements which they suspended. You really think the efa-10 system/site will just vanish tomorrow. These people could forget to have someone do that for decades, it's state government we're talking about. Any the likelihood they remove anything up prior to launching their new system is slim to none. But I concede your point, we will find out shortly. 7 hours and 57 minutes from now to be exact.

That would be interesting if it did get shut down, then you couldn't legally sell or buy anything
If any of you have doubts of what I posted, call your favorite gun shop and ask.
I'll lay off calling shops today and asking questions to let the people actually in the stores in person get the owners attention as opposed to tending to a ringing phone. For stores and those in them the precious time to conduct the business of the day is dwindling down before all plausible deniability is lost and 4473's start listing 10/3/24.

I'm not doubting the name you PM'd me, I'm just curious how/what coordinated effort he speaks of and is connected with.
I'll lay off calling shops today and asking questions to let the people actually in the stores in person get the owners attention as opposed to tending to a ringing phone. For stores and those in them the precious time to conduct the business of the day is dwindling down before all plausible deniability is lost and 4473's start listing 10/3/24.

I'm not doubting the name you PM'd me, I'm just curious how/what coordinated effort he speaks of and is connected with.
@FisherTech imo is pretty accurate but it's not necessarily something that every shop is going to do Etc. I agree that nobody should be calling shops today unless they have business because A. they're probably not going to answer the phone right now (unless they're a boring mcsellnothing shop) and B. they haven't even made decisions about what they're actually going to do after today.

TO: Law Enforcement Agencies, Licensing Authorities, Licensed Firearms Dealers, Firearms
Instructors, LTC and FID holders, and all other Interested Parties
FROM: The Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
DATE: October 2, 2024
RE: An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws

Please be advised that Chapter 135 of the Acts of 2024, An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws,
will become effective on October 2, 2024. Pursuant to the Act, firearms dealers may continue to
sell firearms that are listed on Commonwealth approved rosters, which may be found at the
following link:


Additionally, under the Act and 501 CMR 7.00, dealers may continue to sell shotguns and
rifles so long as they are not otherwise prohibited in Massachusetts, pending further guidance from
the Firearms Control Advisory Board.


Sooooooo do we have til midnight or no more efa10 as of the emergency signing??? Literally supposed to sell an item in a few hours.
Sooooooo do we have til midnight or no more efa10 as of the emergency signing??? Literally supposed to sell an item in a few hours.
Nothing is happening to EFA 10 LOL

ETA: MA based priv sales are basically unaffected by most of this.... except you probably don't want to be selling an FID holder anything semiautomatic.
Nothing is happening to EFA 10 LOL

ETA: MA based priv sales are basically unaffected by most of this.... except you probably don't want to be selling an FID holder anything semiautomatic.
Fineeeeee Full-semi auto only is what I’ll stick to.

TO: Law Enforcement Agencies, Licensing Authorities, Licensed Firearms Dealers, Firearms
Instructors, LTC and FID holders, and all other Interested Parties
FROM: The Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
DATE: October 2, 2024
RE: An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws

Please be advised that Chapter 135 of the Acts of 2024, An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws,
will become effective on October 2, 2024. Pursuant to the Act, firearms dealers may continue to
sell firearms that are listed on Commonwealth approved rosters, which may be found at the
following link:


Additionally, under the Act and 501 CMR 7.00, dealers may continue to sell shotguns and
rifles so long as they are not otherwise prohibited in Massachusetts, pending further guidance from
the Firearms Control Advisory Board.

I read the memorandum 3 times and don't see anything about dealers being able to sell off roster rifles and shotguns.
Not sure if it's been answered/covered...

Because EOPS is "suspending enforcement of the long gun roster", does that mean any long gun/lower possessed on 8/1 can still be transferred?

Seems like a really easy question, but alas...this damn state....
Not sure if it's been answered/covered...

Because EOPS is "suspending enforcement of the long gun roster", does that mean any long gun/lower possessed on 8/1 can still be transferred?

Seems like a really easy question, but alas...this damn state....
It's literally going to depend on what your dealer feels tomorrow.

TO: Law Enforcement Agencies, Licensing Authorities, Licensed Firearms Dealers, Firearms
Instructors, LTC and FID holders, and all other Interested Parties
FROM: The Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
DATE: October 2, 2024
RE: An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws

Please be advised that Chapter 135 of the Acts of 2024, An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws,
will become effective on October 2, 2024. Pursuant to the Act, firearms dealers may continue to
sell firearms that are listed on Commonwealth approved rosters, which may be found at the
following link:


Additionally, under the Act and 501 CMR 7.00, dealers may continue to sell shotguns and
rifles so long as they are not otherwise prohibited in Massachusetts, pending further guidance from
the Firearms Control Advisory Board.

"It's an eMeRgEnCy, but because my government cannot get its ass in gear, I'm just going to ignore the parts that would get me sued. KThanx!"

What an absolute clownshow.
"It's an eMeRgEnCy, but because my government cannot get its ass in gear, I'm just going to ignore the parts that would get me sued. KThanx!"

What an absolute clownshow.
It was obvious this was going to be done.

We actually discussed it today before it was announced.

Stopping all sales without the State having their sh*t in order would have been a great way to get b*tch slapped, like it happened with the training requirements.
It was obvious this was going to be done.

We actually discussed it today before it was announced.

Stopping all sales without the State having their sh*t in order would have been a great way to get b*tch slapped, like it happened with the training requirements.

Yuuuuup. I'm not surprised.

My operating assumption throughout this whole mess has been that this law was mostly a resume builder for MA pols hoping to be on the SJC or in the Harris White House. They ABSOLUTELY do not want to actually use this law to prosecute anyone; they're well aware it's unconstitutional.
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